The Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect is one of the most favorable things you can have in the synastry chart. It indicates strong attraction and compatibility. Imagine your ideal partner—this is what a Sun conjunct descendant synastry relationship is all about.
The descendant is a very personal part of the birth chart. When someone’s personal planets touch it, it is likely to be a significant connection.
The Sun-descendant conjunction is highly meaningful. It is felt more by the descendant person, but the Sun person feels it too. For the descendant person, the Sun person embodies everything they want in a partner. It’s as though they have found their light.
With the Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect, being together is just easy. There’s a natural understanding of each other. The two people are attracted to each other and make each other feel good about themselves. The relationship energizes you and gives life purpose.
The Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect is particularly good if the woman is the descendant person, but it’s excellent either way.
Keep reading to learn more about this synastry aspect!
Sun Conjunct Descendant Synastry: Your Other Half
Planets conjunct the descendant are extremely meaningful in synastry. This is even more true if the planet is conjunct the descendant from the seventh house. Personal planets in the other person’s seventh house are a match made in heaven. In the birth chart, the descendant and the 7th house depict what you want in a partner. An activated 1st house-7th house axis lays the foundation for mutual understanding and attraction. You recognize parts of yourself in the other person.
Read more: the Descendant in Signs
The Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect (same as the Sun opposite ascendant synastry aspect) is one of the best ones to have. Similarly to the ascendant-descendant conjunction, it is one of the most powerful and bonding aspects in synastry. The relationship likely becomes important to both of you and you are willing to invest a lot of effort into maintaining it.
The Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect is an indicator of compatibility. It suggests that there’s an easy flow of energy between you. You see each other like no one else does. You feel that you are wanted for who you are, with all your strengths and flaws. If you have the Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect with someone, you become stronger when together.
The descendant person views the Sun person as their perfect partner, especially after they get to know them a bit better. In the birth chart, your descendant represents what you want in a partner. For the descendant person, the Sun person embodies all these traits. When they meet the Sun person, it’s as though they have met the person they have always dreamt about. In some way, they ‘need’ the Sun person’s energy.
The Sun person feels very loved and wanted by the descendant person. They feel very valued. They are free to express who they are. This connection gives them the space to be themselves—and be appreciated while doing so. The Sun person’s self-confidence is increased and they receive an ego boost. The Sun person tends to be the leader figure in the relationship, which can cause imbalance.

If you have the Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect, you get validation from each other. The relationship is often well-received by your environment as well.
With seventh house placements, there can be a danger of projection. The descendant person might see only the aspects of the Sun person that they want to see. Adjusting to reality can be tricky with the Sun conjunct descendant in synastry because the Sun’s shine can ‘blind’ you.
Integrating the energy of the sign where the conjunction takes place is extremely important here. In addition, the Sun person can activate the insecurities of the descendant person, and to a lesser extent, vice versa. If you haven’t integrated your charts properly, the Sun person might be too self-centered.
Overall, the Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect is excellent for all types of relationships, including but not limited to romantic relationships and marriage. It is really good for long-term connections.
It’s important to keep in mind that one excellent synastry aspect won’t make the relationship—but good Sun-DSC aspects definitely help.
Meaning of the Sun in Astrology
The Sun is really important in astrology. It represents who you really are. The Sun is linked with your sense of self, your ego, energy, vitality, and creativity. The Sun is your self-confidence and self-expression. In the birth chart, the Sun’s position reveals where and how you get your energy.
As a fast-moving celestial body, everything is important about the Sun in the chart. Its house, sign and aspects are key to understanding the chart owner. The Sun is highly meaningful in synastry as well.
The Sun is the ruling planet of Leo. They are both proud, energetic, creative, active.
The Descendant in Astrology
The descendant is a very important point in the chart. It is highly important, as it changes a degree every four minutes (approximately). To calculate your descendant, you have to know your exact time of birth. It is the point that was descending on the western horizon.
The descendant is the cusp of the seventh house or falls in the seventh house, depending on the house system you use. In short, the descendant represents the other. It reveals the qualities you don’t find in yourself and seek in others (some people feel that they can’t find this energy in themselves—but if you keep looking, it’s there!). Other people help you integrate the energy of your descendant.
The descendant also represents qualities you project onto others. In some way, it can be unexplored territory. The descendant is in the shadow. It’s easy to lose track of the planets and sign here. We tend to recognize these energies in other people rather than in ourselves.
This point is directly opposite the ascendant. Your descendant sign is always the sign opposite your rising sign.
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