Have you ever wished you could avoid people who are bad for you? Did you experience relationship that no matter what you did, didn’t work out?
Luckily, astrology has got you covered. Synastry is an incredibly useful tool for assessing the potential of a relationship. It gives a whole new level of insight. There are some connections that feel very fated, but they are not necessarily good for you. In this article, you can learn which are the worst synastry aspects in astrology. While one or two of these can be overridden by loving and harmonious aspects, it is great to be aware of these challenges.
Not all planets carry the same weight in synastry. There are a few planets which are more sensitive than others. Conflicts between these can lead to pain and quarrels in the relationship.
Generally, Mars, Saturn, Pluto are considered the most malefic planets in astrology. When it comes to the aspects, the square brings the most tension. The opposition and the quinxunc are also challenging, but the square hits the hardest. Squares between malefic planets―a recipe for disaster. The semisquare (45 degrees) and the sesquisquare (135 degrees) are irritating too. The orb for these last two aspects has to be tighter, up to 2-3 degrees.
As always, it is crucial to analyze everything in context. No aspect can make or break the relationship on its own, and it is also important that we all have free will and the outcome depends on your level of maturity. Actually, synastry aspects don’t do anything. They just describe how you perceive each other and the highest possibilities. It is humans who have feelings, drives, urges, and act on them. There are other important things in synastry, such as planets in house overlay and midpoints which reveal more insight. Always read the whole chart!
Worst Synastry Aspects
Synastry is perhaps one of the most useful astrological techniques. It compares the birth charts of two people, and based on the interactions between their charts, you can get an idea about the possibilities how the relationship is likely to play out. There are some wonderful aspects which promote love, respect, understanding, but there are some aspects you want to avoid. The worst synastry aspects are not pleasant to experience.
Again, a single aspect won’t ruin the relationship. If the synastry chart is otherwise harmonious and supportive, you can definitely overcome the challenge of the worst synastry aspects. If both people want to grow and improve themselves, the synastry chart can point out what behavior causes pain to the other person, and how this issue can be solved. The level of maturity of both people is very important to take into consideration.
Some challenging aspects can be actually good for the development of the relationship. It can make you stronger as a couple. By overcoming these hardships, you can evolve together and form a deeper bond. However, too many challenging aspects with little supportive energy can easily lead to bad romance.
It is also important to mention that the aspects in this article are described on their own, without taking into consideration crucial factors like the signs. You have to pay attention to everything. The zodiac signs where the planets are placed modify how the planetary energies play out to a great extent. Planets in good dignity become stronger, and the opposite is also true. In a sign where they are in fall or detriment, their influence is weaker. For example, a Mars in Aries is much more powerful than a Mars in Libra.
If the planets form a planetary configuration, such as a grand trine, this is also important to. With that said, here are some of the worst synastry aspects in astrology!

Worst Aspects in Synastry: Venus Square Saturn
Venus is one of the most important planets for romantic compatibility in astrology. It is the planet of affection, romance, love. Saturn, on the other hand, has a completely different energy. The square between them is one of the worst synastry aspects, the Venus person can feel frozen and misunderstood. They feel like a flower which has to bloom on ice. Unless there are other aspects that support and nurture it, it can’t thrive without the resources Saturn blocks in this case. Venus square Saturn is perhaps the worst synastry aspect for compatibility.
In general, Saturn is not an easy planet. With harmonious aspects, it can bring longevity to the relationship, but it is very often challeging. Its restricting influence is often not visible in the beginning. It requires time, but as time passes, you can usually feel its influence more and more.
When Saturn touches such a sensitive planet as Venus, it freezes it. Venus is restricted from expressing affection and its lighthearted, pleasant nature takes on gloomy undertones. The conjunction, square, quincunx also have a similar effect. These belong to the worst and most painful aspects in synastry.
Moon in Conflict with Saturn: Worst Synastry Aspects
This is another painful synastry aspect in astrology. The Moon is one of the most important planets to look to. It is a very sensitive, unconscious part of you. The Moon shows your emotions, needs, nurturing style. Hard aspects between the Moon and Saturn are among the worst synastry aspects in astrology.
With the Moon square the other person’s Saturn, the Moon person crave s warmth and support from the Saturn person, but they are unable to get it. This is a very painful aspect in synastry. The Moon person feels that they are unwanted and abandoned. Sooner or later, they often distance themselves from the Saturn person. At the same time, the Saturn person often feels completely different about this relationship. It can happen that the Saturn person is very fond of the Moon person. However, the Moon person is simply unable to get this love. Saturn is the planet of cold and restrictions, and this infuses the relationship with frost and a lack of emotional connection. The opposition between these two planets is of similar nature.
If one person’s Moon is conjunct the other person’s Saturn in the synastry chart, there is simply no connection between them.
It is important to mention that the trine and the sextile are of completely different nature. These aspects can actually support the relationship. They indicate a sense of familiarity and security. The Saturn person makes the Moon person feel safe and stable.
Worst Synastry Aspects in Astrology: Mercury Square Mars
Mercury square Mars is a fiery and explosive aspect. It can easily count as one of the worst synastry aspects in astrology. With this square, quarrels and arguments are likely to occur. The way the Mercury person communicates can frustrate the Mars person, even though this is not the intention of the Mercury person. There is a tendency to react aggressively. This is one of the aspects for arguing all the time. If there are some other, supportive aspects in the synastry chart, you can still find balance, but nevertheless, this is a challenging aspect. Don’t forget about how competitive Mars is. Hard Mercury Mars aspects in synastry can suggest power struggles and combativeness in the relationship. In the long run, this can hurt you.
Mars in Conflict With Pluto: Challeging Synastry Aspects
Mars and Pluto both have a violent, dark side. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, a thousand times more intense. It is ruthless and cruel, and it is not easy to use Pluto well. It requires maturity, self-reflection, inner balance. Do you and your partner have this? If you do, it doesn’t have to be bad, but it is wise to be careful when these aspects come up.
This square is one of the worst synastry aspects. It is interesting to study, but it is very intensive to experience first hand. It is one of the worst synastry aspects in astrology.
One of the synonyms of Pluto is power struggle. This aspect brings a lot of power struggles into the relationship. It can provoke behavior otherwise not characteristic of you. Jealousy, possessiveness, obsessive desire for control are all likely. This is an extremely intense, carnal relationship which affects your deepest parts. It can bring to the surface things you never thought were there (of the challenging kind). At worst, friction between these planets can indicate the possibility of violence in the relationship. These aspects can have a straightforward destructive flavor. They are among the worst synastry aspects. It is also important where Pluto falls in the natal chart of the Pluto person. If it the chart suggests that this person lacks self-reflection and they are immature, it can be better to avoid this relationship.
In a romantic context, Mars in contact with Pluto emphasizes the physical side of the relationship. Sex is very intense, especially in the beginning. However, it can become too violent and contain power struggles. As one of the worst synastry aspects, it’s the best to avoid it.
If you want to learn more about why this square is so challenging, check out this article.
Hard Mercury-Mercury Aspects
Even though it is not a planet of emotional nature in astrology, Mercury is super important in synastry. It governs your thinking process, communication style, sense of humor among other things. We all can agree that these are very important in a relationship. In the long run, poor communication can destroy any relationship. How you get along depends on Mercury in the synastry chart. If there are other supportive aspects between your planets, different Mercuries can make the relationship interesting. You are able to show each other a new way of thinking and new attitude to solving problems. Harmonious aspects suggest that you think in a similar way. Your sense of humor is probably similar, and you have a lot of fun together.
Challenging Mercury-Mercury aspects are perhaps not the worst synastry aspects in astrology, but they can make it harder for the relationship to work out. Mercury conflicts suggest misunderstanding and frustration. These include the square, the opposition, the semisquare, the quincunx.
Mars and Saturn in Synastry
Conflict between Mars and Saturn can be one of the worst synastry aspects in astrology. These planets are not easy. They can hurt you a lot. Mars and Saturn are of very different nature: Mars is hot-headed and impulsive, while Saturn is cold and slow. When there is some friction between these two planets in astrology, you likely have completely different expectations. These aspects are often accompanied by competition and resentment. Hard aspects between Mars and Saturn belong to the worst synastry aspects. If you can, it is better to avoid them.
The square is definitely one of the worst synastry aspects. The intensity is overwhelming and hard to handle.
Mars Square Mars: Synastry Red Flag
This aspect is absolutely one of the worst synastry aspects.You probably already know how impulsive Mars is. When there is a conflict between your Mars and your partner’s Mars in synastry, it raises a serious concern. The square can indicate conflicts and fights, even on a physical level. This aspect indicates a possibility for violence and abuse.
Mars square the other person’s ascendant suggests a somewhat similar dynamics in the relationship.
Sun in the Worst Synastry Aspects: Ego Clashes
Let’s talk about the role of the Sun in astrology. The Sun’s importance cannot be overestimated. This luminary represents your ego, will, self, identity. It is the core part of who you are.
What happens if there is conflict between your Sun and your partner’s Sun in synastry?
These aspects might seem less aggressive than the previous ones, and they indeed are, but the Sun square Sun and Sun square opposition can bring plenty of challenges. These aspects indicate that you see yourself completely differently and you have different goals and ambitions.
Conflicts between the luminaries often become more important later, when the initial gloss and excitement wear off. You start to realize that there are significant differences, and your plans are not necessarily compatible.
Malefic Planets in Aspect to the Sun: Some More Worst Synastry Aspects
Malefic planets include Mars, Saturn, and the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) often have a malefic influence in astrology too. These planets in hard aspect to personal planets count as the worst synastry aspects.
Saturn has a restrictive influence. The Sun person often feels that their joy is annoying to the Saturn person. They feel that they cannot express themselves and just be happy, because the Saturn person jumps in in no time and destroys the fun. This can be painful to the Sun person, and in the long run, unless the Saturn person realizes this tendency and makes conscious effort to change their behavior, the Sun person can leave.
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