There is something unique in all of us. We do some things differently than others. Sometimes you just feel the need to turn left when everyone turns right and marsh to the beat of your own drum. That drum is what Uranus in astrology is all about.
The position of Uranus in the natal chart shows in which life areas you want to rebel and choose a different path than the rest of your peers. Uranus in astrology represents originality and uniqueness. But as always, it’s meaning of Uranus in astrology is complex and fascinating.
Get ready to dig deep into the world of Uranus!
Some Facts About the Planet Uranus
Uranus is unusual in every way. Let’s begin with the story of its discovery.
You would expect that a new planet should be discovered by a renowned astronomer at the end of their career, right? Well, this is not the case with Uranus. An amateur astronomer, Sir William Herschel discovered it in 1781. This is the symbol of Uranus in astrology: ♅. It looks like the letter H, for its discoverer.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the first one of the so-called outer planets. Being so far from us, it’s in use only in modern astrology, and it is the planetary ruler of the sign Aquarius. Before the discovery of Uranus, astrologers considered Saturn to be the ruling planet of Aquarius.
Uranus has an orbit of 80 years. Not a quick moving planet, right? It stays in each zodiac sign for about seven years. Because large groups of people share the same Uranus sign, it is called a transgenerational planet, which means that it’s position in signs affects society as a whole rather than an individual person. (Of course, its house and aspects in the chart are still important.)
Uranus is an ice giant, and it has a nice blue color, as you can see in the following picture:

This planet got its name after the god of sea in Greek mythology, Uranus. Here’s a bonus fun fact about Uranus: it has 27 moons, and all of them are named after after Shakespearean characters.
Uranus Keywords in Astrology
Here’s a list of the main keywords for Uranus in astrology:
- brilliance
- inventions
- originality
- humanitarianism
- science
- technology
- electricity
- rebellion
- sudden changes
- earthquakes and natural disasters
- freedom
- independence
In the natal chart, Uranus shows the life areas where you tend to play by your own rules instead of going with what is expected of you. In this life area, you question the status quo and this is where you rebel.
The keywords of Uranus in astrology can be applied to the matters of the house where this planet is placed in your birth chart: for example, if you have your Uranus in the seventh house, freedom and independence are important to you in committed relationships.
What Does Uranus Mean in Astrology?
When dealing with Uranus in astrology, always expect the unexpected. This planet is famous for its eccentricity, revolutionary aspirations and sudden changes.
Uranus in astrology is similar to the mad scientist. It’s both the Genius and the Fool.
Both Uranus and Aquarius, the sign ruled by Uranus are associated with intelligence, inventions and new ideas. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury in astrology. In the human body, it governs the brain. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that a prominent Uranus suggests a very smart person, especially if it aspects Mercury or the Sun in the natal chart.
The planet Uranus is literally eccentric. Its axis of rotation is tilted nearly horizontal, in the plane of its solar orbit. And Uranus is an eccentric planet in astrology. It always does the opposite of what the other planets are doing. Breaking the rules is in its blood.
This planet rules uniqueness, individuality and originality. It’s about dying your hair purple when your parents want you to keep it brown. Uranus is the planet of rebellion. It is the planet of rebellion on the level of the society, too. Uranus in astrology governs revolutions, fighting for social justice and independence.
Uranus also governs even natural disasters like earthquakes.
Humanitarianism and utopian ideals are another important keywords of Uranus in astrology. Sometimes labeled as someone who loves humanity but doesn’t like people, Aquarians want the world to be a better place, even if they personally don’t like to be around others.
This planet is oriented on the future. Uranus in astrology is all about innovation and new technologies. It loves everything modern.
Another thing you have to mention when talking about Uranus and Aquarius are groups. Organizations and groups based on a common interest all belong to them. They rule the eleventh house of the natal chart.
Keywords of Uranus in Astrology: the Awakener
Sometimes things are going well, sometimes they aren’t. Often, life is a still water, and day passes after day without anything happening. And then, Uranus kicks in. Your world turns upside down.
Uranus is the planet of sudden changes. You don’t expect anything to happen, and then suddenly the window opens and fresh air comes in. That’s Uranus. Even though changes are not always positive, they shake things up. And it’s up to you to create a better choice afterwards.
This planet loves to shock. People who have a prominent Uranus in their charts can be quite shocking, if this planet is afflicted, the person comes across shocking, too.
Uranus is a planet passionate about the future, and it wants to destroy the old and suffocating traditions. It is oriented on the future and making things differently. However, when dealing with Uranus in astrology, it’s important to keep in mind that when you destruct the old, you have to replace it with something better.
Uranus in Astrology: The Road Less Traveled
A prominent Uranus signifies that you want to carve out your own life instead of following the conventional path. This planet is all about being who you are, even if is frowned upon or if no one supports you. With an emphasized Uranus or Aquarius, a person wants to find their own unique life that fits them.
Don’t forget that Uranus is associated with individuality. Aquarius is a detached air sign, and if Uranus is prominent in your chart, you probably need a lot of freedom and solitude.
Its influence grants intelligence and an original mind. This might be the reason why Uranus can’t help but see the anomalies of a group or a society. This planet is known as the Rebel. People born with a strong Uranus fight for fair world. Uranus and Aquarius are associated with democracy, too. The discovery of Uranus aligns with the French Revolution, the beginning of a new area. Freedom, equality and fraternity could be the slogan of Uranus in astrology, too.
The unique point of view of Uranus in astrology helps you notice new opportunities or look at the old scenery with fresh eyes. Inventors and scientists often have Uranus and Aquarius emphasized in their charts. If it is well-aspected in your natal chart, Uranus gifts you with brilliant ideas and being ahead of your time. The key here is to find the balance between being true to yourself and respecting traditions.
If Uranus is afflicted in a birth chart, the person finds it hard to fit it. It’s a challenge to accept the rules of society, or at least learn how you can bend them so that you can be who you are but live with others at the same time.
Uranus in the Natal Chart
Uranus spends several years in the same zodiac sign, thus large groups of people share the same Uranus sign. Its effect in signs is more visible on a generational level rather than on a personal.
The position of Uranus by houses have more influence over you. The house Uranus is located in the natal chart shows where you are unusual and where you tend to break the rules.
For example, Uranus in the first house or close to the ascendant gives a unique and unusual physical appearance.
You can also experience sudden changes in the corresponding life areas. They occur unexpectedly, and your best bet is to just go with the flow and accept it.
For example, Uranus in the second house suggests that your financial life goes through ups and downs all the time.
When analyzing Uranus in the natal chart, you also have to pay attention to the aspects it makes with the rest of the birth chart. Aspects with personal planets are more important as they affect you as an individual.
The aspects of Uranus with the outer planets are present in the charts of all people born during a certain period. For example, if you use an orb of nine degrees, the Uranus-Neptune conjunction can be found in the charts of everyone born between 1988 and 1998! This aspect occurs every 171 years.
Aspects to personal planets have more of an actual effect on your personality. For example, Uranus in aspect with Mercury shows a very smart person (harmonious and disharmonious aspects both). Because Mercury moves very fast, these aspects last only for a few days.
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