“Only after disaster can we be resurrected.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
Pluto is far, far away from us. Being so distant and in the shadow, Pluto in astrology represents the darkest aspects of human existence and its world is definitely not for the faint-hearted. No matter how much we want to believe the opposite, life is not only fun and sunshine. There are many painful experiences each of us have to go through.
Pluto is one of the most feared planets, as its destructive power is one of its kind. Even though it’s considered a dwarf planet, Pluto is the most intense planet in astrology. It is a challenge to work with it constructively, but it is possible, however.
Some Facts About the Planet Pluto
Astronomically speaking, Pluto is a dwarf planet, made of rock and ice. But don’t let its small size fool you, Pluto is a very powerful object in astrology. However, it was discovered only in 1930. This period aligns with the rise of dictatorships and experiments with nuclear power.
Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld. The story of this name, is quite unusual, an eleven-years old girl suggested to name the planet Pluto. Pluto in astrology governs all things hidden under the surface.
Pluto rules the zodiac sign Scorpio. Before its discovery, astrologers considered Mars to be the planetary ruler of Scorpio. Nowadays, Mars is its co-ruler, and Pluto in astrology represents its higher octave. Pluto is in detriment in Taurus, the sign of exaltation and fall hasn’t been determined yet. Pluto is the natural ruler of the eighth house in astrology. Traditional astrology doesn’t use Pluto.
As the furthest planet from the Sun, Pluto has an orbit of 248 years. This is a very long time, approximately 3 human lifetimes! It spends a lot of years in each zodiac sign, from 10-12 up to 27 years. Because of this, its position by sign affects whole generations rather than individuals.
Keywords of Pluto in Astrology
These are the main life areas associated with Pluto in astrology:
- transformation
- intensity
- sex
- death
- psychology
- everything under the surface
- the money of other people
- seduction
- obsession
- death
- birth.
The most important thing associated with Pluto is transformation. If you remember one thing from reading about Pluto in astrology, it should be this.
The Lessons of Pluto in Astrology: What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger
Meeting Pluto is a very painful experience. If often happens quickly, an intense and powerful event that suddenly changes who you are. Plutonian experiences can be even violent and traumatic. Because of its intensity, Pluto has the power to do great destruction.
Pluto’s role is to transform what doesn’t function anymore.
Pluto in astrology governs transformation on all levels. First of all, it’s the ruler of life and death—named after the god of the underworld this is not surprising, right? All processes where you go from one realm of existence to the other belong to Pluto. Think about how strange our world is to a baby who has just arrived. It’s similar when it comes to death, we have to go back where we came from, but it seems scary and uncertain.
Pluto, however, governs transformation on a more complex level. As the planet of digging under the surface, it wants you to get rid of all destructive mechanisms you acquired throughout your life. Pluto rules psychotherapy in astrology. Going to therapy is one of the best ways to find out what isn’t working and replace it with a healthier behavioral pattern.
The alchemy of the human psyche is what Pluto in astrology is all about. Plutonian experiences lead to you to reconsider everything you knew about life to be true. When your world turns upside down, it’s hard to keep your faith. The events of Pluto are most of the time very painful, and Pluto adds intensity to everything it touches. Plutonian events can be straightforward brutal, including violence rape or death. The energies of Pluto are destructive, making space for a new and more capable entity to be born.
The Art of Letting Go
Humans like what they got used to and we strive for permanency. We hold on to what we love (or at least find comfortable). However, in this world, nothing stays the same. Change is inevitably here, no matter if you are talking about a relationship, work environment or the physical body. The circle of birth-growth-stagnation-declination-death goes on and repeats itself in every aspect of life.
We feel deep down there when is something over. You know when the time has come to end a relationship or shred your old self. Pluto knows this, too, and wants to help you when you need a little push.
Very often, when you experience a recurring pattern in your life which you don’t like, such as meeting the same type of guys again and again, while no one normal appears in your life, chances are there is a hidden issue, for example, you don’t love or respect yourself enough.
It’s Pluto’s role in astrology to help you overcome the destructive mechanisms and build a new approach. It asks you to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Pluto reveals and cuts off the dead parts. This process is often painful, however. Your best bet is to let go voluntarily. The more you are willing to cooperate, the less push you’ll need.
Rebirth and Moving on to the Next Level
The position of Pluto in the natal chart shows where your soul craves change. Its house suggests which life areas can help your personality to level up.
Pluto in astrology is the ruler of life and death. It govern all major transitions, from the cradle to the grave. It is also the planet of near-death experiences. The majority of people who nearly lost their life tell that after this experience, they changed their life completely, and it made them realize what their values are, which led them to living their own life instead of living up to the expectations of others.
Pluto is the planet of rebirth on a spiritual level, too.
The Dark Side of Pluto in Astrology
There are planets that are considered ‘good’ and there are planets considered ‘bad’. Their true quality lies on how you use them. Even a beneficial planet like Venus can hurt you if you don’t use it constructively.
The dark side of Pluto in astrology is more direct. If you don’t learn how to use its energies properly, you can harm both yourself and people around you.
The negative expression of Pluto includes hunger for power, cruelty, control issues and in general a destructive attitude. Pluto governs obsession and mania, the ultimate source of revenge and hate. Its position in the natal chart shows in which life areas can you expect Pluto’s energies to kick in.
Pluto, Your Very Own Powerhouse
There are things that are not easy to curb—Pluto in astrology is definitely one of them. Nuclear energy is an excellent way to understand Pluto (and it is ruled by this planet, so you see how connected they are). Nuclear energy is very powerful, but very dangerous at the same time. If it falls into the wrong hands, it means ultimate destruction. The same is true for Pluto. It is a small planet, but extremely intense.
Pluto shows the power that needs to be unlocked. You don’t know it’s there until you have to utilize all your resources to cope with a situation. All of us have to face hardships at some point in our lives. Each of us have our own challenges, for one person, finances are the problem, for another one health, for the third relationships, we all have our demons.
But you can’t give in. We continue even you don’t know how, but you find the strength to keep on keeping on. In the end, you reach the next level and come out much so stronger, you didn’t even know you are that you are able to withstand such test of strength until you had to.
Pluto is the energy you didn’t know was there, when you are forced to realize how strong you are.
Meaning of Pluto in the Natal Chart
The position of Pluto by signs is shared by large groups of people. Since it stays in the same sign for 10-20 years, its effect is more visible in the world and society than in your personal life.
The position of Pluto by houses, however, is a different thing. The location of Pluto in the natal chart shows where and how you find the deepest transformation. It also suggests the life areas where you seek power.
If Pluto touches personal points in your birth chart, this planet is even more important for you, and you would benefit from learning more about how it works. Pluto represents the highest you can ascend and the lowest you can descend.
Hello, I have Pluto a 29° of Leo in the eighth house. It is square my Saturn 27° in Scorpio. I have an intense desire to understand both. I am a 63-year-old female who has accomplished things that people could never do. I don’t know if you can recommend an astrologer who can help me focus on what it means on the deepest level. I would just love it! Thank you so much for your time this website is fascinating I enjoyed it immensely. Karen
Pluto in the 8th must be a real powerhouse for you! It’s interesting, because 29° of Leo is the degree of the fixed star Regulus. Recommending an astrologer is a bit tricky, I think it’s important to choose a person whose energy you like. This is different for all of us, so I cannot really help with this unfortunately. Thank you for your kind words! 🙂
I am a plutonian. I have natal Pluto in precise conjunct IC in Scorpio and trine with Sun in Pisces. Please, can you write a page about “natal Pluto conjunct IC”? Does it make all those plutonian qualities even stronger? What does it mean?
Your web with astrology explanations is just amazing!
Many thanks!
Jan K.
Hi Jan, thanks for commenting!
Pluto on the IC tends to manifest in your private/family life in the first place. I recommend you check out the articles about Pluto in the fourth house (maybe also Pluto in the third). Yes, planets conjunct the angles become stronger.
I loved this article! Thank you! I have Pluto and the moon in my first house of scorpio with libra ascendant and scorpio moon
Hi! Thanks for the lovely article.
I have Pluto near-exact conjunct moon in the 12th! Good times!
They are both square a lovely sun-Ceres-Mercury conjunction in the 3rd (and share the 12th with near-exact conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter).
With Mars in Libra in the first near-exact opposite Saturn in Aries in the seventh, now that I’m in my fifties can I finally have nice things?
Pretty sure the 12th is legit the house of self-sacrifice (self-undoing is kinda bs imao), and to sacrifice is literally “to make sacred”. The Hanged Man and Christ are my main bros (though Christ had it soo easy tbh).
The first (of many) near-death experiences was when I just ripped out the umbilical cord while I was still in the womb, like Hell no not going into that family. Weirdly, my life was saved and Hell is the goddess of transformation. So here we are.
Totally love how Pluto just keeps going over the same old territory, backwards and forwards for years. The lovely planetoid has just done it’s last retrograde over my IC so maybe now I can get some safe, comfortable housing finally?
I’m hoping to bring my extraordinary talents to light, as I certainly have a strong vision for the world we can create going forward. I think I’m getting some insane master class on being a planetary healer (also ancestry, lineages, essentially all I encounter), so there it is.
Thank you again for the smart stuff. Sometimes I just need to vent a bit about what has seemed to be a pretty frustrating chart (sideyes Pluto, which feels mean because Pluto is small and far from the sun and had some birth ‘defects’, if I recall mythology correctly) so thanks for the comment space. Letting off steam a bit at a time precludes volcanoes.
Thanks for this article! I have Pluto conjunct my ascendant at 29 degrees in Libra. I’ve experienced many transformations in my life. I’m currently experiencing my natal Pluto squaring transiting Saturn and Jupiter on my IC for over a year. I lost my home, my job and my cats. I’m glad I have some understanding of Pluto and astrology during this time. It’s been difficult to let go, but I understand that Pluto first destroys and then rebuilds, so I’m excited for the rebuilding!
I wish you all the best!
Thank you! Much Love:)
Thank you so much, this article has brought light into my life. I am Gemini, ascendant in Leo, my moon in Taurus also born with Pluto and Jupiter in House 1 in Virgo. Any other details you could add without seeing my birth chart will be greatly appreciated.
I have to correct you on Pluto in regards to its length of time in any sign, it spends the least time in Scorpio (roughly 12-13 years) and the most time in Taurus (30-31 years) due to Pluto’s highly eliptical orbit. It is currently on its slow down cycle, it will be in Aquarius for roughly 22 years and then Pisces for about 25 years after that.
I have natal Pluto in my 12th house and have been in recovery from issues and suffer from PTSD from a car accident as a child. I now realize that I had to let go of many self destructive tendencies in my lifetime.. I also have Mars, Venus and Saturn natal in the 1st house. Any suggestions on these placements?
I love your website! So informative and really well done. I can’t find an article on Pluto in Scorpio though. Is there one and I’m just missing it?
Hi Sam, there isn’t yet but we plan to cover it in the future.
Hello! I have pluto in 5th house scorpio with rahu. What does it mean? (Pluto 4 degrees) thnk you
Hi, here are the articles about Pluto and Rahu: Pluto in 5th NN in 5th NN in Scorpio 🙂
Hi Stargazer. I have a major Pluto transit coming up. I have had Pluto opposite Mercury then opposite Venus. These were really hard and now my natal Sun Uranus conjunction is about to be opposed by Pluto (Chiron is opposite Sun as well so will get the conjunction). I feel nervous about what this might bring. Do you have any thoughts/advice?
Hi .. Good article . You’re spot on I’m Sun , Mercury conjunct Pluto all in Virgo and I’m just starting to learn to harness this power ..: Any pointers would be greatly appreciated:) .
I don’t know what to say. I am a Scorpio with Pluto, the moon in Taurus, and the cap ascendant, and I can really relate to it all, as Pluto was also in the cap and moving to Aquarius in my fourth house. I had experienced more than once different levels of mental crisis, an abusive and awful childhood, and now my life is only getting better but with different challenges that never ended but changed me to see and detach, and recently since COVID I’ve been detached and I don’t feel almost like a robot after the last mental crisis I had and am still slowly recovering. I share this because I want you to know it’s fine, even if you think you might go crazy, but you won’t. You are only expressing what has been built up in order to be healed. Love brings anything unlike itself to the surface to be healed. And so far, Scorp and Cap have been traumatic and have made me realise what I needed to improve on and what I needed to change in the harshest way. Everything with Pluto has felt deeply negative or positive. I only see myself in black and white and don’t do well in grey. There is a saying that your destiny is in the stars, and it’s true because now Pluto is moving into my 4th house to change my family, my relationships, and the place that I can finally call home.
It is very enlightening and valuable to read about Pluto. I have Pluto in Leo in my 1st house conjunct Saturn. Such is the case for me. I am 75 and did survive a difficult childhood, not terrible but little love or affection. I lost my dad in the divorce, etc. Since then, I have not found anyone in my life that I could love. I have tried but only manage narcissistic men who take advantage of me. I know this is part of a wound that will not heal yet I find I am unable to find a way to heal it. Chiron plays a part in this on my descendant in Libra. However, I am a Gemini, in the 11th conjunct Uranus in the 12th so I write and meditate. I do hope that my writing may help others at some point. I have learned a great deal from this website. Thank you.
It is only in the last year or so that I am learning the significance of Pluto. I have Pluto in the 5th, sandwiched 5 degrees away between my moon and my sun. Definitely have had some major life transformations. Curious to see what Pluto in Aquarius (trine my Libra Pluto) brings. Any articles on Pluto aspects (specifically Pluto conjunct sun/moon in my case!)
Hello. I just want to say the Pluto in the 4th house I read earlier is spot on for me, unfortunately. I also have the Moon in Scorpio which you mentioned. The 4th house represents my mother. You are right about rejecting one’s heritage and ethnicity, I have done that. My mother was an Aquarius, so her Sun conjuncts my Midheaven. My mother was manipulative, violent, domineering and unpleasant. I just can’t win. I am male.
However, I have got past my childhood which wasn’t good, so no worries as we say in Australia. I was born in Malta, Sunday Oct 19, 1952 at 19:03, I have Gemini Asc.
Ja mam Plutona w 11 domu 2”30 w strzelcu
The powerhouse of the solar system and astrology is the SUN, not tiny Pluto which its influence has honestly has become so exaggerated.
It’s incredible to me that Pluto supposedly has so much “power” but meanwhile the other dwarf planets: Makemake, Eris, Haumea, and Ceres (which is even closer than Pluto) are completely ignored by modern astrologers.
The Sun is the one with the power to create or destroy as stars are the makers and breakers of the solar system and even tiny, distant Pluto still revolves around the Sun.