Neptune in the planet of fairy tales. All things fantastic and mystical belong to Neptune in astrology.
But where is the thin line between healthy daydreaming and escapism?
How to let yourself immerse in the world of fantasy without getting lost forever?
Neptune in the natal chart shows how you seek spiritual development, but also where you are prone to illusions.
Some Facts About the Planet Neptune in Astrology
Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, both an ice and a gas giant. Being so far away, it was discovered only in 1846. It got its name after Neptunus, the Roman god of the sea, who is the equivalent of the Greek Poseidon. The glyph of Neptune in astrology is the simplified trident of Neptune: ♆. (The funny thing is, if you look at the symbol better, it can also be an aerial for receiving signals of divine inspiration).
Neptune has a beautiful blue color, as you can see in the following picture.

As an outer planet, Neptune is not a quick planet in astrology. It’s orbit is 165 years, which is approximately two human lifetimes! It takes a lot of time for Neptune to finish a circle around the Sun. This also means that Neptune stays in the same zodiac sign for years, approximately 10-12, and large groups of people share the same Neptune sign. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are also called transgenerational planets, because their effect is more pronounced on the level of society.
Neptune is associated with the zodiac sign Pisces in astrology. The Fish tackle similar matters as Neptune, which is why Neptune is its ruling planet. Pisces and Neptune are the natural sign and ruler of the twelfth house in the natal chart, one of the most scary and fascinating houses at the same time.
Neptune is in detriment in the sign of Virgo, exalted in Cancer and in fall in Capricorn, the sign of Saturn in astrology. (Some astrologers consider Leo to be the sign of exaltation, this is not fully established yet, as it takes a lot of time to determine how a planet works in a sign.)
All the outer planets are connected to an inner planet. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Neptune represents divine inspiration and unconditional love. It is similar to Venus, but Venus is about connecting and loving on a personal level, while Neptune is about divine compassion.
Keywords of Neptune in Astrology
The following are all governed by Neptune in astrology:
- dreams
- illusion
- fantasy
- inspiration
- addiction
- the sea and the ocean
- fog
- mystery
- spirituality
- unconditional love.
Neptune works in a slow and subtle way. It’s energy is passive or feminine, you could imagine this planet as the archetype of the fairy.
What Does Neptune Mean in Astrology?
There are many things associated with Neptune in astrology. As the natural ruler of the twelfth house, it’s no surprise that this planet is mystical and somewhat hard to understand from our mundane world. You just have to accept this haziness, and accept that there will always remain some unknown parts here.
Neptune is the planet of divine inspiration. It’s the muse you are waiting for to bless your work. If this planet is emphasized in your chart, you probably have some form of artistic talent. The twelfth house, Pisces and Neptune are all important when talking about the arts, because they are the source of great ideas and inspiration.
The element water is known as creative and emotional in astrology. Pisces, the sign Neptune rules is a water sign by element, and if it is emphasized in your chart, it gifts you with extreme intuition.
Mystical Neptune is an endless source of creativity which you can tap into. Neptune and Pisces represent a fantasy world full of magic that you can bring over into this world and transform into a piece of art.
Music is traditionally associated with Neptune in astrology. This planet is the higher octave of Venus, and adds its magic to the world of music. Neptune also governs acting, which is actually a form of illusion. It recreates a scene that doesn’t exist in the real world. Theater, movies and television are all ruled by Neptune in astrology.
This planet is also prominent in the charts of poets. Neptune in aspect with Mercury is a frequent indicator of literary talent.
The Planet of Dreams and Dolphins
Named after the god of the sea, it’s a no surprise that Neptune governs all maritime matters in astrology. Ships, fisherman, the navy and all professions connected to the sea or water are ruled by Neptune in astrology. It is the planet of the sea, the ocean, all waters and animals who live in water. Neptune’s favorite animals are dolphins.

But Neptune doesn’t stop there, it rules all liquids. Both petrol and alcohol belong to it. Neptune also governs drugs and anesthetics. Everything that leads to a different state of mind or is the entry to a different world is ruled by Neptune in astrology.
Through sleep we reconnect with the divine on a daily basis. Sleeping and dreams are Neptune’s domain, too. Dreams are often a source of inspiration and many of the best ideas come when you are asleep. In the realm of Neptune, logical thinking is turned off, and intuition steps on the stage.
However, Neptune is hazy and confuse at the same time. It’s easy to get lost here, and you can never know if you will manage to find the way out.
Under the Surface and the Search for the Ethereal
The twelfth house is the house of all things hidden. And Neptune has a tendency to get lost, too.
The negative side of Neptune is escapism. It’s easier to flee away from your problems than to look them in the face and do something about it. From time to time, it doesn’t matter if you postpone solving them if you later come back and face reality.
However, Neptune tends to enchant you so much that you don’t find the way back.
Neptune is the planet of addictions. This includes everything from alcohol through drugs to too much daydreaming—you just feel deep down there how much is too much. Avoiding problems leads to more trouble, no matter how sweet the sound of the sirens is.
There are no clear boundaries in the world of Neptune. You are free to walk from the realm of the conscious into the unconscious and vice versa. This helps ideas to flow smoothly. Neptune also governs the collective unconscious, the undercurrents that affect all of us.
An emphasized twelfth house, Pisces or Neptune suggests that the person is very sensitive. It gives very strong intuition, sometimes even psychic abilities. People with prominent placements here simply know what is going on, even if they have no rational proof.
However, it can be challenging to cope with such an intuitive mind. If you have several placements in Pisces or in the twelfth house, you want to consider avoiding alcohol and drugs altogether. It’s also crucial here to spending enough time on their own, as you take on the energies around you.
Spirituality and Neptune in Astrology
Genuine compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love are all associated with Neptune in astrology. It is the planet of spirituality and deep, unquestioning belief. Pisces people are known as gentle souls who are full of love.
We all are part of something bigger than us. Neptune wants to teach us how to find this connection again. It’s about dissolving your personality in the sea of the collective unconscious. Neptune rules religion as an institution as it asks you to stop thinking and believe.
However, a big heart can be make you vulnerable, too. They are so innocent and naive that they can’t imagine that other people don’t always have good intentions. If they aren’t careful, they might find themselves in the trap of a manipulator.
Neptune in astrology rules selfless service. All charity and institutions belong here. On the negative side, this includes hospitals, jails and mental asylums, too.
People with a prominent Neptune in the chart are often too selfless and become martyrs. It’s important to remember that you can take care of others only if you yourself are taken care of, too.
Meaning of Neptune in the Natal Chart
The position of Neptune in the natal chart tells you where you are prone to illusion, but also how you can connect with the divine.
Neptune is a slow-moving planet. It stays for several years in the same sign, so that many people share the same Neptune sign. Because of this, its placement by signs has less influence over you as an individual person than on society as a whole.
Neptune’s place by houses is, however, more personal.
The house Neptune is in shows the life areas where you are prone to self-deception and illusions. Neptune also represents ideals, and in the birth chart it suggests where you want to find them.
If Neptune touches personal points in the natal chart, for example the Sun or the ascendant, you probably identify with the zodiac sign Pisces a lot.
Just wanted to say thank you. Great article about my personal favorite planet (on the IC). 🖤
Thank you, too! 🙂
What does it mean they say Neptune is in fall when in Capricorn???
Planets in fall are in weak dignity, they have less strength. But it’s not that important when the outer planets are in fall (Neptune is in the same sign for 14 years, so its sign is not meaningful from the perspective of an individual).
Honestly I think it has more pull when a planet is in fall than you give it. Making sure your goals are realistic is a necessity, and many times it can seem that something is realistic until you organize your thoughts and write them down only to find out they aren’t for some reason. It could be due to that manipulator in your presence or it could be due to self-delusion and self-deceit in that manner. It is only a perspective from my life but I have several instances where Neptune was an important aspect in my life, both early life and later.
The first instance I will quickly speak on is my Neptune Conjoined Mercury in the 6th. This delusion if not careful can lead to issues you don’t see coming, and like the article mentioned if sobriety is not in your daily routine, you can get lost in the sauce. Escapism from reality is a natural tendency for those with Neptune in the 6th, and this can lead narcissists to enter your life while you are unaware, and make it so it is really difficult to see their manipulation. It is necessary to look at the details to see things. Could just be me, but because My IC is in Virgo at the 29th degree, even more care is placed on seeing the details, which become murky when dealing with Neptune conjoined Mercury. This haziness doesn’t allow for the truth to be immediately revealed, and one must keep their wits about them. Now, regarding the Capricorn aspect, a person with Neptune in Capricorn can be a great placement, and they can have great organization of their dreams and goals, but escaping from having to do “the work” can lead to those big issues later on down the line. Taking the time to see things for how they are allows me to take the proper steps, as in say my business in Divination. Divination Nation has suffered from its inception as Tarot and Astrology For All! And part of that has to do with Neptune in Capricorn but also in the 6th house. The pull to get lost in a game is strong, and the pull to get lost in any leisure is also strong with Mars in my 5th in Scorpio. But Mars in Scorpio is in Domacile for me so it adds to the strenght of getting things done. Capricorn Venus at my Descendant is Inconjunct Chiron and Part of Fortune in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury, and this placement here requires a clear outlook on my dreams and visions. One way that this was affected was when Neptune transited my descendant, Venus at 14 degrees of Capricorn, and my Sun at 17 degrees. This was when I was 5 years old, my Step-Mother entered the picture in mine and my Dad’s lives that changed the Course of both our histories. In my eyes that was a rough and dark time, and she was a major manipulator. She used to abuse me, mentally, emotionally, and physically with hitting me for no reason, blaming it on me misbehaving and so on. I knew that this was temporary and I always had the hope that perseverance was key. Indeed I was right, and that was the first instance that I understood what manipulation was. I freed myself in January 8, of 2021, when Uranus was Conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, the Sun had just conjoined Venus, Descendant, and my Sun placement (one day after my bday), and transit Neptune was conjoined Lilith, and a few degrees away from my Progressed Sun placement. A Loose Square from Neptune to Natal Mars in Scorpio was present, transiting Mars was Conjoined Mars and Pluto in the 5th and Pluto was Conjoined Eros. Oddly enough Saturn was conjoined Lilith in 11th house Taurus, and my soul knew I was being released. Many placements showed me change was on the horizon from my place back in 2017 when i began learning Astrology.
Usually there are at least 3 influential Narcissists that enter ones Life, but perhaps the life of a Capricorn attracts continued narcissistic people.
The second instance deals with Neptune conjoined Jupiter, in Aquarius ♒️, here the manipulator was in the grass like a snake. You could see it slithering but others couldn’t. You could’ve tried to do something but their public image was either too good, or perhaps they held control over those others. Either way, there was no way to get rid of it. In that time i was in the military, sent to be stationed in Alaska, and the boss was the narcissist, but he and the squad leader. Both ended up leaving by about January 2008 Neptune was mid Pisces, square to Eros and Moon in Sagittarius, transit Venus, Juno, and Pholu conjoined Saturn, Eros, and Moon. Moon is my midpoint from Mars in the 5th in Scorpio, and Venus in the 6/7, in Capricorn, and is also the midpoint opposite my Part of Fortune Chiron natal placements in 11th house Gemini. The Finger of God pointing me towards my fortune is what I learned closer to now. And in that that time I seen the hand that moves things in our favor.
The most recent is now, with Neptune Conjoined MC in Pisces, square Pallas in the 12th. See. Pallas the organizer and reorganizer of things is in Gemini, which I would consider it to be in Domicile in my eyes, he feels to me at home in in 12, but perhaps to detriment in Gemini. Anyway, there is a square between that transit of Neptune conjoined MC in Pisces at 27-30 degrees where it squares my Mars and Neptune placements at 3 Capricorn. It has been fairly difficult to get my businesses started under the influence of a secretive narcissist. Very very difficult. But still I preserve, hoping that like before I either break away once more, or things change. Then again that could be a delusion of Neptune, where this time I need to face the problem instead of running away from them like I did before.
This leads me to believe that the only was it ends is to stand up to your manipulator, face the demon that tries to control you and conquer it. Only then can you truly set your planet in fall, into a powerful vehicle for realizing your biggest dreams. And in that sense I realize that the bigger the dream the larger the payout. And if Neptune is indeed a tisk-taker, there is no better gamble than that of a relationship with a narcissist. They have great traits for getting things, and this can prove to be an asset in the future.
Hope this wasn’t too long to read! But just goes to show how even outer planets can affect not just generations, but down to the individual link.
If you still get on here and have time please contact me
Hi, I removed your email address to make sure it won’t end up in the wrong hands and used for spamming. If you want it I can send your email address to him if he gets back and if he is okay with that! 😊
Sun opposite Neptune and Moon opposite Uranus. My natal aspects. These are the most challenging. 38 and still struggling to conquer these. .moon is in the 12th house and depending on which system used, my sun can be in the 12th as well. It’s deep here
My wife’s is set up the exact way. Would you say you’re always honest and faithful in relationships?
7th/8th House Neptune Sagittarius Scorpio
12th House Pisces
Unbelievably exact! I have never read anything that has been written like this! Every aspect, every trait, every actionable part is me! My life has played out exactly the same way that this article suggests. Highly intuitive, some moments of psychic clarity, never really feeling like a part of the material world, relationships and lack of emotional boundaries plus escapism through addiction. My natal chart didn’t come close to being this accurate! Absolutely amazing! It’s New Moon and the beginning of my Winter Solstice mark as a Capricorn. Could not have found this at a better time!
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Please help me interpret this, according to this article my Neptune is in fall in Capricorn in 5th house and Pisces is in my 7th house with Moon and Saturn so I have been having.
Great news for all us