What career should I have based on my astrological chart?
Career in astrology can be seen through quite a few houses and placements. In this article, you can learn about the most important career indicators in the birth chart. The most important houses to look to are the second, the sixth, and the tenth. Besides the money houses, there are a few planets and placements which can also guide you in the right direction.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions in life. It is a choice which only you can make. Some people know from an early age what their dream job is, but the majority of us often wonder what we should do with our lives. Luckily, if you have been wondering what it is you were born to do, your birth chart can provide some food for thought. How to find out which career suits you the best? Vocational astrology is all about finding your ideal career path.
These questions can bother you in various life phases. No matter if you are at the beginning of your professional path, experienced a crisis or burnout, or want to change your line of work, the natal chart can provide you some guidance.

Keep reading to find out how you can find your career based on your astrological chart!
Ideal Career Based on the Birth Chart
Finding the right career is not easy. From an astrological point of view, there are several factors in the chart that suggest which field you would do great in. It is also important to take into consideration what makes you feel fulfilled and gives meaning to you. You have to sum your strengths and weaknesses, what you enjoy doing and what you strongly dislike to find (or create!) your dream job.
In my opinion, your job should suit your personality in the first place. It doesn’t matter if someone makes a bright career in a field that is said to be prestigious and lucrative, if this path feels like torture to you. It is important to assess the general energy of a birth chart and keep in mind that the whole is more than the sum of parts. The key is to identify your core personality and your needs and drives.
There are so many professional options today that it is very hard to tell exactly which career suits you the best based on the birth chart. Occupations are constantly evolving. But astrology can for sure provide some general guidelines. It is the best to rely on your strengths and talents rather than focus on specific professions. In addition, there are numerous different possibilities in astrology. Career in the natal chart is no exception: nothing is set in stone. We have free will and the final outcome depends on is. Make sure to listen to your intuition on your astrological journey.
Career Indicators in the Birth Chart and Career in Astrology
Here are some of the things you have to take into consideration when talking about career in astrology. These are the most important factors for career based on astrological charts:
- Earth houses (the 2nd, 6th, and 10th)
- The Midheaven and its ruler in the natal chart
- Saturn
- North node
- Dominant planets
It is important to emphasize that these are clues and hints, but not exact guidance. Finding the career path perfect for you requires self-reflection and experimenting. Natal charts are complex, just like human beings. You have to put the pieces together and analyze it context. There are many other details that influence your major life choices, for example a stellium or a planetary configuration.
Careers associated with the houses, signs, planets are to be treated as general strengths. The eighth house is associated with psychology, finances, sex-but this doesn’t mean that everyone with an emphasized eighth house should pursue psychology or finance. These skills and talents are useful in a variety of professional fields. A teacher can also benefit from a talent for psychology and to run a successful business, you need a good understanding of finance and taxes.
Natal Chart and Career: the Tenth House
The tenth house is the main career house in astrology. This house is all about the path your soul wants to follow. It takes time for the Midheaven to manifest in your life, most people recognize this energy after the age of 40-50. When discussing career in astrology, the tenth house is the first thing to look at.
Planets in the tenth house often show what you end up doing and what you will be known for in the world. For example, in the natal chart of Walt Disney, you find Neptune sitting in the tenth house conjunct the Midheaven (Neptune governs movies, fantasy, illusion, creativity, artistic inspiration).
The ruling planet of the tenth house is also telling. Depending on the house system, this planet can be the same as the ruler of the Midheaven, but in some house systems this is not necessarily the case.

The Midheaven and Your Profession
Abbreviated as MC, the Midheaven is one of the most significant points in the birth chart. It’s central for career in astrology. In some house systems, it is the cusp of the tenth house, while in other house systems such as the Whole Signs house system it can fall in several houses.
The Midheaven represents what you aspire to become. It shows the direction you grow towards through your life. It is one of the most important career indicators in the natal chart. It is interesting that people who have their Midheaven in a mutable sign, e.g. Gemini or Sagittarius often have multiple careers throughout their lives.
The ruling planet of the Midheaven becomes very important in the natal chart. It is perhaps the second most important planet after the chart ruler. If you want to learn about its meaning through the houses of the birth chart, here is a whole article about this topic.
Besides what you represent in the world, the Midheaven also has to do with your leadership style, relationship with authority figures such as your employer, and also you as an employer or boss. It shows your legacy too. The Midheaven describes what you consider success and what makes you feel successful.
Planets conjunct the Midheaven are important career indicators, and so are planets aspecting this angle. For example, the Sun trine Midheaven in the birth chart suggests a person whose identity is supported by their accomplishments, puts a lot of energy into their career, and is often successful in their chosen field. People with Uranus-Midheaven aspects often crave a unique life path and they likely make unconventional choices when it comes to their career.
Read more: The Midheaven in Signs
The Sixth House as a Career Indicator in the Birth Chart
The sixth house is another earth house, the natural house of Virgo. It can guide you to your ideal career based on your astrological chart. Your lifestyle and service you give to others is described here.
This house shows your day job, 9-5, how you make a living. This is not always the same as your career or profession, and there is nothing wrong with that. Planets in the sixth house, the sign on its cusp, and the ruler of this sign can be important career indicators. For example, someone with Saturn in the sixth house trine Mars in the second house might make a living as an engineer.
The sixth house also describes your workplace. One of the ways what Cancer on the cusp of the sixth house can indicate is working from home. Your coworkers are shown through the sixth house too.
The Second House and Career in Astrology
The second house has to do with your money, savings, resources. The natural house of Taurus, the second house shows what you find valuable. In the natal chart,it speaks about your earning power. It also describes how you can make money. Planets here and the sign on the cusp can give you some food for thought when it comes to finances.
The second house is also a talent house. It describes what traits you already own and you can capitalize on.
Read more: Wealth in the Natal Chart
Saturn as a Career Indicator in Astrology
Saturn is an infamous planet in astrology. It governs time, permanence, hard work, persistence-all necessary for a successful career. This planet is the ruler of the sign Capricorn, the natural sign of the tenth house of career and professional ambitions.
This planet is often a career indicator in the birth chart. You have to put in a lot of hours where you see Saturn in your birth chart, so some people make a career out of it.
The North Node and Profession in Astrology
While your career is not necessarily the same as your life purpose, it is definitely a lucky setting if these two align. The north node doesn’t exactly describe your profession, it rather gives some ideas about what makes you feel fulfilled. You can also pursue your north node in the form of a hobby, volunteering, personal experiences. For example, the north node in the seventh house often suggests that your partner helps you grow rather than your profession.
The lunar nodes are connected with karmic tasks, life purpose, important life lessons your soul wants to learn in this lifetime. The north node describes how you can learn and grow the most. It can provide additional details about your life path when used as an indicator of your career in astrology.
The house of the north node reveals in which life area you can grow. For example, the north node in the third house can indicate that you could learn a lot from communicating with others and writing. The sign of the north node shows which traits you have to develop in this lifetime. Let’s take a north node in Libra for example, with this placement, it can be great to choose a profession where you have opportunity to deal with people, see both sides of a story, and learn to create harmony and balance. Analyzing the north node in the natal chart can be a great addition to a career reading.
Dominant Planets and Career in Astrology
If a planet receives many aspects in your birth chart, placed in a sign where they are strong, or in a position where it becomes stronger (usually conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven-these are the so-called Gauquelin sectors in the natal chart).
Dominant planets infuse the whole chart with their energy. These planets can be a significant influence through your life. Depending on the entire chart, they might be even used as indicators of profession in the birth chart. For example, someone with Venus as their dominant planet (let’s say conjunct the ascendant and aspecting four other planets) can be attracted to professions that include fashion, cosmetics, art, luxuries, mediation, etc.
Planets in good dignity suggest important resources in the natal chart.
Tips and Tricks for finding your Career in the Natal Chart
Here are some more details that can help you find your career in the natal chart.
- Where is Capricorn in your chart? This house can indicate life areas that have to do with your career. Capricorn is the sign connected with Saturn, the planet of career in astrology.
- Venus usually brings ease to the house where it is placed. Remember that Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and it also has to do with money besides relationships.
- Which planet is the strongest in your chart? Maybe your Jupiter receives only harmonious aspects and it’s placed in Sagittarius, which is the sign it rules. This indicates that it works very well in your chart and you can easily tap into its energy.
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