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This website is for entertainment purposes only. Please contact a licensed professional if you need help in any aspect of your life. This website is no substitute for medical, legal, financial, or any kind of advice.
The mission of our site is to help you understand yourself better. We believe that astrology is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to self-knowledge and improving your overall life quality through awareness. This site is dedicated to providing you information about your birth chart in the first place, but also about other astrological techniques.
When using this page, please keep in mind that there are many possibilities a placement can play out in your life. There are multiple factors that modify your natal placements, and it’s impossible to give a fully accurate description on a general astrology website.
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About Stargazer

Stargazer used to think that astrology is absolutely ridiculous and she always thought that horoscopes are the lamest thing ever (she still thinks this about general Sun sign astrology though). She never believed this would change.
However, at one point in her life, she felt completely lost and she was seriously depressed. She kept wondering why certain things happened the way they did. She had no idea what is the point of her existence.
At this time, the realization that astrology is about much more than just being a Taurus or a Scorpio entered her life. She wished there was a method to understand herself better and find out what she is supposed to do with her life. She found this guidance in astrology. She looked up her chart, and needless to say, she had no idea how to decipher it first but she became immensely curious.
That’s when she started learning about astrology, the planets, houses, signs, aspect, how they work together. She was still lost, but things slowly started to make sense. She kept devouring astrology books. She was hooked. Once she realized how amazing astrology is, there was no way back. This website is a summary of what she has learned. She has still a lot to learn. Writing the articles on this website has become her hobby and a way to soothe her Mercury quincunx Uranus natal aspect (if you don’t have it, this one is super annoying if it gets out of control).
If you are experiencing hardships right now, she wholeheartedly believes that just the fact that you are looking to understand yourself is a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready for the next level.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]. We do our best to get back to you within 1-2 days.
Visuals credit: 99% of images are made with Canva