The wound is the place where light enters.
Chiron is the Wounded Healer. In astrology, this asteroid tells the story of your deepest wound. It’s about how you got hurt and how you can transform your pain into a healing power. In the birth chart, Chiron shows trauma and where you experienced pain in this lifetime.
This comet is never easy to deal with, but Moon conjunct Chiron or Moon Chiron aspects are particularly painful. In the birth chart, it suggests that your parents abandoned you, either physically or emotionally. They weren’t there for you when you needed them, and you didn’t learn how to nurture yourself. Often, Chiron conjunct Moon and Chiron Moon aspects suggest that your parents didn’t want to take care of you.
The issue with this is that these early memories make their mark on your whole adult life. Astrology can help you shed light on the reason why you feel insecure. Through understanding your Chiron, you understand more about how to heal this wound.
Moon Chiron aspects, especially the hard ones (conjunction, opposition, square) suggest an early trauma, usually tied to your mother or the more nurturing parent. She often couldn’t take care of you, or not in the way you needed it. This aspect equals emotional wounding.
In the natal chart, the Moon represents your mother, early, subconscious memories, what makes you feel safe and nurtured. It also shows your mood, intuition, instincts. The Moon is extremely sensitive.
When the Moon is in hard aspect with Chiron in the birth chart, this is always very painful. Your deepest wound is embedded in your subconscious, silently directing your life without you even noticing. The pain of the past repeats itself in the present.
Moon-Chiron people find their relationships with females particularly painful. With these aspects, you are often attracted to romantic partners who don’t take care of you and you feel abandoned again.
Understanding Chiron in the birth chart helps you be aware of your emotional needs and feel safe in the world. When talking about pain caused by the parents, it’s important to note that they caused us pain because they didn’t know any better. Being angry is part of the healing process, but blaming your parents as an adult keeps you in this vicious circle longer.
The only way out is through acceptance and letting go.
Moon Chiron aspects in the natal chart suggests that your mother was not comfortable with her feminine and emotional side. She struggled to give you the nurturing you needed because she lacked it, too. Of course, adults are required to take responsibility for their actions, but understanding why they acted the way they did makes the healing process easier.
Keep reading to learn more about how a Moon conjunct Chiron aspect plays out in your life!

Moon Conjunct Chiron Natal
Moon conjunct Chiron in the natal chart suggests that you have nurturing issues. You feel abandoned and you don’t feel safe in your life. Usually the behavior of your parent left deep wounds in your soul.
It goes without saying that this is a very painful aspect, because if you subconsciously feel that you are a burden to others, this negative core belief makes loneliness and insecurity worse. The worst about this aspect is that because you weren’t taken care of, you didn’t learn how to take care of yourself either. If you have this aspect, I guess you know what I’m talking about.
As mentioned before, Moon conjunct Chiron natal is suggests trauma related to the mother and early childhood. Your mother was wounded and you inherited her pain through the coping mechanisms learned from her. These early experiences influence you as an adult, because the wounds take a lot of time to heal.
Chiron conjunct Moon speaks of abandonment. As a child, you felt that you didn’t get the necessary emotional support. This aspect suggests that your mother couldn’t give you the love and nurturing a child needs. She was probably insecure in her own life or she struggled to make ends meet, and she had no energy left for you. Feeling that you are unwanted in the eyes of your parent is one of the worst things a child can experience.
Your mother was overwhelmed with her own issues, sometimes expecting you to solve her problems. She wanted you to support her instead of the other way around. You were denied the freedom to be a child, be who you are, instead, you had to act like you and your needs didn’t exist. People with this placement often have a hard time standing up for themselves as adults. They let others take advantage of them because they feel that they don’t deserve to be heard out.
The child learns that they are unworthy of love and that they don’t deserve to take up space in the world. You learned that the world is not a safe place and you tend to bottle up your emotions. Moon conjunct Chiron believes that to feel equals being hurt. People with this placement learned that they must be self-reliant emotionally, and they try to avoid being vulnerable. However, they are often disconnected from their own emotions, what leads to a constant emotional discomfort.
There is often a tendency to be passive-aggressive with this aspect. You don’t know how to communicate your needs in a direct and assertive way, but deep down, you still want your partner or loved ones to take care of them. Your mother often used the same tactics to get what she wanted. If you are consciously aware of this tendency and work on changing it, you can build better and more fulfilling relationships.
In some cases, your mother was verbally abusive. Maybe she criticized you often, and in the end, you didn’t know anymore when you really did something wrong and when were you criticized for no reason. This could result in a fear of being wrong and doing something wrong. Sometimes this fear is so paralyzing that you avoid doing anything. In the end, you feel criticized even when no one judged you.
A frequent coping mechanism with this placement is hiding your feelings and needs. Even from yourself. If the twelfth house is involved in some way, you choose to retreat from the world. Moon conjunct Chiron in the twelfth house suggests that the world was blind to your suffering.
Isolation seems to be the best (and safest) solution. You isolate your emotions from your conscious self,
However, Moon conjunct Chiron people crave to belong to someone, but they don’t feel that they deserve it. Even though you want intimacy, you are afraid of it. The need to belong is a basic human need, and no matter how hard you try to suppress it, we are all happier and fulfilled when we belong to someone. Moon conjunct Chiron doesn’t let you experience what it feels like to love and be loved.
Moon Square Chiron Natal
The square is a dynamic aspect in astrology. It creates tension and frustration. Squares force you to take action. While with a Moon conjunct Chiron aspect the energies of these celestial objects completely merge and they act as if they were one, here there is an intense and aggressive flow of energy.
Moon square Chiron in the natal chart suggest an intense clash of energy between the Moon and Chiron.
In early childhood, there were a lot of conflicts in your relationship with your mother. She was not ready emotionally to be a parent. You often experienced emotional crisis, but there was no one to help you. You learned that there is no use in expressing your emotional needs.
Moon-Chiron people learned that no matter what they do, there is always something wrong with them. This became a subconscious belief, what follows you in your adult life, too, until you consciously overwrite it. You often felt that you are the scapegoat.
However, this is very painful. Humans run on emotions, and suppressing them causes a lot of damage. You have an inner need to overcome the tension. If you use this aspect to your advantage, you can learn how to be a very good parent, both to your inner child and real children.
If you don’t work on this aspect, you can unconsciously repeat this behavioral pattern in the life of your children. Being aware of painful tendencies help us evolve and teach our children better beliefs about the world.
Moon Opposition Chiron Natal
With the Moon opposition Chiron, you feel like you have to choose between the two planets (in this case, a luminary and an asteroid).
Sometimes you focus on the Moon, you are protective and want to nurture others. Other times, you identify more with Chiron, remembering your painful relationships and reflecting on the past.
If you work through your emotional wounds, Moon Chiron opposition can be very good for counselling. Not just as a psychologists, but being there for people in general. You understand people well. A birth chart with a lot of oppositions helps you see the point of view of the other person.
If you have a hard aspect between the Moon in Chiron, there is a tendency to stress over parenting. You often wonder if you are good enough. You want to protect your children from the emotional pain you went through as a child. However, you are prone to overprotecting them, what can feel stifling to your kids.
Harmonious Moon-Chiron Aspects in the Natal Chart
Moon Chiron aspects are never easy. With harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) there is an easier flow of energy. You have an innate talent for making the most out of your pain. If you heal your childhood wounds, you will be able to love others unconditionally.
Moon trine Chiron and Moon sextile Chiron in the natal chart suggests that once you work through your own pain, you can develop a talent for helping others who are still in the process. With this aspect in your birth chart, you tend to take on a mothering role. However, with a soft aspect this is not a burden to you, you find joy in taking care of others. And you take care of your own needs, too, because you know that you can only help others if you have enough.
You are often drawn to helping professions. Soft Moon-Chiron aspects indicate an interest in psychology and everything related to mental health. Learning about these topics in-depth help you face your own insecurities and learn new, constrictive patterns and coping mechanisms.
Moon Conjunct Chiron Synastry
Moon conjunct Chiron is a very interesting placement in a synastry chart. Chiron is the planet of wounding and healing When it comes into contact with someone’s Moon, there is a strong bond between them.
The Moon person can feel the pain of the Chiron person. If both parties are emotionally intelligent enough, the relationship is an opportunity to heal the emotional wounds from childhood.
An example of Moon conjunct Chiron synastry is the chart of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. He said that this relationship played a big role in healing his wounds related to the loss of her mother.
Moon conjunct Chiron in synastry is an aspect that helps you heal. The positive manifestation of this aspect is that the other person came into your life to teach you wisdom. The negative manifestation, however, makes you feel insecure and reinforces the painful childhood experiences.
The Importance of the Moon
The Moon is one of the most important parts of a birth chart. You cannot overestimate its importance.
The Moon lays the foundation for the whole chart. It represents your subconscious, your emotions, reactions, and coping mechanisms. People like to think that we are rational beings, especially nowadays, the role of rational thinking is emphasized. However, the truth is that your emotions and instincts influence you more than you would ever imagine. If you don’t believe this, read Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.
If your Moon doesn’t work well, it’s extremely hard to carve out the life you want. The Moon is your subconscious, and we all know how powerful subconscious beliefs are.
With a Moon conjunct Chiron in the birth chart, the unconscious beliefs that you are not worthy of love and being taken care of can hinder your success. Relationships are much harder to maintain if you feel that you don’t deserve love. There is an emotional hunger when you see the Moon conjunct Chiron natal aspect.
Chiron in Astrology
Discovered only in 1977, Chiron is a relatively new object in astrology. It’s an asteroid named after a centaur called Chiron in Greek mythology.
The archetype of the wounded healer, Chiron shows your deepest wound in the natal chart. The life area where you find Chiron is where you experienced a traumatic event that is hard (if possible at all) to heal from. Often, the process lasts for decades. This is about your deepest wound, something that has changed you for ever.
Chiron is not easy to deal with. Often, there are involved abuse, betrayal, injustice. You often feel emotionally crippled.
Healing this wound is a process, and it takes a lot of time to fully recover from trauma. The pain here is often made worse by injustice and being at the wrong time in the wrong place.
If you want to learn more about this asteroid, read this article about Chiron in astrology.
Some Final Thoughts on Moon Chiron Aspects
While this is a serious issue, and you should definitely go to therapy and consult professionals, here are some simple ideas to help you be more comfortable with Moon Chiron Aspects in the natal chart.
One of the most painful problems here is that you feel that you don’t have the right to exist. This is an extremely serious issue, because subconsciously, you sabotage yourself whenever you can.
Another issue with Moon Chiron aspects is that you are often out of tune with your body. The Moon represents nurturing in astrology on a physical level, too. Your relationship with your body is often painful. When children, we learn from our parents how to take care of our bodies, what to eat, etc.
Moon Chiron aspects suggest that you could build a better relationship with your body. Taking up a sport or working out regularly is very good for these aspects in the natal chart. This has nothing to do with looks, it’s all about reprogramming your subconscious.
Physical exercise teaches you are stronger and capable of much more than you initially believed. The Moon also shows your mood and instincts in astrology, and physical exercise is a powerful tool in transforming your subconscious. You learn to trust yourself more, and that you are able to get what you want.
Learning how to be present in the moment is another benefit of physical exercise.Treating your body like a temple sounds cheesy, but there is a lot of truth to it. After all, it’s the home of your soul, and finding home is what the Moon is all about in astrology.
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This was the most insightful thing I’ve ever read. In the Astrology class I took, Chiron was not even discussed and it is obviously a very important component to learning about yourself. Thank you for this information, I am very grateful.
Thank you for your kind words, glad you liked it! 🙂
The explication of moos square Chiron describes my life to a T. Mind blown. So happy the universe brought me to this website.
Chiron is the key, literally.
I have Chiron conjunct Moon and my Chiron Return is just starting up. Thank you for this informative and thoughtful post. I’m not sure what to expect with the return, but the description you gave was spot on.
It’s been a year since you made this post, hope you still get this. I’m moon conjuction chiron, exaulted in taurus, 7th house of relationships. We’re all here on earth together. Sending you lots of love and support.
I loved your post. I have chiron opposition moon and totally relate to your thoughts on the matter. <3
This article made me feel emotional you explained my aspect in depth absolutely well. I am impressed how much work you put into this, and most of the things I agreed and strongly resonate. It isn’t easy to have moon and Chiron aspect this aspect quite rare if that’s true. My moon is in Scorpio on the twelfth house conjunct Chiron, and my ascendant is in Scorpio with Pluto on the first house in Sagittarius sometimes I’ll act bit Sagittarius.
And you’re right about therapy communicating with my personal problems, and feelings is the problem and I’m a stubborn person myself. Apparently I agree with the idea of nurturing your body for your mind, and well being which must always come before anything such as work, studies or doing something big. Impressive job!
Thank you for this. The interpretation describes my life exactly. My mother’s suicide when I was 19 is proof (extreme) of the accuracy of this placement. Moon conjunct Chiron in 2nd house in Taurus. Its been interesting….
My mother did too. My Chiron is the same degree as my moon natal wise. I cried reading this. I send you love, selfhood, self love, and power that comes from that to embody them.
I was born on a full moon in Gemini in the 12th house. It is in tight conjunction with retrograde chiron. They both form hard aspects in opposition to my Sagittarius sun, saturn and uranus & square my mars, kipiter & midheaven in pisces. This article was spot on.
Great article, thank you very much! I have been reading and trying to understand Chiron since I discovered it a few years ago (3?). First in my natal chart (conjunct moon, oposition to a stellium in 12th house: yours is the most accurate description of the feeling) and then I found a relation with the first cause of consultation in my therapy (past life regression therapy). Since then, I always see the natal chart of my patients before the first consultation. For instance, I can say, that the pain of Chiron can be healed (not only accepted). The healing is painful and lasts a time. I have been working in me with PLRT and the act of reliving the events that causes the pain, understanding (2 mothers in my case) and forgiving, is the closets thing to heal Chiron I have been. Needless to say that I am in the Chiron return! ;)))) Thank you very much again.
I have Chiron in 8 house in scorpion conjunct sun, square moon and NN (and others harmonies aspects) my Lilith is also in Scorpion 8 house. My Sun too. I lost my two grandmothers in early life, my parents divorced (and was a painful thing because they did it many times – but now they are together after 7 years.), my relationship with men is really awful, i suffered bullying (hard, i’m not talking about words, but physical pain) because I was a nerd. And it only happened because my mom put SO much pressure (she also hit me when I missed something or didn’t want to do the activity). I was the first in class, but i had a drop in my performance and only finished school with 21 years. you don’t know how it is to be praised just to lose the respect of your family. my grandpa (passed away) always wanted me to go to law school when I just wanted to be an artist [Neptune in 10 house in Capricorn, stellium with 4 planets (sun, venus, mercury and pluto) in Sagittarius, NN in Leo 5 house opposite my moon, Jupiter in 12 house pieces alone, Uranus in his house)]. There’s another thing: My mother always made it clear that my school was very expensive and she was wasting her money and I was lazy (Saturn 27° in 1 house) So I get depression and anxiety. I stopped two years of my school life to focus in my health. In addiction, I feel distant from women in general. All my female friends left me and I’m to blame. My male friends treated me like a man.
despite that, I am different now and I really forgot what all these people did to me. I know it’s my Karma and they are doing the planets’ work. I Think it could’ve have been much worse but the misfortune will never stop appearing. I have a lot to learn and I am. Andddd I have Algol 26° opposite to Chiron 24°. This sounds pretty bad, but I didn’t found anything about that aspect.
This article is for the psychology-informed. Very advanced indeed. I enjoyed it immensely.
Thank You. Does Moon conjunct Chiron fit for paraller? My mother was not having very secured childhood, and my father had health issues that kept him away from his mother as a baby, he has Sagittarius Sun and my Moon in gemini is in the 9th house, Chiron in taurus in the 9th. My mother is cancer Sun and she for sure gave all the care she could. But perhaps my parents had emotional issues to deal with and I do think I grew up dealing with my emotions usually by going to nature alone.
This was very insightful, thank you.! I believe I did the same and didn’t see it for that as a possibility but it was how I connected to myself when I was younger
Interesting, my Chiron conjunct my Sun,(father) 11th house Taurus. My fathers suicide when I was 17 was enough for me as well with my Chiron placement on my Sun!
wonderful article
Wow – I was in a relationship where my moon was conjunct his Chiron in synastry and his mother also passed away when he was young like Prince Harry. We were young when we were together and he started making me out to be a mother figure. We’ve recently been talking and he’s talked of getting back together but i don’t know if it’s wise or not.
Thank you so much for this. It’s truly helped me understand more about myself and my healing journey. 7th house, moon conjunct chiron in taurus.
Ok. I’ve never read anything so accurate- and I’ve never felt more understood in my life.
I had my birth chart read and this article was shared with me afterwards and I’m blown away. Heartbroken for little me and me now, this describes my experience down to a T. I’ve made the choice to work with a hypnotherapist to begin to work on my subconscious. I can’t let this rule my life anymore. It’s time to heal so I can be at peace and the best mum for my own children. Thank you for this article x
Thank you soooo much! Reading this was absolutely incredible in the way I finally could recognize some deep unconscious feelings and traumas…