The twelfth house has a bad reputation in astrology. So does Saturn.
Saturn in twelfth house is a placement where you would expect a lot to be going on under the surface, for better or worse.
You are often lonely on the inside: sometimes it feels like you were under a bell jar, separated from others. People with this placement have a strong defense system set up.
Saturn in twelfth house people are extremely sensitive, and they enjoy being on their own. This placement of Saturn suggests that you need a lot of solitude to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
You often see the world darker than it is, but it’s only you who knows that you experience phases of melancholy. People around you often misunderstand you, and even if they want to help, it’s hard for them to see what you are going through.
You have a hard time talking about your problems to others. You rarely ask for help, Saturn in twelfth house people try to figure out life on their own.
Keep reading to learn more about how a Saturn in the twelfth house affects you!
Natal Saturn in Twelfth House
In astrology, Saturn is the planet of blockages, hardships, challenges. This planet has a solidifying effect, what is hard to align with the dissolving nature of the twelfth house. You cannot let go and relax.
Saturn in twelfth house suggests that you are often stuck in the past, sometimes without you even realizing it. Denial is a frequent issue here. The twelfth house is also about empathy and forgiveness. You often find it hard to forgive yourself with your Saturn in twelfth house. This placement suggests a strong sense of responsibility.
The twelfth house is the house of dreams and sleeping in astrology. You can have trouble remembering your dreams, or in some cases, you suffer with insomnia.
Saturn here tends to block access to your unconscious and the world of imagination.
In other cases, you experience nightmares, it seems like your fears come out in your dreams.
Saturn is associated with authority figures, including our parents, especially the father. Saturn in twelfth house suggests that with difficult aspects, the father figure was lacking from your life. If he was available, you couldn’t get the protection and security you needed.
This placement is somewhat similar to Capricorn on the cusp of the twelfth house, but more intense, as planets carry a lot more weight.
Saturn in Twelfth House and Isolation
With your natal Saturn in twelfth house, you prefer to hide your vulnerabilities form the world. Sometimes you don’t let even those the closest to you to see your weaknesses. As a child, you had to learn to hide your feelings, especially the negative ones.
If Saturn is close to your ascendant, others often perceive you as rigid and reserved when they meet you for the first time, even if it’s not who you really are.
Often, there is a feeling of loneliness and constant longing for something you have never experienced with this placement in the natal chart.

In stressful situations, you often use the strategy of escaping the world. You try to become invisible and retreat into yourself.
Twelfth house placements make you extremely sensitive. You absorb all the energies around you, and if you are surrounded by negativity, it can affect you badly. It’s essential for twelfth house people to spend time on their own.
The twelfth house is connected with isolated places in astrology. If you have your Saturn in the twelfth house, it can happen that you have a job that requires you to be isolated in some way. Maybe you work in a hospital or prison, or you are a researcher or scientist who has to work long hours away from people they love. You work the best on your own.
Saturn in twelfth house people can benefit from volunteering and charity work. The twelfth house is about selfless service, and Saturn here sometimes chooses some form of helping work as a profession.
The twelfth house is the house of overseas places, too. Saturn here sometimes indicates that you have to travel to a far-away country because of your job.
Saturn in Twelfth House and Unconscious Fears
Saturn in the twelfth house suggests that you have a hard time letting go. You are retentive and often beat yourself up for things that happened in the long time ago and you cannot go back and change them.
You don’t like to be overwhelmed with feelings, so there is a tendency to suppress what bothers you. Saturn in twelfth house people are often unaware of the nature of their emotions, they just feel that something is off. Instead of letting them dissolve, they push them out of consciousness.
This placement in the natal chart suggests a hidden source of pain. You are often unaware of the reason why you are in pain, but people with their Saturn in twelfth house suffer a lot. Others around you are mostly not aware of this, you try to hide it from them.
There is a tendency to be often in a gloomy mood. Saturn here operates in the background, what manifests as frequent melancholy. You often feel that there is too much burden on your shoulders.
Sometimes people with this placement suffer from panic attacks or anxiety. If you have planets in the twelfth house, you can benefit a lot from psychotherapy.
Often, you block spiritual beliefs. This placement suggests a person who prefers the reality of the world to looking for spiritual answers. After your Saturn return, you become more and more open to spirituality.
Meaning of Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is one of the most difficult planets in astrology, because it shows where you have work to do. Its placement by houses in a chart shows in which life area you have to overcome challenges.
It takes time to master your Saturn. But once you do so, the rewards are wonderful.
Saturn problems tend to get better after your Saturn return. By then, you gain experience and maturity, and you navigate the life area in question with ease. You cannot run away from Saturn: if you failed to learn its lessons, you will have to go over them again and again until you become better at it.
What are some of the things Saturn rules in astrology?
- responsibility
- time
- old age
- authority figures
- structure
- hierarchy
- the government
- ambition
- blockages
- frustration
- limitations
Saturn is the ruling planet of the sign Capricorn. It is in accidental dignity in the tenth house.
If you want to learn more about Saturn in astrology, in this article you can read more information about how this planet operates and why is it important to embrace it.
The Twelfth House in the Natal Chart
Water houses are all mysterious, but the twelfth house is the most mysterious of all.
Traditionally connected with the sign Pisces, the twelfth house is a shift between two worlds: our physical reality and the realm of dreams, imagination, the collective unconscious.
In astrology, the twelfth house rules places of seclusion, hospitals, asylums, prisons, far away places, charity, but also fantasy, divine inspiration, spirituality, unconditional love.
The dark side of the twelfth house includes escapism, illusions, addictions.
People who have planets in the several planets here are usually introspective, sensitive, and they need a lot of time alone.
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