In this final part of the ascendant in signs series, it’s time to talk about the ascendant in Pisces. This can be a challenging rising sign to navigate the world with, but it’s a limitless treasure trove when it comes to creativity and love.
If you are a Pisces rising, chances are you have been called an idealist many times in your life. As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces dislikes the dull everydays, and being forced to live in a world that doesn’t get your inner rhythm and wants you to live a boring, dull life, all while your soul craves magic, can be overwhelming to these natives. People with this placement often find that they spend more time in their heads more than fighting their responsibilities. The domain of dreams is their true home.
Pisces is oriented on intangible things rather than on the material world. People whose ascendant falls in Pisces are drawn to the mystical, the magical, the artistic. They are often talented in these areas too. They have a rich imagination and are able to create captivating fantasies. No wonder you often see Pisces emphasized in the charts of artists.
Pisces rising people come across as innocent and soft. They like having fun, but when someone meets them for the first time, they need some time to warm up. When young, they are often shy and reserved. Ascendant in Pisces people are friendly, open, creative, and often have a unique way of seeing the world that makes them very entertaining to be around.
Let’s dive into the personality traits, relationships and physical appearance of the ascendant in Pisces!
What Does the Rising Sign Mean in Astrology?
The ascendant is vital in a birth chart. This point shifts through the Zodiac the fastest, finishing a whole circle within 24 hours. As you can see, it has special importance because it is the energy your soul chose to experience the first upon arriving into this world.
The ascendant refers to the degree of the sign on the eastern horizon at a given time, as seen from a given location. It’s also called the rising sign. It takes approximately 2 hours for a sign to ascend (but take this with a grain of salt because it heavily depends on the distance from the Equator, the farther the place, the bigger the differences).
In the natal chart, the rising sign or the ascendant speaks about your self-image, behavior, and how you get started with new things. It also describes how people see you when they meet you and how you come across. The ascendant is an indicator of your physical appearance, body and your personal style as well.
Finally, keep in mind that the ascendant is just one placement. The rest of the chart affects how you experience your rising sign. For the ascendant in Pisces, it’s excellent if you have some grounding influences in your natal chart too, e.g. planets in earth signs.
Depending on the rest of the chart, Pisces quality may be what you are actually like, but it can also be just a mask you project to the world. The ascendant is the first, the most external layer of the personality in astrology, it’s what others see of you who are not close acquaintances. The core of the personality is, however, the Sun.
Ascendant in Pisces Personality: the Dreamer
This placement suggests that you go about things in a very intuitive way. You usually listen to your heart, not to your brain. Being a water rising sign, emotions play a big role in your life and they can influence your actions to a great extent. Your look on the world is rather subjective and it depends on your mood.
Having your natal ascendant in Pisces suggests that you are the best at things you love. Forcing yourself is not a viable option for you in the long run. Your powerful intuition helps you come up with new insights, but only if it’s related to something that speaks to your soul. Pisces is an extremely creative zodiac sign.
When you look at Pisces rising people, they seem to be in their heads all the time. They can even appear somehow lost. Pisces can have a slow reaction time. The world often exhausts these folks, and dealing with the dual nature of Pisces is indeed strenuous . Deep within, they are very trusting, open, gentle souls. They believe in the good in people and want to see the world as a happy place.
This position in the birth chart suggests that you need a lot of time to be alone. You are very sensitive to the energies around you. If you are in the wrong environment, it can be detrimental because it really drains you. As you grow older, you learn to protect your energy. Spending enough time on your own is vital for your well-being. Pisces risings need strong boundaries.
In astrology, the ascendant speaks about your identity among other things. With the ascendant in Pisces, it can be challenging to have a clear vision of yourself. Pisces being a mutable sign, you change a lot, often depending on your environment or on who you are with.
Because of your sensitivity to the people around you, you are good at adapting to what’s needed. In the natal chart, this placement indicates that you are a flexible personality. You are open to changes and it’s easy for you to adjust to them.
Pisces is connected to the whole universe. When someone around you is down, you feel the pain almost as if it was yours. You feel that you must be supportive no matter what. You do this even at the cost of your own needs, which leaves you with resentment. You may not have been taught how to express this in a healthy way, and this can end up in passive-aggressive tendencies. The ascendant in Pisces can indicate that you can be manipulative or use emotional blackmail tactics when they feel that they are unable to take back their power.
The ascendant in Pisces indicates that you do your best to be kind all the time. If the rest of the chart points to a more assertive, even aggressive person, this placement can cause some discord. Even in situations that require a determined approach, you may be too passive. When under pressure, you may feel that you are on the verge of crashing. Unless the rest of the chart contradicts this, you dislike stress and it causes anxiety for you.
You are not so much interested in the application of an idea than in the idea itself. Pisces is drawn to abstract, mystical things. Many people whose ascendant falls in this sign are attracted to spirituality, the occult, psychology. They are drawn to all ways of acquiring wisdom.
You can meet many ascendant in Pisces people in artistic fields, in dance, music, theatre, and the entertainment industry. This placement is also fairly common in spiritual circles. Connecting with the divine is usually important to ascendant in Pisces people. Many of them find that they are asked to undergo a healing journey to get back to their essence.
People with this placement have an innate desire to dissolve themselves in something. They are longing to become one with something greater than them. Some Pisces rising folks find this in music or art, others in spirituality, but they can also resort to drugs or drinking too to forget about they everyday issues.
Being so aware of the underlying changes in your environment also enables you to influence your environment. You can slip through people’s fingers. Of course, not everyone with their natal ascendant in Pisces does that, but this placement can indicate a talent for leading people astray, if the chart owner wants it. The negative side of Pisces is also about manipulation and tricks.

If your ascendant falls in Pisces in your birth chart, you have two chart rulers: Jupiter and Neptune. You should find these planets in your horoscope and see what sign and house they fall in and what aspects they make.
Pisces Rising Physical Appearance
What do Pisces ascendant folks look like?
The Pisces rising physical appearance is easy to recognize.
Often, there’s something ethereal about these people, like they have just stepped out of a fairy tale. They often enjoy wearing airy clothing, floral patterns, but also colorful outfits. Pisces risings often enjoy makeup, they view it as an art form.
A longish, heart-shaped face is a typical ascendant in Pisces physical feature, especially with a pointed, emphasized jaw. The eyes are usually not to be big but very bright and there is a dreamy quality to them. The skin is soft and often somewhat lighter than the complexion of your relatives.
When it comes to the body, the Pisces rising physical appearance is usually medium in height. The feet are often particularly soft.
Planets in the first house or aspecting the ascendant describe the physical traits too.
Ascendant in Pisces Shadow Side
Let’s talk about the weaknesses the ascendant in Pisces has to face. Each sign comes with a unique set of strengths and challenges.
The worst-case scenario of Pisces energy is victimhood. In some cases, the natives might find themselves around people who are not good for them and think that they must sacrifice themselves for others, no matter what.
Pisces is a very sensitive sign, what is excellent in some situations but difficult in others. People with this placement may sometimes feel that they were not cut out for this world. Staying in touch with reality can be challenging.
Many Pisces rising folks are prone to anxiety and overthinking. If there is anything in your environment, you quickly soak it up, unfortunately, leading to overwhelm. Pisces is prone to overthinking.
If you have an emphasized Pisces in your chart, you should be aware of the escapist tendencies of this zodiac sign. You can be prone to just drifting in life without a clear direction. Learning how to soothe the storm in your soul is one of the key life lessons you have as a Pisces rising.
As a Pisces rising, you probably don’t like clear structures. You are more about going with the flow. You may be chaotic in your dealings. Under pressure, you probably procrastinate more than you should.
To sum it up: don’t get lost in daydreams, and you are good to go.
When it comes to love, Pisces is an incredibly romantic sign. It dreams about the perfect union, the merging of souls. When it comes to everyday reality, it can be disappointed, though. Pisces has high expectations and can idealize its partner. It falls in love quickly and loves to fantasize about its crush.
In a relationship, you want to be loved unconditionally and give the same in return. You put a lot of effort into a connection. Water energy wants a deep sense of belonging. However, this placement suggests that there’s a trap of giving yourself up for your relationship.
The ideal partner of an ascendant in Pisces personality is someone who stands with both feet on the ground. They are practical, help you navigate your mundane duties. You might outsource analytical thinking to your partner and rely on their judgment for mundane things.
When it comes to your other half, it’s probably Virgo. Pisces rising are often in relationships with people who have natal Virgo placements. These two signs are each other’s polar opposites, but they both have what the other lacks.
Ascendant in Pisces Celebrities
Here are some famous people with this placement. Ascendant in Pisces celebrities:
- Demi Moore
- Ellen DeGeneres
- Johnny Cash
- Deepak Chopra
- Ryan Gosling
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