If you were born between February 20th and March 21st, your Sun sign is Pisces. Keep reading to learn what are some positive and negative traits of Pisces in astrology!
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. It’s a very special sign. There is a strange duality to it, it’s even symbolized by two fish trying to swim in different directions but tied together!

Pisces people are full of love, and their soul easily taps into the sea of imagination. However, they easily become overwhelmed with their emotions. In these moments, it’s good to understand the Fish better.
Hopefully, these 10 Pisces facts will help you get those born under this sign better!
Zodiac Fact 1: Pisces Are Empaths
In case you don’t know what the word empath means, it’s a person who feels the emotions of others as they feel their own.
Pisces wish everyone knew this about them. When someone is sad around a Pisces, they feel it. Perhaps this is why they are so easily overwhelmed.
Zodiac Fact 2: Pisces Can Actually Be Good at Math
There are some common misconceptions that Pisces and science don’t go together. Well, it’s not true. While not all Pisces folks will pursue a career in this field, many of them excel at math. They have the gift of deep focus, what is a perfect talent for someone who has to think about a problem for hours. And you have to be really creative to solve a complicated math problem, and Pisces is a synonym for creativity. Even Einstein was a Pisces.
Zodiac Fact 3: They Need a Lot of Sleep
Sleeping is the best way for people born under the Fish to refresh their energies. They need a lot of sleep to let go of the influence of the world. Because of they sensitivity, they absorb the energies around them, what is no good in the long run.
The best ideas often come to Pisces through dreams.
Zodiac Fact 4: Pisces Is Very Musical
The ruling planet of Pisces is Neptune in astrology. In case you didn’t know, Neptune is the planet of mystical experiences, including music. Most Pisces are deeply connected with the world of music. Some of them are talented musicians themselves, sharing with us the wonderful energy of Neptune.
Zodiac Fact 5: Solitude Is Essential for Their Well-Being
Pisces needs to spend a lot of time alone to find who they really are. They often want to live up to the expectations of people, but they risk using themselves in the process. Being on your own helps you let go and be the authentic you.
Zodiac Fact 6: Pisces Is Extremely Intuitive
Their intuition is one of the greatest strengths of Pisces people. Pisces is a water sign by element, and water is associated with feelings and intuition in astrology. Most Pisces are in tune with their higher selves, and they receive its messages all the time. This sometimes drives Pisces crazy, because even they don’t know how do they know certain things. They just know it.
Zodiac Fact 7: Pisces Is the Most Sensitive Sign in Astrology
If there was a sensitivity contest, Pisces would be the winner. Again, Pisces is a water sign. (Water signs in astrology include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.) All of them are sensitive, however, Pisces is the most sensitive, both emotionally and physically.
Zodiac Fact 8: Pisces Are Prone to Escapism
This is the dark side of the Fish. People born under this sign tend to run away from their problems. They crash under pressure. When it comes to being creative and imagination, they are the best, but Pisces is not cut out for solving real-world problems (that’s Virgo, the polar opposite of Pisces is for).
However, we all have to learn how to stand up for ourselves and face reality. Even Pisces. If they choose the easier way, they might end up swifting in life, not living their full potential.
Zodiac Fact 9: Pisces Is Full of Love
Pisces is the sign of unconditional love in astrology. Those born under this sign are gentle and compassionate souls.
If you see a rude Pisces, they have become really overwhelmed. Emotions are irrational, and sometimes Pisces doesn’t know how to cope with them.
Zodiac Fact 10: Pisces is a Dreamer. Take It or Leave It.
Don’t expect your Pisces to take account of everything that has to be done, from doing the laundry to remembering the deadline for that big project. They are simply not cut out for that. Pisces is a sign that dreams at night, daydreams at day.
If you love a Pisces, you have to know about them that they are a dreamer.
If you liked this post, make sure to share it with your Pisces friends or friends who have a Pisces in their lives!