If you have been studying astrology for some time, you probably heard the term anaretic degree thrown around. In this article, you can learn about its meaning in astrology.
Once you learn to decipher the basics of a birth chart, moving on to more advanced concepts help you understand astrological information better. Degrees are one way to extract additional information. Not all degrees are equally important-if you see that a planet is at the 29th degree, you’d better pay attention to it. This range is from 29°00’00” to 29°59’59” of any zodiac sign.
Sometimes referred to as the degree of fate, the anaretic degree is the 29th degree of any zodiac sign.When a planet is at an anaretic degree in the natal chart, it is often restricted from expressing itself fully. The 29th degree is associated with weakness and destruction.
The owner of the chart can find this planetary energy particularly challenging, as it is hard to make something out of it. Planets here are out of control. The 29th degree is one of the more difficult degrees in astrology.
It corresponds to the end of a cycle and a journey, and even though you learned a lot in the meantime, you are tired and have no energy left. Planets at the 29th degree operate in a similar way. They wish to move to the next sign, but they are stuck and exhausted.
Keep reading to learn more about the 29th degree in astrology!

Anaretic Degree Definition and Meaning
Each zodiac sign consists of 30 degrees. However, not all degrees are created equal.
Some degrees are in general more important than others. Some degrees are more important from the perspective of a certain planet: they can become stronger or weaker when at a certain degree, depending on the planet and sign in question. For example, the Moon is exalted at the 3rd degree of Taurus, for the Moon, this is a quite special degree. The anaretic degree is important for any planet in any sign of the Zodiac.
The anaretic degree is the 29th degree of any sign. This degree represents the end of a cycle. It is focused on change and finishing it’s journey.
The 29th degree is a special point—this degree marks the end of a sign, a final experience that tests how well you have learned your lessons. It can be seen as a culmination point for the zodiac sign. The 29th is an intense degree for sure.
The word anaretic has Greek origin. It comes from the word anareta, which means destructive, killing, ill-fortuned. Sounds scary, right? Anaretic degrees can indeed be challenging, but they can be handled, don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be detrimental to have planets at the 29th degree in the natal chart. It is what you make out of it, at the end of the day, we all have free will.
You can also imagine the final degree as a door between two rooms—while you are going through it, your perception of the environment is limited. You are not as agile as you would be if you had to focus on one room at the time. Planets at the anaretic degree are in the process of shifting into the next zodiac sign, and they have to focus on the new, not what they left behind. Some astrologers consider the last few degrees of a sign to be of similar meaning as well.
The 29th degree is said to be malefic. Planets here tend to manifest their lower octave. As the end of a sign, this degree indicates a more mature planet that has little energy left, and it lacks the strength to operate properly. These planets are a bit hazy, it is hard to express them clearly, in some way, this can be similar to the lower octave of Neptunian influence.
This degree is quite significant in karmic astrology. From a karmic perspective, planets at the 29th degree of any sign indicate past life challenges and lessons your soul haven’t mastered. It is in some way similar to retrograde planets and the 12th house. This house can be detrimental too,but it doesn’t have to be. In this lifetime, you are given another opportunity to integrate the energy of these planets and grow.
Planets (or points) at the 29th degree can indicate enhanced sensitivity. According to some astrologers, people with anaretic degree planets are more receptive to their unconscious. Sometimes this can go to the extent of psychic ability. This sensitivity is not always beneficial, as it can make harder for you to function properly in your everyday life.
If you have a 29th degree planet in your birth chart, its house is important too. The house tells in which life area you experience the energy of this planet.
If you want to learn about the meaning of planets at the anaretic degree in the natal chart, keep reading!
The Sun at an Anaretic Degree
What happens if you have your Sun at the 29th degree in your birth chart?
This placement suggests that your self-confidence is not as it should be. You can feel detached from yourself, and find it hard to be authentic. An anaretic degree Sun can suggest issues with self-expression. People with this placement tend to underestimate themselves but they can overcompensate by behaving in an arrogant way.
Moon at an Anaretic Degree
This luminary is crucial in the birth chart. An anaretic degree Moon in the natal chart can be quite frustrating. This placement suggests issues with your sense of security. You are often unaware of your emotions, or can’t cope with them in a way that serves you. You can feel detached from your feelings, and you react in an unpredictable way to things.
A 29th degree Moon can indicate escaping into the coping mechanism of your lunar sign when under pressure. For example, someone with their Moon in Taurus might become self-indulgent. You can feel stuck in the past.
Mercury at an Anaretic Degree
Mercury at the 29th degree suggests problems with connecting with others. Usually this placement doesn’t mean weakened intellectual abilities, but it is hard to express yourself. It can feel like being locked up in a bell jar.
Miscommunication can be a major issue with an anaretic degree Mercury in the birth chart. You can find that unpleasant situations repeat themselves in your life until you learn to express your thoughts properly and connect with other people.
Venus at an Anaretic Degree
An anaretic degree Venus is one of the more challenging placements. In some way, it is similar to Venus retrograde in the birth chart. Venus at 29th degree suggests that you fall in love with the wrong people and give more than what you receive. You get attached too quickly and don’t move on even when the relationship hurts you. People with Venus at the 29th degree can develop an obsession with relationships.
This placement indicates issues with your self-worth. It affects your ability to receive as well—Venus has to do with effortlessly attracting to you what you want. Venus at an anaretic degree indicates that you are inapt at forming and maintaining high value relationships. This does not only affect your love life, but your friendships, relationships with coworkers, and other types of unions as well.
Mars at an Anaretic Degree
Mars at 29th degree is a tricky placement. Your will and energy usually doesn’t operate in a way it should to support you. This placement is similar to Mars in the 12th house or a retrograde Mars. You are restricted from actively pursuing what you want. An anaretic degree Mars can suggest anxiety, low self-confidence, feeling unable to protect yourself and stand up for yourself. Issues with sexuality can occur as well.
This placement can also indicate a lack of persistence and delayed gratification. You can be impulsive, impatient, and find it hard to resist temptation.
Jupiter at an Anaretic Degree
Jupiter at 29th degree in the natal chart indicates either overcompensating this planet or not acknowledging its energy. An anaretic degree Jupiter suggests that you are prone to exaggeration, and you often don’t know when to stop. Overdoing things is a major issue.
You have to develop a faith in yourself before you can trust the outer word to help you. People with this placement can use religion or spirituality as an escape.
Saturn at an Anaretic Degree
Saturn at 29th degree suggests issues with discipline. It takes longer for these people to take responsibility for their lives and learn to be persistence.
This placement can indicate a general insecurity. You can be afraid to take a stand and commit to something. Saturn here often lacks persistence, determination, ambition.
Predictive Techniques and the 29th Degree
The planets didn’t stop moving after your birth. There are various astrological prognostic techniques. The 29th degree can be a key indicator of important events happening.
Progressed planets or points at the anaretic degree can indicate major events and changes. This event might indicate the end of an era in your life and the beginning of a transitional period. You might find that you have to change something, make a bold move, or you have to make a decision that will affect your future. The nature of the planet is important, of course, but generally speaking, when a progressed planets hits the 29th degree of a sign, you can expect intense times.
Transiting planets at the anaretic degree are usually more significant from the perspective of the whole world. (But in case they activate a natal placement in your chart, it can suggest important events in your life as well.)
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