The natal chart is a wonderful tool. It contains all you strengths and weaknesses, talents and life areas where you need to improve. In this article, you can learn how to spot artistic talent in astrology in the natal chart.
If you are reading this article, chances are that you do have artistic ability! Most people who are talented in this field is already aware of it, it’s just that they are insecure about it and need encouragement to be creative.

How to Spot a Talent in the Natal Chart
There are multiple ways a talent is indicated in the birth chart.
First of all, easy or harmonious aspects are associated with talents in astrology. Energy flows easily between the planets, and you can easily channel it in a positive way.
Trines and Sextiles
There are two main harmonious aspects in astrology: trines and sextiles. In the natal chart, they are usually shown with blue lines.
Trines are between planets that are located 120 degrees apart. This is a very harmonious flow of energy, sometimes you are not even aware of it because it’s so natural to you that you are good at it. However, many people take trines for granted!
Sextiles are more dormant. You can develop them to a great level, but it requires some effort. In this case, there are 60 degrees between the planets. People are usually more aware of their sextiles than trines.
Planets in Good Dignity
If a planet is located in a sign where it can operate well, this suggests talent, too.
Let’s say you have Mercury in Virgo or Gemini. Here, Mercury is in the sign of its rulership. It has all the resources it needs to work very well. People who have Mercury in either Virgo or Gemini are super smart.
Note that this is more important when talking about personal planets.
Venus in Libra or Taurus suggests refined aesthetic skills and a talent for achieving balance, even visually. Moon in Cancer, in the sign of its rulership also suggests strong intuition and creativity.
Planets and Artistic Talent in Astrology
Every planet has its own unique qualities. This is reflected in the things they rule in astrology.
When it comes to art and artistic talent in astrology, the two most important planets to look to are Venus and Neptune.
Venus as an Indicator of Artistic Talent
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It brings harmony and peace and strives to find balance. Venus is associated with poetry, culture, art, aesthetics and everything beautiful.
A prominent Venus in the natal chart suggests refined aesthetic skills. People who have this planet strong in their chart are attracted to beauty, and they have an innate talent for establishing harmony, which is essential in the arts.
In the natal chart, the sign of Venus reveals a lot of information about what kind of art you like to make and what kind of art you are attracted to.
If you want to learn more about Venus, here’s an article about what Venus means in astrology.
Neptune and Artistic Ability
Neptune is an outer planet, it was discovered only in 1846. It is the higher octave of Venus and it rules the zodiac sign Pisces in astrology.
Neptune governs divine inspiration. It is associated with the twelfth house of fantasies, mystical experiences and the collective subconscious. Neptune is also the planet of dreams and sleeping. In the natal chart, Neptune represents your imagination and your spiritual side.
If you have your Neptune strong in your chart, you want to find a creative outlet! The dark side of Neptune is illusions, escapism, substance abuse and addictions.
When you hear the word art, Uranus is not the first planet that comes to your mind.
Uranus is the planet of creativity and rebellion. It makes you want to break the rules and invent something new. Uranus is associated with innovations and originality in astrology.
When it comes to art, Uranus makes you want to experiment and discover new forms of self-expression!
If you want to learn more about Uranus, here’s an article about what Uranus means in astrology.
Zodiac Signs and Artistic Ability
There are twelve signs in the zodiac, and each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. There are some zodiac signs that are more creative and artistic than the rest.
Ruled by Venus, Taurus is all about hedonism. This sign appreciates beauty, luxuries, flowers, beautiful and high-quality clothes and jewelry. The Bull is sometimes accused of being materialistic, and this sis true to a certain extent. Taurus is focused on the physical world and on turning ideas into reality.
Taurus is often strong in the charts of artists. This sign gives you a talent for seeing the beauty and it loves the finer things in life.
Cancer is the zodiac sign of emotions and intuition. Associated with the Moon, Cancer is always changing, following its intuition rather than abiding by external rules. Cancer is a water sign, and water is the element of emotions.
Leo is the sign of creativity. Ruled by the Sun, Leos possess the life force necessary to create something new. They are full of energy, optimism and enthusiasm. Leo wants to have fun. It’s a super playful and childlike sign, teaching us how to find flow in life and be authentic.
The house associated with Leo in the chart wheel is the fifth house. It is the house of self-expression, creativity, but most of all, fun.
Libra is the sign of art. The ruling planet of Libra is Venus in astrology, the planet of love and beauty.
Knowing this, it’s no surprise that Libra is all about aesthetics and harmony. People who are Libra rising are often beautiful themselves, too. An emphasized Libra suggests refined aesthetic skills, an inner need for harmony and the love of the pleasant things in life.
Libra wants to find peace. The Scales look for balance, and they have a talent for establishing it, both in their relationships and in the visual world.
Pisces is an extremely sensitive sign. The Fish swim in the sea of the subconscious and dreams, which serves as a constant source of inspiration in their lives.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune in astrology, the higher octave of Venus. The house associated with Pisces is the twelfth house. If you have several planets there, you can easily tap into the waters of the creative unconscious.
This zodiac sign has a very strong intuition, and they are drawn to music, acting, and all forms of art. If you have Pisces strong in your chart, you need a creative outlet. Art is a way to connect with the universe and your higher self, and it supports your overall well-being.
Pisces needs a lot of time alone. Because of its sensitivity, it needs a coping mechanism, and art is an excellent way to let go of stress.
Aspects as Indicators of Artistic Talent in the Natal Chart
Now that you know what to look for when you want to see if someone has artistic abilities, it’s time to analyze the aspects!
Stellium in an Artistic Sign or House
In case you have to look up what stellium means, it’s a planetary configuration where four or more planets are close to each other, usually under 8 degrees. Some astrologers require one of them to be an outer planet. If you have three planets close to each other, it’s a triple conjunction.
A stellium in the natal chart suggests that you have a loooot of planetary energy focused in a certain life area, thus it becomes important in your life. A stellium is often a career indicator.
If you have a stellium in one of the artistic houses, such as the fifth or the twelfth, you are highly creative and making art is an important outlet in your life. A stellium in the third house suggests literary talent and a love of reading and writing.
The sign of the planets of your stellium is also important. This sign becomes heavily emphasized in your birth chart, and you need to channel its energies in a constructive way.
A stellium in Libra, Taurus or Pisces tells that you are highly artistic and you should art making a priority in your life.
Aspects to Venus
Venus is the planet of art, and if it comes into contact with another artistic planet, such as Neptune or the Moon, creative energy can easily flow in your life.
Venus in aspect with the ascendant gives physical beauty and often makes you charming and charismatic. This placement is excellent for actors and it indicates that you are drawn to the finer things in life.
Venus in aspect with the Midheaven people often end up in a career related to art.
Moon-Venus and Venus-Neptune aspects are a sign of artistic talent in astrology. When these planets unite their energies, you are capable of expressing your emotions in a artistic way and they speak of high visual intelligence.
Aspects to Neptune
Neptune represents inspiration and your imagination. Neptune is the planet of the divine connection, and it invites you into the world of dreams and fantasy. For an artist, this is very beneficial, right?
Neptune in aspect with the Moon suggests a romantic and idealistic person. You are sensitive and have creative inclinations. However, with challenging aspects (square or opposition), you can escape into addictions, so art is a healthy outlet for you.
Neptune in aspect with Venus is a strong indicator of artistic talent in astrology. Venus and Neptune suggest a person who has a talent for poetry, has a rich imagination and loves music. People with these aspects can be impractical, however when it comes to the world of art, they are extremely gifted.
Saturn is an infamous planet in astrology, but if you have your Saturn in a harmonious aspect in Neptune, it suggests that you can turn your ideas and visions into reality!
Aspects to the Moon
The Moon is the planet of your personal subconscious, mood, instincts and intuition. A strong Moon in the natal chart suggests an emotional and intuitive person, and it’s an indicator of artistic talent in astrology.
A strong and well-aspected Moon suggests that you can express your emotions well and you follow your intuition. Planets in aspect with your Moon color how you feel and express your feelings.
Moon in aspect with Venus is a classic aspect of artistic ability. With the soft aspects, you can express your emotions through art and have refined aesthetic skills. You are a graceful and charming person, who has good social skills.
Hard Aspects
Even though harmonious aspects are important, you can’t neglect the importance of the challenging aspects. They show frustration and suffering, but this is what forces you to search for answers.
Without squares and opposition, you might lack the motivation to leave your comfort zone and take action. In the natal chart, they force you to go out there and expand your talents.
What Planet to Look to by Type of Art
There are many less conventional types of art, but in general, look to the following:
Visual arts: here Venus is the most important, pay attention to Neptune and the Moon, too. When it comes to the signs of the Zodiac, Taurus and Libra are the most important.
Music: Look to Neptune, Uranus and Venus, and to the zodiac signs Pisces and Taurus.
Literary talent: Gemini and Mercury are the go-to components in the natal chart if you want to spot a talent for writing. Mercury in aspect with the Moon, Venus, Neptune or the Sun are strong indicators, and so is an emphasized third house.
Dancing: Venus and Neptune show grace and talent for this type of art. Because dancers are often in the spotlight, an emphasized upper hemisphere is often present in the natal chart.
Acting: Leo, the Sun and the fifth house are important here. Neptune, Pisces and the twelfth house are also involved. Actors live in the public eye, so the tenth house and the Midheaven are often emphasized in the birth chart.
Talent Is Overrated
When it comes to pursuing art, it’s a common misconception that talent is all you need.
Talent is a nice to have instead of a must. What will make or break your path as an artist is how much work and effort are you willing to put in. Having talents is one thing, developing is another.
The most important thing is consistency. If you work on your craft every day, becoming good at it is inevitable. You have to be willing to try and fail thousands of times if you have to.
However, it would be a lie to say that hard work is all you need. Working smart is just as important.
Books worth reading about the creative process:
- Big Magic by Liz Gilbert
- The Way of the Artist by Julia Cameron.
Art as a Career in the Natal Chart
There are many ways you can be an artist. If a person pursues a career in the arts, usually their Midheaven (the cusp of the tenth house of career and public reputation) is involved.
In these cases, it often happens that the ruling planet of the Midheaven is in a creative house such as the fifth or the twelfth and in a creative sign. In the birth chart, career is very complex. You can read more about career in astrology here.
A career in the arts includes a lot more fields than just fine arts or teaching art. You also need to be highly creative in interior design or social media, for example. There are many fields out there where artistic ability is helpful.
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