If you like journaling but need some inspiration, these astrology journal prompts can spice up your journaling practice.
Zodiac Sign Journal Prompts
Aries Journal Prompts
In which area of life would you benefit from having more courage?
What is something you want to start?
What is your relationship with risk like?
How do you express your anger?
Taurus Journal Prompts
What does help you restore your inner peace?
How can you utilize nature to make your life easier?
What resource do you want to be more economical with?
When do you feel the most abundant?
What simple things would make your life feel more luxurious?
Gemini Journal Prompts
How can you optimize your use of social media?
What book did inspire you the most?
What kind of people do you want to add to your circle?
What is your favorite topic to talk about?
Cancer Journal Prompts
How can you protect yourself better?
How can you expand your support system?
What food do you want to add or minimize in your diet?
What makes you feel at home somewhere?
Leo Journal Prompts
What does energize you?
How do you want to spend your free time?
How can you foster your creativity?
Virgo Journal Prompts
How can you cleanse your life?
What is something you want to stop doing?
What weakness do you want to turn into a strength?
How can you take better care of yourself?
Libra Journal Prompts
Which quality is the most important to you in a partner?
How do you react to conflict?
How has our attitude to relationships changed throughout the years?
Scorpio Journal Prompts
Think of a person whose transformation process inspires you the most.
What is something you want to quit?
What are you the proudest of overcoming?
Sagittarius Journal Prompts
How can you expand your life this month?
What do you want to discover in the world?
What is your opinion about spirituality?
What life lesson are you the most grateful you learned?
Capricorn Journal Prompts
What is something in your life that you want to add more structure to?
How do you react to authority figures?
Who do you aspire to be in a year?
Aquarius Journal Prompts
What are you looking forward to this month?
How do you want to reform your life?
What contribution do you want to have in the world?
What is your relationship with technology like?
Pisces Journal Prompts
What is your favorite daydream?
How can you add a touch of magic to your life?
When was the last time you sabotaged yourself?

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