The three most important features of a birth chart are the Sun, the Moon and the ascendant. A natal Moon in the eighth house has some similarities with a Scorpio Moon.
The eighth house is famous for its intensity and depth. The Moon here reflects these qualities: this placement tells that the person has intense emotions and they carefully analyze them.
A natal Moon in the eighth house gifts (or curses?) you with very strong intuition, in some cases even psychic abilities. You are drawn to taboos.
With the Moon in the eighth house, there is an intense need for security. This placement makes you mysterious and investigative. The eighth house is known as the realm of darkness, and if your Moon is placed here, your emotional world won’t be all sunshine and birds chirping.
The Moon’s position reveals a lot about your emotional nature. It shows how (your Moon’s sign) and where (your Moon’s house) you seek safety and nurturing.

Keep reading to learn more about the Moon in the eighth house!
Meaning of the Moon in Astrology
Why you should learn more about the Moon’s meaning in astrology?
Because the Moon is your soul―humans would be robots without the Moon. It’s the intuitive and irrational part of you, your instincts and your subconscious. The Moon is the polar opposite of the Sun. It is the female principle―the Moon has always been associated with women, children and pregnancy. This luminary shows how you take care of others and how you want to be taken care of.
Your nurturing style is based on your childhood memories. In the natal chart, the Moon represents your mother. Our parents affect us more than we know. As a baby, all you can rely on are your parents. We want them to love us, and this need for acceptance stays with us for life. How your parents loved you is how you expect to be loved.
The Moon in astrology reveals these behavioral patterns from out early childhood. Understanding the Moon helps you understand the emotional nature of both yourself and your loved ones.
Some other things ruled by the Moon in astrology include:
- mood
- periodical changes
- intuition
- habits
- you as a parent
- nurturing
- emotions
- reactions.
Want to learn more about this beautiful luminary? Click here to read more about the meaning of the Moon in astrology.
The Eighth House in the Natal Chart
The eighth house is one of the most mysterious and fascinating houses in the chart wheel. It’s hard to sum it up in a few paragraphs, because there are many life areas associated with this house!
If you want to read a more in-depth article about the eighth house, we’ve covered it here.
Here’s a list of the life areas the eighth house governs:
- transformation
- death
- sex
- birth and rebirth
- other people’s money
- legacy, financial gain through marriage or partnerships
- everything hidden under the surface.
This house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio and Scorpio’s ruling planet, Pluto.
The eighth house is about intense transformation. It governs life events that turn your world upside down and change you for ever. It is the house of death and rebirth, both literally and in a philosophical sense. You don’t experience this house on a day-to-day basis, but when you meet it, it leaves no stone unturned. It’s what they call the dark night of the soul.
Now that you know what the Moon and the eighth house mean in astrology, let’s proceed to interpreting a natal Moon in the eighth house!
Interpreting a Natal Moon in the Eighth House
The eighth house is a fascinating house, but by no means an easy (=cheerful, upbeat) one. With planets here, you are drawn to the darker side of human existence. Especially such important planets as the Moon here make you somewhat Scorpionic.
And as we all know, the life of a Scorpio is packed with intense emotions, mysteries and ups and downs. You want to find the root of the problems and you love to investigate under the surface.With the Moon here, you are a survivor. The good thing about the eighth house is that it gives you strength to rise when you fall and transform pain into something better.
The Moon in the eighth house speaks of extreme sensitivity. The eighth house is a water house. Planets in water houses emphasize intuition, sometimes to the level of psychic abilities. If you have your Moon in the eighth or in the twelfth house, pay special attention to your dreams and gut feelings, because this is how your higher self wants to communicate with you.
This sensitivity can often make it hard to recognize what is your emotion and what comes from others. With planets in water houses, it is beneficial to spend enough time alone and recharge.
You have an innate insight into human nature. People can’t really lie to you, because you recognize it in no time. This placement often attracts people who are going through pain. However, when you feel that you can’t help them, help yourself first.
The Moon in the eighth house often suggests a person who is involved with other people’s money. Financial gain can come into your life through some female relative or through marriage.
In astrology, the Moon represents your mother. With the Moon in the eighth house, it often happens that your mother was absent from your life. This placement also suggests that your relationship with her is intense and not without hardships.
The Moon in the Eighth House and Sexuality
There is a strange duality to a natal Moon in the eighth house.
This placement suggests a romantic and gentle soul, but at the same time, this person wants passion and intensity in love. The Moon here craves depth in a relationship, as it provides a form of emotional safety for them.
The Moon is the quickest celestial object.
When it is placed in the house of sex, you can expect a need for many partners. There might be some insecurity in this aspect, and even though the person craves deep love, they are afraid of it at the same time, and often choose to ditch the relationship.
How the Moon in the eighth house manifests depends on multiple factors: its sign and the aspects with the rest of the chart all have an influence over this.
One thing is for sure: sex and affection play a big role in a person’s life with the Moon in the eighth house. Whether you tend to use these energies constructively depends on the condition of the Moon (and your free will, of course).
With such an important planet in the natural house of Scorpio, your emotions are often extreme. You go from love to hate in no time. There are no greys here, you tend to see (feel) the world in black and white.
A natal Moon in the eighth house suggests that you are drawn to the great mysteries of life. If you have this placement in your birth chart, you are interested in topics others find morbid, such as death, for example. You find these things fascinating, and you love to read about the occult or even astrology!
However, you often feel that you can’t share your emotions with people around you because they wouldn’t understand them. This can be a lonely placement. The Moon in the eighth house tells that the chart holder is a private person when it comes to feelings, sometimes even labeled as secretive.
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Interesting analysis. My natal moon is in the eight house.
Great read. Natal moon in Aries – 8th house.
Mine too. Also Pluton in Scorpio (“rulers”), third house. Do you find hard to comunicate emotions and such?
I have those placements as well! I wonder if we have the same bday- June 27? But yes it is incredibly hard to share. I was just telling my fam yesterday how I can’t talk to them about how I’m feeling because they wouldn’t understand. This article is to a T for me
I have the same bday as you Danielle, and I have said that exact quote many times to my family! Crazy!
May I ask why it is you (8th house Moons (Aries)) think that others wouldn’t understand?
My natal Moon is on the cusp of 8/9 house, depending of the House style. I definitely feel them both.
My mother passed away when I was a teenager and I feel the intensity of emotions, but always hidden within me. But also, I was always attracted to foreign and distant lands, I even moved on another continent because of a woman. So definitely both houses apply to my Moon!
Yep, this is so me, to a T. I have moon in Cancer in the eighth house, (also it is sextile pluto -and with venus and asc. , neptune and north node in scorpio.) All I can say is that it’s a real THING.
Love your website. The best astrological explanation l have ever read
Love this site, nice to read through all your placements and aspects! I’m trying to understand all the plutonian energy in my chart, as I have sun & moon in 8th house & then a Scorpio Rising with Pluto in the 1st as well! Very interesting to read about each element individually.
Wow, Bee! you have a super powerful chart! The more consciously you can work with all that transformative energy, the better. You have some great healing abilities. I’ve got Pluto rising (from the first house) and even with the trines to the Sun, Ceres, and Saturn, it has been a life of much refinement of consciousness. Have you found a way to balance your 8th house Moon’s need for safety and security with any need for intimacy and deep connection with others? Great chart!
Hey! I have moon in Pisces in 8th house… Pluto in Libra in 3rd. Yes, it is difficult to express my feelings and thoughts.. I find that it’s because I don’t really trust anyone with them.
With your Pluto in 3rd, are you the chatterbox or the extremely quiet type?
Either way, I bet you are a natural bs detector…
Thanks for sharing. Your explanation definitely makes sense compared to many I read previously that it’s because they feel others won’t understand them. No Scorpio is going to accept that excuse. Thanks for being honest.
I have both of those placements too, dying laughing over here
Yes all that applies very well. Moon in Gemini 8th house here. Thanks for this detailed description!
I have to add: moon in 8th house sometimes means subjective
perception of absent mother (eg emotionally/mentally, not just physical)
Every effin’ description of every ‘effin sign I have on my birth chart says my mother was either absent or abusive/neglectful! In fact both my parents were awesome and TRIED to be affectionate toward me, but I was emotionally absent to them. If there was any abuse that I experienced in my youth, it was from my peers.
My moon is in Sag conjunct Neptune, and I have a grand trine in water and a Pisces stellium. I always trust my gut. I’ve taken astro classes, psychic development classes, and provide tarot readings at times. In real life, I’m a therapist and very interested in the criminal mind and all things psychology-based, as well as the occult/mysteries of the universe!
This is spot on, as are all of your articles online. I love this website’s insights on astrology. One of the best sites online ever!
Your website is one of the bests! Has the most in-depth interpretations and explanations.
My natal moon is Scorpio in the 8th House.
My 8th house ruler is Scorpio. Moon is at 19°, Mars and
Venus exact conjunct at 11° they are sextile Jupiter in Cap in the 10th. And finally Mercury is at 26°. Very spot on analysis of this placement.
I have Asteroid Ceres 3 degrees Gemini conjunct Nemisi date and Moon in Gemini eighth with Scorpio rising. My mother died when I was 2 years old. I feel her presence and while I’m jog psychic I do feel the unseen and yes to all the things you say about sex emotional intensity and seeing into peoples issues. I’ve been a therapist all my career. Thanks for a good descriptor!
Nemesis, fate!
I come back to this often, at new stages in my consciousness: I gleam new downloads and spiral higher each revisit…! Scorpio Rising w/ Mars conj. Pluto in 1st, Moon/Jupiter/Venus/North Node in 8th house