The Moon in the eleventh house becomes a super friendly Moon. This placement suggests that you are free of prejudices, have a lot of friends and you want to make the world a better place. Being with your friends is one of your deepest emotional needs here.
There are three extremely important features of a natal chart that lay the foundation of your personality: the Sun, the Moon and the ascendant. The Sun is your conscious self, the Moon shows your emotional nature and the ascendant is the face you show to the world.
Now, the Moon’s influence is enormous. Its house and sign tell a lot about your subconscious, feelings and how you react to what happens to you.
No matter if you have this placement in your own birth chart or if you just want to learn more about the meaning of the Moon in the eleventh house, in this article, we’ve got you covered!

Meaning of the Moon in Astrology
The Moon is a fascinating object in the sky, and it’s a fascinating component of the natal chart.
Here’s a list of the keywords associated with the Moon in astrology:
- the female principle
- your mother or the more nurturing parent
- intuition
- emotions
- instincts
- basic urges
- needs
- reactions
- memory
- the subconscious.
The Moon rules the sign Cancer. They are both about your private life, home and family. The Moon is known as a gentle and nurturing planet. Its position in the natal chart describes what makes you feel safe, how you want to be loved and what makes you feel that you are taken care of.
The Moon is associated with your mother. The patterns we learned early on stay with us for a long time, if we don’t consciously work on them, for ever. How you were nurtured as a child influences how you nurture yourself and your loved ones, too. The Moon represents both your inner child and your inner parent.
You can see why the Moon is so important in astrology. It operates in the background (the Moon also represents your subconscious and memory), but it colors all your relationships, both with others and your relationship with yourself.
The house of the Moon shows the life areas where you seek comfort. Emotional safety is one of the basic human needs.
If you want to learn more about this majestic celestial body, read this article about the meaning of the Moon in astrology.
The Eleventh House in the Natal Chart
The eleventh house is traditionally associated with the Water Bearer.
There is a strange duality to the eleventh house and Aquarius. They both govern groups, but at the same time, they emphasize individuality and being different. The eleventh house is about emotionless connection. An eleventh-house friendship would be when you meet someone who shares some of your interests. You talk about this mutual hobby and enjoy each other’s company,, but this relationship is based on an intellectual connection rather than on emotional.
Besides groups and organizations, the eleventh house also governs your hopes and wishes in life. Your goals and what you desire the most can all be seen through it.
This house shows everything that comes into your life. It represents money you earn from your profession and the love you receive.
The eleventh house is also the house of humanitarianism.
Read more: The eleventh house in astrology
Natal Moon in the Eleventh House
This placement of the Moon emphasizes the need to connect. This is very important in your life, you can easily become depressed if you feel lonely.
A Moon in the eleventh house needs friends more than anything. However, these are not necessarily emotional bonds, the Moon here prefers larger groups where people gather around a similar interest. There is an emotional need to belong to a group of like-minded people. Your friends are often female.
This placement suggests that you are very open-minded and tolerant. The Moon in the eleventh house doesn’t care about the color of someone’s skin, their religion or their gender. It has no prejudices, the only thing that matters here are similar goals and values.
You are a good organisator. The Moon here suggests a talent for bringing people together, you put a lot of effort and energy into the groups where you are a member. Networking comes natural to you.
The condition of the Moon is a major factor when it comes to how this placement will manifest. If your Moon receives harmonious aspects and it’s in a good dignity, you fit in very well and you can make a lot of friends. On the other hand, an afflicted Moon in the eleventh house suggests in this area.
The Moon here is extremely receptive to the influence of their friends. They can have both a beneficial or harmful effect on it, so it’s wise to think about who you want to socialize with.
Besides groups, the eleventh house is also the house if financial gain. The Moon in the eleventh house has an emotional need for financial security, and the good news is that people with this placement often become financially successful. Your connections are of great help here, especially your female friends.
Moon in the Eleventh House and Social Issues
A person who has the Moon in the eleventh house has an emotional need to contribute to society. The Aquarian vibes here want to give everyone equal opportunities and they truly believe in a fair world. The Moon here wants to make the world a better place on many levels.
People who have the Moon in the eleventh house care about ecology. If you have this placement, chances are that you are interested in things like minimalism, zero waste living and sustainability. You want to live in way that doesn’t harm the environment. The Moon here can’t live happily if they have to see others are suffering.
A person with this placement is involved with humanitarian activities. This can include small things like helping their neighbors or the elderly, but they are often members of organizations where they can help people. Moon in the eleventh house people often donate money to good causes and financially help associations whose values they share.
By helping others, you help yourself, too. The validation you get this way is invaluable to you.You are emotionally sensitive to the feedback of your peer groups. Volunteering is a perfect choice for the Moon in the eleventh house: you get to make good deeds, help others and in the meantime, make friends with your peers.
The Moon in the eleventh house can indicate that you adopt a child, become a foster parent or have stepchildren. When it comes to your family, this placement also suggests that your mother was a beneficial influence in your life (if the Moon is well-aspected), and she can be a source of financial gain.
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Well done VERY GOOD description of moon in 11th house . If i were to grade it i would grade it an A grade .
It describes me very well all my life my closest friends have been females male friends i couldnt vibe with em
Isolation for prologoned periods of time was enough to cause a detoriation in my mental state especially in my childhood years my rising sign in cancer makes it worse.
The part of your Article that says Mother being A beneficial influence in my life that is true .
I have grown up with her being the breadwinner she still is to this day.
Very good I have an eleventh house moon in Aries ,so me
I would say this is accurate- it’s interesting because my mom was emotionally unavailable so I received most of my nurturing from my female elementary school counselor during my most formative years (5-9)- she gave me clothes, food, free-access to her office throughout the day, love and compassion… and I fully believe my 11th house moon is representative of her as the nurturing mother in my chart<3… even tho it is in opposition to my north node in cancer in the 6th house, which is far more reflective of my real mom. iykyk. great article, thank you for your knowledge!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
My moon is in the 11th house (virgo) i would say i am an extremely open minded person and i am very much a humanitarian believing all people should be treated equally and fairly. i help others and feel when i help others the universe blesses me back and i feel personally validated knowing i was able to help someone in need. I also grew up with a really tough mother who expected perfectionism out of me. and while in my youth i resented her due to her mental health issues as well as her harsh abusive nature she has been a huge financial gain for me. she does financially help me with a lot throughout my entire life. As for a children i have always thought i’d end up a step mom or adopt a kid i even joke about wanting to. so thats really funny to see. i find this extremely accurate for me personally.
Nailed it! I’m a Cancer moon in the 11th, although with Pluto in the 1st, people are usually very slow to see that I am such an open-minded softy!!! Love your site! Thanks!
Full Moon placed in the 11th with Jupiter, however, it’s 29:30 degrees and Moon owns the 12th. Some say the end degrees make it strong, others say it makes it weak. Mercury owns the house where the Moon is placed and Mercury is in the 6th. I’m told that 6th house is the house of enemies and what may seem like a friend will act like an enemy. Mother provided me with everything!