People usually know about their Sun sign, some know their rising sign. Those more interested in astrology even know their Moon sign, but the sign of Venus is essential in the birth chart, too.
In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Venus in astrology. Venus is one of the personal planets, hence it is super important in the birth chart and in general. Known as the planet of love and beauty, Venus governs art, culture, luxuries, charm, peace and of course, relationships.
What do you love?
What brings you the most fulfilment and joy?
What kind of love makes you feel appreciated?
The answer to all these questions lies in Venus. Venus and its position in the natal chart tell a lot about your interests and love life.
Did you know that this planet is even said to bring luck? Actually, in earlier times it was called the lesser benefic (Jupiter is the greater). After Jupiter, Venus is the best planet to have in any house.
Let’s discover the astrological meaning of majestic Venus!

Some Facts About Venus
Venus, the planet of love and beauty is the second closest planet to the Sun (after Mercury). It is actually the Earth’s closest planetary neighbor. Venus has been of great help to humanity since the early days, for example, in navigation. Venus is visible to the naked eye and it is actually the brightest object in the sky after the luminaries. It was called both the evening star and morning star. For a long time, astronomers often thought that they are two different planets—but they were both Venus.
Did you know that a day on Venus lasts longer than a whole year on Earth?
Venus is the only planet in the Solar System that is named after a female deity. It got its name after Venus, who is the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is her equivalent. Venus is all about happiness, beauty, and harmony.
Venus has an orb of 225 days. In the natal chart, Venus is always located near the Sun. The maximal distance between them is 46 degrees, which means that they are either in the same sign or Venus’s sign is preceding or following the sign the Sun is in.
Characteristics of Venus in Astrology
Venus rules two zodiac signs. One of them is Taurus (nocturnal Venus) and the other one is Libra (ruled by diurnal Venus). Let’s see why they are connected to Venus in astrology.
Taurus is the sign of material prosperity. Even though it is a hard-working and extremely grounded sign, Taurus knows how to enjoy life. During the year, Taurus season is in spring, when nature is blooming to the fullest. Taurus loves good food, nice clothing and artwork. So does Venus. Venus governs flowers, fruits, art in astrology and it knows how to enjoy life, just like Taurus. Through Taurus, Venus is the ruler of the second house in the natal chart.
While Taurus is an earth sign, Libra is air by element.
Libra is the sign of grace and diplomacy. Those born under the Scales strive to find balance, both in relationships and in life generally speaking. Venus is the planet of harmony, so it is a perfect match with Libra—you can see why Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra, right? Libra is the natural sign of the seventh house.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, which means that it operates with ease here. Virgo is the sign where Venus is in fall, while in Scorpio it is in detriment. In Virgo and Scorpio Venus has few resources and it is weakened here.
The symbol of Venus looks like this: ♀︎. There are more opinions on what its glyph represents, some astrologers think it is the vanity mirror of goddess Venus, but it can also be a necklace—it’s fun to think about all the possible meanings!
About Venus in Astrology: What You Love
Venus is all about elegance and pleasure. Venus governs all the finer things in life: flowers, fruits, fragrances, sculptures, art, jewelry, for example. In the world of Venus, everything is beautiful. When you enjoy a good wine, wear a beautiful dress or read a poem, you get a piece of Venus.
Venus in the natal chart shows even what kind of art you like! It also describes (along with your ascendant) what kind of clothes you like to wear, what is your style like and your aesthetics in general.
Did you know that Venus in astrology brings luck? It was is often referred to as Fortuna minor which means lesser benefic (Fortuna major is, of course, Jupiter). No matter which house Venus is in the natal chart, she brings there luck. You usually achieve success in the corresponding life areas easily. Venus in the eleventh house makes you liked in your social circle, Venus in the seventh house gives you the marriage of your dreams and so on.
Venus in the natal chart also shows what you enjoy. This is true both in relationships and in possessions—Venus is the natural ruler of the second house, the house of money and values. A well-aspected Venus in the natal chart can make you affluent—money comes easier to you. It’s important to take into account both the position by house and by sign and the aspects Venus makes with the rest of the chart.
Damaged Venus in the Natal Chart
Venus in the natal chart shows what you love, how you love and how you want to be loved. But if Venus is afflicted, you experience hardships in these areas.
Venus is a very sensitive and emotional planet. It is the vulnerable side of you which wants to be loved. If some of the heavier planets aspect Venus in the natal chart, you have a hard time getting the love you want.
The problem here is that people with challenging aspects to Venus often don’t know how to love themselves properly, no matter how cheesy this sounds. This prevents you from attracting the right people into your life who would truly love and appreciate you.
For example, Saturn in aspect to Venus freezes with its coldness Venus’s affection. If a person has this aspect in the chart, they often feel unwanted and a lack of love in their life. The worst part is that sometimes the love is even out there and accessible, but Saturn blocks it for them. This aspect makes it hard to accept love. Even the harmonious aspects are a challenge here.
Other challenging planets are Mars, Uranus and Pluto. If they are in hard aspects with your Venus, it is damaged in the natal chart. A damaged Venus can also result in vanity or excessive self-indulgence.
How To Improve and Strengthen Your Venus
What to do if your Venus is afflicted in the natal chart?
Not all is lost, you can still find the love you want. Remember what Venus is all about in astrology: love, romance, charm, grace, pleasure, fun, luxury. It governs all the finer things in life. The key here is effortlessness.
If you want to receive and attract these things effortlessly into your life, in the beginning try to consciously incorporate some Venusian things into your daily routine. Make sure to spend each day some time doing things that you truly enjoy. It’s important to note that this is different from person to person, do what you like doing the most. The house and sign of Venus shows what you like. For example, someone with Venus in the ninth house loves to travel and discover new cultures. Venus in the third house suggests that the person enjoys reading, writing and chatting around.
By enjoying yourself you become more and more attractive and eventually, you learn how to get what you want. When you stop trying, the universe or whoever you believe in can actually get to work and bring you all the nice things you want.
Relationships and Venus in Astrology
Venus is also about relationships and emotional bounds. Through Libra, Venus is the natural ruler of the seventh house in the natal chart (the seventh house is the house of partnerships and marriage). Venus doesn’t feel good when she is alone—which is actually one of Libra weaknesses in astrology. (On the other hand, Venus can gift you with grace, charm, elegance and tact.)
Venus is one of the most important planets when it comes to relationship compatibility. Actually, if Venus and the Moon of the partners work well in a relationship, it’s much easier to sustain a happy and harmonious relationship then if the Sun signs get along well.
In the natal chart, Venus shows what kind of love you want. Let’s say a person has Venus in Virgo. This is not the best position for Venus as it is the sign of its fall, but of course, this does’t mean that they won’t find love. Quite the opposite, once they find their ideal partner (which is not a quick process, as it’s well-known how picky Virgo is), they will stick to them as this placement suggest a loyal and monogamous person.
Venus in Scorpio, on the other hand, goes for passion and drama in a relationship. They want you to be obsessed with them, and they are also obsessed with who they fall in love with. This is a placement often found in the charts of seducers and femme fatales.The sign of Venus tells you a lot about your needs in a relationship and your ideal lover—but also about how you can attract them!
Venus and the Law of Attraction
Venus in astrology is all about ease. Hanging on by the skin of your teeth to what you want and being desperate is a big no no when it comes to relationships. The key is effortlessness here, just being who you are (the best you can be) and good things will come into your life.
Think about Venus. It’s like a graceful lady laying on a couch in a beautiful dress and eating sweets, She doesn’t care about the world, because she knows that she is so irresistibly charming that people just want to be around her. Venus is simply lovable.
Venus is a planet of receptive energy, it draws to itself what it likes by just being attractive. People crave for her to accept their gifts. Venus has a magnetic attractive power that no one can resist.
Venus in the natal chart also describes the way love comes into your life. When you are desperately looking for love, there is no way you’ll find it. On the other hand,once you find love you see love everywhere around you.
However, there is one way you can help love to find you. It is by making yourself happy on your own in an artificial way. The brain can’t recognize the difference between an artificial smile and a real smile. Find time to do your favorite activities on a regular basis. The matters of Venus are crucial to just feel good or make your frequency higher as the folks in New Age say.
Hello there, new here, trying to understand. On the “Signs of the Zodiac: Libra in Astrology” page, it’s mentioned that “In astrology, Venus rules two zodiac signs, Taurus and Libra. Diurnal Venus is associated with Taurus and nocturnal Venus with Libra” and this is exact opposite of what is mentioned on this page. Could you please clarify..?
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