If you were born between June 20th and July 22nd, your Sun sign is Cancer. In case you didn’t know, this makes you caring, intuitive, and you have to admit it, moody!
Cancers are ruled by the Moon in astrology, the celestial body of emotions. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that Cancers are super emotional and sensitive!
Here are 10 zodiac secrets every Cancer wants you to know but will never tell:

1. If You Befriend a Cancer, You Have a Friend For Life
Yes. Sometimes your Cancer friend will be moody, sometimes they will be irrational, but they will always love you. Cancer is the caretaker of the Zodiac. Once in their heart, you will be taken care for life!
Cancers are super protective. They feel that they are responsible for their loved ones, and the Crab will do everything to help their loved ones. You can always count on the Cancer in your life.
2. Their Intuition Is Crazy
Cancer is a water sign, and if you happen to be a Cancer, you easily swim in the water of the subconscious. Cancers are very intuitive. Actually, it’s hard to overestimate how powerful their intuition is, even they don’t understand it.
Never question a Cancer: they might not have found the evidence yet, but when they feel that something is true, it’s true. If a Cancer gets a bad feeling about someone or something, they should listen to their intuition.
3. The Zodiac Sign Cancer Equals Feelings
Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are all about your irrational side and your right brain. This sign simply feels the world. A Cancer is extremely emotional, and don’t expect them to switch to a more intellectual way of processing their experiences.
4. Mood Swings Are Part of the Life of a Crab
The Moon wanes and waxes. Cancers become sad and become cheerful. In a terrifyingly short time. Their emotions change with the Moon.
5. Cancers Remember EVERYTHING
In astrology, the Moon rules your memory. Cancers are drawn to the past, and their mind stores all that happened there. A Cancer remembers everything. Sometimes beating a dead horse, Cancers tend to live in the past and wonder about why things happened the way they did when the others have already moved on. A long time ago.
The memory of a Cancer is intimidating.
6. Cancers Are the Best Cooks
Cancers have an innate talent for food. They are simply unbeatable in the kitchen!
7. Cancers Love (and Need) Privacy
Those born under the Crab need to spend alone a lot of time. They are super sensitive and pick up the energies around them. Solitude offers them time to be alone with themselves and get rid of the influence of others.
Most Cancers love to be at home. Some of them even work from home, and usually they prefer to spend a lot of time with their family. A Cancer’s idea of fun is to stay at home, watch a movie and eat some homemade snacks.
8. Cancers Are Really Shy
A crab consists of a hard shell and a squishy animal. The zodiac sign Cancer is similar to a crab: they are sensitive and they have to protect themselves to survive in this cruel world. They like to avoid being in the center of attention.
Cancers need a lot of time to trust someone. They are shy and first test the waters to see if it’s safe. Their heart breaks easily, so they have to be careful who they will give it to.
9. Cancers Love Their Home
There are few zodiac signs in astrology more patriotic than a Cancer! It is drawn to the past and traditions. Cancers love their country and try to help it evolve.
But Cancers love their literal homes, too! Many of them likes home decor and they want to make it comfortable for themselves and their families. Home and family are everything to a Crab. Nothing makes them more happy than being around their loved ones!
10. They Want to Do It on Their Own
Those born under the Crab are not comfortable with asking for help. They are the first to offer you help, but they won’t ask you to help them. However, they will love it if you are there for them when they need someone.
Cancer is a wonderful zodiac sign. If you are blessed enough to have a Cancer around you, appreciate them and be patient with their mood swings.
If you find this post useful, make sure to share it with your Cancer friends and friends who have a Cancer in their lives!