Natal Sun in the twelfth house? YOU ARE DOOMED! (no, it’s just a joke) The twelfth house is one of the most infamous houses in astrology. It can be scary to find out that you have your natal Sun in the twelfth house. But don’t worry, you can turn this placement into a source of…
Category: planets
Natal Sun in the 11th House
If you want to learn more about interpreting a natal Sun in the eleventh house, you have come to the right place. The Sun is one of the most important features of a birth chart, if not the most important. It represents who you really are, your authentic self. Looking to the Sun is a…
Natal Sun in the 10th House
Do you want to delve into the meaning of a natal Sun in the tenth house? In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this placement in astrology! This placement suggests a self-confident, charismatic person. You want to put yourself out there. You are a born leader and others often look to…
Sun in 9th House Natal Meaning in Astrology
This article is all about the meaning of a natal Sun in ninth house in astrology. With the Sun in the ninth house, you are a dreamer. You don’t just see what is, you also see how it could be. At the same time, you want to know the why as well. This placement suggests…
Natal Sun in the 8th House
If you want to learn more about how to interpret a natal Sun in the eighth house, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve got you covered! The Sun in one of the most important features of the birth chart. It represents who you really are, what makes you happy and where…
Sun in 7th House in the Natal Chart:
No matter if you want to understand yourself better or you are reading the chart of someone, the placement of the Sun is one of the first things astrologers look to. The Sun shows who you really are, it’s the self that might not be evident at first sight (that’s the ascendant!), but it’s the…