What does the descendant in Cancer reveal about your ideal partner and long-term relationships?
If you are a Capricorn rising, this automatically means that your descendant is in Cancer. The signs on the ascendant and the descendant are always opposite signs. In the natal chart, your descendant reveals what traits you seek in your ideal partner and what you want in your close relationships.
People with this placement tend to get married in order to raise a family and traditional values are important to them. They take commitment very seriously and their home life is a priority to them.
As the point the furthest from the ascendant, the sign on the descendant is usually hidden from you in some way, it is in the shadow and you have a hard time accessing it. Because of this, we tend to recognize the descendant in other people and unconsciously we are attracted to people who embody it.
The descendant in Cancer suggests that you get along the best with people who have Cancer or the Moon emphasized in their chart. Together you feel more complete and help each other learn important lessons.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of the descendant in Cancer in your birth chart!
Descendant in Cancer Meaning

The descendant in Cancer in the natal chart means that you are a Capricorn rising.
This rising sign suggests that in the first part of your life, you had to deal with a lot of problems and you had to take responsibility for yourself early on. Some people with these signs on the ascendant-descendant axis experienced scarcity as children. The descendant in Cancer can suggest that you lacked security and nurturing at home. You are used to a harsh environment where you have to fight for everything on your own.
Because of this, you seek partners who can give you the nurturing and emotional security you needed as a child. The descendant in Cancer indicates that your ideal partner has high emotional intelligence, they are warm and supportive, and they give you an emotional background. In some cases, you want a partner who is a homemaker.
In your relationships, you feel that you can finally show your sensitive side. You are caring and protective of your partner. The descendant in Cancer suggests that you can experience the emotional security to be vulnerable in your close relationships and marriage.
A Capricorn ascendant and Cancer descendant indicate that you strongly prefer logic and planning to emotions and intuition. You tend to project this side of you onto other people. If you are unaware of this, you can be annoyed by others who make decisions by emotions.
A Cancer descendant in the birth chart suggests that your ideal partner helps you connect with your emotional side and encourages you to listen to your intuition every now and then. If you don’t know how to work with the energy of Cancer, it can seem to you that your partner is moody, whimsical, insecure.
Ideally, your partner looks after you and they support you. You come across as reserved and serious, and other people who have warmer energy balance you out. The descendant in Cancer in your birth chart suggests that there is some motherly quality to your ideal partner.
You seek nurturing in your close relationships. You want to be around people who remind you of your ancestors, and sometimes your partner has similar roots than you.
This placement suggests that you seek a partner who will be a good fit for raising a family together and who can give you security and nurturing.
You tend to seek a partner who has traditional values, and you often have traditional values as well. Family is very important to you, and ideally to your partner as well. You are someone who prefers spending your time at home in your private environment, and you enjoy being around your family.
Finally, it is important to remember that your descendant in Cancer is a part of you as well, not just the other people in your life. If you don’t like the kind of people you are attracted to, finding Cancer energy in yourself can help you have better relationships. This placement often suggests that you need to integrate the energy of the Moon as well.
The Descendant in the Birth Chart
The descendant corresponds to the part of the sky that was setting at the moment when you were born. To know your the degree of your descendant, you need your exact time of birth. It changes one degree every four minutes.
Abbreviated as DC, the descendant is one of the angles of the chart. (The other three angles are the ascendant, the MC, and the IC). The ascendant-descendant axis corresponds to you vs. other people. The ascendant represents your identity and who you learned that you are in your early life, while the descendant describes what kind of people you are attracted to.
The descendant is the cusp of the 7th house. The descendant in Cancer automatically means that have your 7th house in Cancer.
The 7th house is the house of partnerships (both business and romantic), committed relationships, one-on-one interactions, open enemies, publicity, legal matters. If you want to learn more about your 7th house, pay attention to planets there and the ruler of this house. For the descendant in Cancer, this is the Moon. You can find out more about the ruler through the houses, in this article.
Understanding your descendant can help you understand your relationships better. It tells you the traits of which sign you need to strengthen and find in yourself.
Meaning of the Zodiac Sign Cancer
What do you have to know about the Crab in a nutshell?
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. The Sun transits this zodiac sign between the 21st June to 22th July. It is a cardinal sign by polarity, which marks the beginning of the summer.
The planetary ruler of this sign is the Moon. The Moon governs your emotions and need for safety and nurturing in astrology. The fourth house of roots, home and family, is the house connected with Cancer in the natural chart.
Cancer is one of the water signs (the other two are Scorpio and Pisces). Water signs are oriented on emotions, intuition, creativity. These signs are connected with unconscious and the domain of the heart.
This sign is described as soft, caring, intuitive, nurturing. The negative side of Cancer is being whimsical, moody, letting your emotions blur your judgement. Cancer has excellent memory and it holds grudges.
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