In this article, you can read about Capricorn as the descendant sign. This placement means that you are a Cancer rising.
People with their descendant in Capricorn have a serious, mature approach to relationships. They want someone for a lifetime. These people are family-oriented and it is important to them that their partner has similar values.
This placement suggests that your ideal partner is organized, reliable, a good manager, someone you can place your trust in. Boundaries are important in your relationship. You don’t let everyone close to you, and it takes time for someone to prove themselves to you. You are not in a hurry to find the right person.
The descendant describes what traits you want in your partner. This angle is the furthest point from the ascendant. The ascendant shows what is familiar to you from an early age, while the descendant takes some time to explore and integrate. As you grow older, you learn how to deal with this sign too.
The ascendant in Cancer and descendant in Capricorn suggests that you often find yourself attracted to people with strong Saturnian energy. They don’t have to be romantic partners, people with this placement often have Capricorns as their friends, business partners, etc.
Keep reading to find out more about the descendant in Capricorn!
Descendant in Capricorn Meaning

The descendant in Capricorn suggests that relationships play an important role in your life. They teach yo how to be mature, take responsibility, be patient and focus on long-term goals.
Cancer wants emotional attachment and a sense of belonging. The rising sign here indicates that you are a giving and caring soul. You are the happiest when you have someone who is a stable part of your life.
However, your standards are quite high, and if someone doesn’t live up to them, you know that there is no point in settling for them. You rather wait for someone who can be a good partner. Sometimes the descendant in Capricorn indicates getting married only later. It can also suggest older partners. You can be attracted to ambitious, successful people.
The descendant in Capricorn suggests that you enter a relationship with a focus on longevity. You take commitment very seriously. Once you are in, you are in. The 7th house in Capricorn indicates that you hesitate to leave a dysfunctional relationship. Unless the rest of the chart contradicts this, you are a reliable and committed partner.
The ascendant in Cancer suggests that you are a sensitive, dreamy, romantic person under your shell. Your ideal partner represents a protective force in your life. They are there to deal with the expectations of the world, while you can create a warm, loving home. Your inner world is vivid, deep, and ever-changing, and you want someone who is a firm foundation you can build on.
Many people with this rising sign are used to taking care of others from an early age. You re sensitive to the needs of others, but you sometimes assume that others are just as sensitive as you are, and you can fail to communicate your expectations properly.
Family life is important to you. As a Cancer rising, you probably want to start a family at some point in your life. Many people with this position want children from an early age. Your ideal partner is someone who will be a good parent and who wants kids too.
The shadow side of the descendant in Capricorn can manifest in different ways. Some people with this placement can act in a cold, unapproachable way. They might be emotionally unavailable too. In other cases, they are unconsciously attracted to others who behave this way. With this descendant sign in the natal chart, you can find your partner’s behavior insensitive from time to time. Your partners can be inflexible and of low emotional intelligence.
The position of Saturn in your natal chart and its aspect tell more about your relationships (with the 7th house in Capricorn, this house is ruled by Saturn, the planetary ruler of this sign). The position of the Moon, your chart ruler is important as well.
Capricorn in the Zodiac
The Mountain Goat keeps things together and makes sure everything is as it should be. This sign is the boss of the Zodiac.
Capricorn season kicks off with the winter solstice, and it lasts to approximately 19th January. As a winter sign, Capricorn is about dealing with scarcity and surviving even though you have little access to resources.
By element, Capricorn is an earth sign. Earth signs are strongly attached to reality. They are grounded, economical, practical, effective. Capricorns are focused on goals and coordinating others and resources in order to achieve what needs to be done.
As a cardinal sign, Capricorn is a great leader. Those with this sign emphasized in their charts often make it to leadership positions. Hierarchy, structure, order are all associated with Capricorn in astrology. This sign likes to be in charge.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. This sign is the sign of exaltation of Mars and the Moon’s detriment. In the natural chart, Capricorn is linked with the tenth house of society, public image, and career.
The Descendant in the Natal Chart
The descendant is often abbreviated as DC. This word origins from the Latin word ‘descendere’. It refers to one of the angles of the astrological chart.
The descendant is the angle opposite the ascendant—this point shows the part of the sky that was setting on the western horizon at a certain moment (in the natal chart, at the moment of your birth), as seen from a certain place.
Setting on the western horizon also means that the descendant is shifting into the shadow. This part of the natal chart is in some way unknown to you. The ascendant is a part of your identity, the sign it falls in is familiar to you. The descendant, on the other hand, is something you have little experience with. It is through other people and relationships you meet this sign in the first place.
In the chart, the descendant always falls in the 7th house. The key life area connected with this house is partnership. As the natural house of Libra, this house is about relating and maintaining a balance between giving and taking in a relationship. The 7th house governs marriage, unions, business partnerships, but legal matters and open enemies you know about as well. One-on-one interactions belong to this house too.
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