In this article, you can learn about the descendant in Leo. This placement means that you are an Aquarius rising.
In the natal chart, your descendant describes what kind of partner you are looking for unconsciously. As the point directly across the ascendant which represents your identity, we tend to identify with the traits of our ascendants more. This leads to seeking the sign on the descendant in other people. With the descendant in Leo, you are attracted to partners who display the traits the Lion very strongly. This sign is usually emphasized in their charts.
The descendant is one of the birth chart’s most important features. It is the other angle of the ascendant-descendant axis, which deals with the questions of your self-image versus other people, relationships, relating, and many more. Understanding your descendant in Leo can help you understand your one-on-one relationships better, and it can serve as food for thought about your partners.
Keep reading to find out more about the descendant in Leo!
Descendant in Leo Natal Meaning

What does this placement reveal about your relationships and your ideal partner?
The descendant in Leo automatically means that your ascendant is in Aquarius. Being an Aquarius rising suggests that you are a very independent and freedom-loving person. You appear a bit unconventional and shy, but you have amazing ideas and you are smart. However, it can be hard for you to get support from others. The need for freedom of Aquarius can be challenging when it comes to relationships-you want to be attached and detached at the same time.
Being an Aquarius rising often means that in childhood, you were shy and anxious. You had a hard time fitting in, and you were in some way unique, not like most kids around you. As you grow older you need to learn more about the polar opposite of Aquarius-Leo.
Leo is the sign of the heart. You learn to express yourself with warmth and genuine appreciation of others. This helps you connect with others more easily, and improves your relationships as well. It is one of the most important lessons of the descendant in Leo.
For a long-term relationship to work out, your partner must recognize your need for independence and respect your boundaries. They have to understand that you need a lot of space in a relationship. You are not the right partner for clingy people with your descendant in Leo and ascendant in Aquarius.
Your ideal partner also has to respect your need for making things better. Aquarius is all about rebellion and revolution. You are looking at old structures from a new perspective and wonder about topics like social equality and creating better systems. If your partner doesn’t understand the way your brain works, you sooner or later feel that you have to get out of the relationship.
With the descendant in Leo in your birth chart, you want a partner who adores you. You expect to be the one and only in their life and you are not willing to put up with anything less than being treated as a royalty. Giving each other enough relationship is key in your close-relationships.
Your ideal partner is a born leader. They are courageous, fun-loving, gregarious, enjoy attention. You possess these traits as well, but it takes time for you to discover them in yourself. Many people with their descendant in Leo enjoy being in the center of attention later in life. The seventh house in Leo indicates that you love being in the public eye.
A Leo descendant in the natal chart can also suggest that your partners are often people of good position. They can help your advancement in many ways. They are often popular with people and have a large social circle.
The descendant and 7th house is how you interact with your partners and what kind of people you are unconsciously attracted to. Leo is the sign of the ego, and with the descendant in Leo, your ego and conscious self is often tied to other people. Because of this, this is one of the more challenging placements.
The negative manifestation of the descendant in Leo is not being aware of the lower octave of this sign in yourself. This is not an easy sign. Leo requires a lot of attention or else it becomes melodramatic. For some reason, you can find that selfish, boastful, inflexible, arrogant people appear in your life all the time.
The descendant in Leo suggests that you can perceive other people as self-centered act arrogant and bossy, especially those you are in a close relationship with. and unless they realize and find this energy in themselves they can project it onto others accused them of behavior they themselves as well
Leo is ruled by the Sun. The position of this luminary in your natal chart previous more information about your partnerships and the people you are attracted to (you can learn about the Sun in houses here). Sometimes you are are attracted to people who display the traits of the sign of your Sun as well.
Meaning of the Descendant in the Natal Chart
There are four angles in the birth chart: the ascendant, the descendant, the Imum coeli and the Midheaven. They represent four fundamental aspects of the human life, and their importance in the natal chart is enormous. You can learn more about the angles in this article.
To calculate your descendant, you have to know your exact time of birth to almost the minute. This is necessary because the descendant changes approximately one degree every four minutes, like the ascendant.
The descendant is always in the opposite sign as the ascendant. For example, if your ascendant is in Aquarius, your descendant is in Leo, if your ascendant is in Taurus, your descendant is in Scorpio.
The degree of the descendant corresponds to the point of the sky setting on the western horizon. This also means that this part of your natal chart is almost like it was in the dark. It is not easy to see it. Most people need a lot of time to become aware of their descendant and eventual planets conjunct it or falling in the seventh house.
The ruling planet of the descendant adds more details to the analysis of this angle. You can learn about the meaning of the descendant’s ruler through the houses here.
Leo in Astrology
The Lion is the royalty of astrology. Everybody knows that this sign is all about glamour and celebration. Ruled by the Sun, Leo is the sign of life energy and creativity. Leo season beings on 23rd July and lasts until 22th August (these are approximate dates, for a specific year look up an ephemeris)
.In the Zodiac, Leo is the fifth sign. It is associated with the fifth house of joy in the natural chart (of course, your fifth house can begin in any sign in your own birth chart). Its planetary ruler is the Sun. The symbol of Leo resembles the tail of the lion, and it looks like this: ♌︎.
By element, Leo is one of the fire signs in astrology (along with Aries and Sagittarius). Leo belongs to the group of fixed signs by modality. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are persistent and determined, focusing on finishing and follow through.
Leo is described as lavish, creative, joyful, dazzling, fun-loving, spontaneous, high-energy, enthusiastic, inspiring, motivated. This sign is the life of the party.
As every zodiac sign, Leo has its shadow side as well. It can act arrogant, bossy, selfish. If it is insecure, it can overemphasize its merits and importance, what can make the Lion appear repulsive. There is a tendency to be lazy and self-indulgent.
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