In this article, you can learn about the descendant in Libra. The descendant is the angle that represents your close relationships and partners. If this point falls into Libra in a birth chart, the person is likely attracted to people who show them how to be patient, balanced, considerate of other people.
In the birth chart, the descendant represents a point that you are usually unaware of when young. If you often find yourself in a relationship with someone who is not the best choice for you, your descendant can help you understand this life area better.
The sign on the descendant tells which personality traits and energy you don’t recognize in yourself. Because of this, we unconsciously attract people who radiate with this energy (or at least we perceive so).
Keep reading to find out more about the descendant in Libra!
Descendant in Libra Meaning

With this placement in the natal chart, your ascendant automatically falls in Aries.
Aries is a very active, bold sign. You yourself come across as someone who is in charge of your life. You probably do not just appear to be like that, you are indeed an initiative and courageous person. You don’t ask for permission and you pursue what captures your interest. The ascendant here suggests that you navigate life from muscle.
You can read more about being an Aries rising here.
As you grow older, you learn to be more cooperative, refined and tactful. This is the most important lesson of the descendant in Libra.
Your ideal partner is elegant and graceful. They accept that you need a lot of space and independence is important to you. You are an active person by nature, and you need someone who teaches you balance but also supports you in your ventures.
In the relationship, it is probably you who makes the most decisions. You are a leader, and you get along the best with someone who prefers to be led.
With the ascendant in Aries, your natural energy is likely quite masculine, regardless of your gender. Because of this, you are attracted to partners who exude yin energy, represented by the descendant in Libra. Even if you are a straight woman, your ideal partner is someone who integrated his anima properly.
The descendant in Libra suggests that you have to learn to be more receptive to the needs and wants of other people. When young, you can act selfish and be too self-centered. As you grow older, you start to pay more attention to what others want. The descendant in Libra suggests that cooperation is one of your important life lessons.
If you haven’t integrated the traits of Libra properly, you can find your partners annoyingly indecisive. You can be impatient with them, and disrespect that their personality works in a different way than yours. They are likely less assertive than you. Make sure to listen to them and make them feel heard.
If your descendant sign is Libra, your relationships become more important to you in the second part of your life. When young, you are probably independent and prefer adventures to commitment.
Libra in Astrology
What do you have to know about the Scales?
This sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of femininity, grace, beauty. Libra is an air sign. This element emphasizes its ease, effortlessness, elegance. Air signs are focused on other people, communication, the intellect. Libra excels at socialization.
One of the weaknesses of this sign is its need for being around others. Those with Libra strong in their chart often feel that they can’t function on their own, and they can give too much importance to social interactions. Another infamous Libran weakness is indecisiveness.
Libra is a cardinal sign by modality. It marks the beginning of autumn. Cardinal signs are initiative and they like to take action.
As the seventh sign of the Zodiac, Libra is connected with the seventh house in the natural chart. This house governs one-on-one relationships, unions, marriage, business partnerships (partnerships in general), but it also has to do with law and court. The seventh house is one of the angular houses.
What Do You Need to Know About the Descendant?
The descendant is a quite special point in an astrological chart. It takes place directly across the ascendant, and it is often abbreviated as DC. The descendant represents the point of the sky that descended on the western horizon when you were born, as seen from the place of your birth.
This also means that to calculate the descendant, you need your exact birth data. It is necessary to know your minute of birth (approximately at least), because the ascendant and the descendant change one degree every four minutes. The descendant is in some way in the shadow. Its traits often go unnoticed in your own personality.
In the natal chart, the descendant shows which sign is the furthest from the ascendant. They are always in opposite signs. The ascendant represents your identity and it is something you are very familiar with from an early age. Because of this, you often gain experience with your descendant sign through your relationships with other people.
The descendant always falls in the seventh house. Planets conjunct this angle become more emphasized. However, learning to deal with them takes time, just like getting to know the sign on your descendant.
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