What traits does your ideal partner have if you have your descendant in Scorpio? Everybody knows that Scorpio is one of the most challenging signs. The descendant here is not an easy placement.
In the natal chart, the descendant reveals what energy you seek in other people. This angle is opposite the ascendant, which represents your identity. The descendant is almost like it was in shadow—you do not recognize this energy in yourself until your interactions with other people open your eyes to it.
If you have your descendant is Scorpio, you are attracted to intense and mysterious partners. In a committed relationship, they want deep bonding. Your ideal partner helps you understand life on a deeper level and they teach you how to transform yourself and face adversities.
If you have been wondering why do some people end up with the same kind of partner again and again, then the descendant might reveal the answer to this question
Scorpio as a descendant sign automatically tells that you are a Taurus rising, as these two angles are always placed in opposite signs.
Descendant in Scorpio
What does the ascendant in Taurus and descendant is Scorpio indicate about your perception of other people?

As a Taurus rising, you create and need stability. You are strongly grounded in reality, but you have little experience with the more mysterious side of life. Your early life was probably without major traumas and trials. You learned a pragmatic, grounded attitude, and this is how you approach things.
The descendant in Scorpio indicates that you are unconsciously attracted to people who stir up your everyday life, and who are magical in some way. Their energy is something you weren’t aware before. They can be either be quite dramatic themselves or dramatic things happen to them/around them, but they for sure push you out of your comfort zone. If this energy is not properly integrated, your partner can turn your life upside down. Extreme situations are not uncommon when Scorpio is involved.
Taurus is a well-mannered sign. The ascendant here suggests that your shadow side (Scorpio) is hidden from people who don’t know you well. Your partner is the most familiar with this side of you. Scorpionic themes come up when you operate with someone as a pair. Power struggles can occur as well with the descendant in Scorpio.
This descendant sign can also manifest as associating yourself with people who are not good for you. They force you to change, sometimes through traumatic experiences. The worst case scenario is ending up in trouble because of bad company.
The ascendant-descendant axis in Taurus and Scorpio indicates that money and resources are an important aspect of the relationship. You are there for your partner, and you feel a need to support them. Taurus is the provider. Scorpio is the sign of shared resources and the possessions of others.
On a material level, it is usually you who give and your partner who receives. The descendant in Scorpio indicates that you navigate the physical world better, while your ideal partner is more aligned with the undercurrents of existence.
The descendant in Scorpio can suggest promising partnerships when it comes to business. However, watch out for people who take advantage of you and don’t put in the work required on their part. Taurus has the ability to get the resources, and Scorpio can turn them into something more powerful and bring the venture to the next level.
The descendant in Scorpio can suggest that your sexuality is repressed. There can be a pressure on you to act in a way others expect you (Taurus rising), and depending on your environment, discovering your sexuality is not always supported. As you grow older, you learn how to deal with it better, in a way that is safe for you and others.
The descendant in this sign can be somewhat similar to Pluto in the 7th house, but the latter is more intense. The position of Mars and Pluto in your chart are also important for understanding the 7th house in Scorpio.
Finally, it is important to mention that we all have all twelve signs in our charts, and everyone is capable of finding every sign in themselves. If you don’t like the kind of people you find yourself with, becoming aware of Scorpio in yourself can be helpful.
Scorpio in Astrology
Scorpio is a sign you can love, hate, or both at the same time. This zodiac sign’s intensity will not leave anyone indifferent. It is special in many ways. Its magnetic charisma is powerful and seductive, but Scorpio is not satisfied with superficial victory, it wants it all.
This sign can be described as mysterious, obsessed, powerful, resilient, resourceful, secretive, persistent, passionate, deep, possessive. Scorpio is one of the water signs (along with Cancer and Pisces). Water signs are oriented on emotions, intuition, depth. Scorpio is a fixed sign by modality. It will not give up, Scorpio will accomplish its mission even if it has to die in the process.
An evolved Scorpio understands people very well, and it is amazing to be around it. The lower octave of this sign includes possessiveness, jealousy, revenge.
Perhaps the most important trait of Scorpio is its incredible strength and capacity for transformation. This sign is evolving all the time.
Scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign. It is connected with the eight house, perhaps the most complex house (of course, in your own chart, the eighth house can begin in any sign, it doesn’t have to be Scorpio). This house governs life areas such as death, rebirth, sex. joint resources, deep transformation, secrets.
Each sign has a planetary ruler. Scorpio is governed by Pluto in modern astrology. However, Scorpio has a co-ruler as well—Mars. Traditional astrology considers Mars to be the ruler of Scorpio, as it doesn’t use the outer planets.
The Descendant in the Natal Chart
The descendant has to do with other people, opposed to the ascendant, which is the angle of the self. Abbreviated as DC, the descendant shows which part of the sky was setting at the moment of your birth. This point os directly across the ascendant, which represents the sign coming up on the eastern horizon.
Angles are extremely important in the chart. There are four of them, and they correspond to the angular houses which govern fundamental life areas. Planets conjunct the angles in the birth chart become extremely important.
The descendant always falls in the 7th house, no matter which house system you use. In some house systems like Placidus, it is the cusp of the seventh house. This house is the house of partnerships, relationships, marriage, all kinds of unions. It rules one-on-one interactions. The 7th house governs legal matters, open enemies, your relationship with the public as well.
In the natural chart, the 7th house is connected with the seventh zodiac sign, Libra.
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