In this article, you can learn about the descendant in Taurus. This placement occurs if your rising sign is Scorpio. (The signs on your ascendant and the descendant are always opposite each other).
You often find that you are attracted to people who embody this sign. You identify with your ascendant more with your descendant. These two angles are directly across each other in the birth chart. The ascendant represents your identity, and the point the furthest from the ascendant, the descendant is often a shadow point. You are usually not aware of traits of the sign here in yourself, and you project it onto other people. If you don’t like the kind of people you are in a relationship with, understanding your descendant can help you understand why you end up with them.
The descendant in Taurus indicates that you are used to crisis and drama, and you are attracted to people who promise you peace and comfort. However, you don’t trust people immediately and you are reserved. A Taurus descendant suggests that your partnerships are meant to bring peace and joy. Your ideal partner is grounded and practical, they don’t let strong emotions influence them. In your relationships, you seek stability.
Keep reading learn more about the descendant in Taurus in the natal chart!

Descendant in Taurus Meaning
What does the descendant in Taurus reveal about your marriage and ideal partner?
The descendant in Taurus means that your ascendant is in Scorpio. You are an intense and passionate person, perhaps too much for some people to handle. Your long-term relationships work out the best if your partner can be a firm ground in your life you can build on. Trust is not easy for you. You are drawn to the mysterious side of existence, and you need a partner who will help you stay realistic and practical. It takes time for you to let someone close. Many people with this placement lacked security as children. Your early life was often austere, and you had to learn to survive early on. The descendant in Taurus suggests an unpredictable childhood and a longing for security.
Your descendant in Taurus indicates that you don’t open up quickly to your partner, and they have to be patient and give you enough time. You tend to be suspicious of new people, but once in, people with this placement are usually loyal and protective. You need stability in a relationship, someone who you can count on and who will reciprocate your commitment.
Your ideal partner is receptive to the beauty present in the world. They are usually artistic and they appreciate the finer things in life. The 7th house in Taurus indicates that your partner is a hedonist and sensual. Sexuality is an important part of your marriage.
The descendant in Taurus suggests that you are attracted to kind, romantic, sensual partners.
This placement can also indicate material reasons for entering partnerships (not just marriage, also business partnerships). Your partner can be of help to you on your path to prosperity.
The negative side of this placement is power struggles. You can be possessive and jealous, or alternatively be attracted to people like that.
The descendant is one of the most important points in the natal chart. The sign here and eventual planets conjunct it stand out in your chart. The sign on your descendant reveals what traits you want in your partner. People tend to identify with this sign less. With your descendant in Taurus, Scorpio is more familiar to you than the traits of the Bull.
The Descendant in the Natal Chart
What is the descendant and why is it important in astrology?
There are four angles in the chart, the ascendant, the descendant, the Immum coeli and the Midheaven. You can read more about these in this article. Angles are the cusps of the angular houses, which are the most powerful in the birth chart as they represent fundamental areas of life (identity, family and roots, partnerships and relationship with other people, your profession and general direction in life).
The descendant falls into the seventh house, or it’s the cusp of the seventh house in some house systems like Placidus. It corresponds to the point of the sky which was setting on the western horizon at the time when you were born.
The zodiac sign on your descendant is usually one you don’t really identify with. It can be described as your shadow self. Because of this, we tend to project this sign onto other people. On an unconscious level you are attracted to people who display the traits of this sign strongly.
The saying opposites attract is definitely true when it comes to ascendants and compatibility. If someone’s rising sign is the same as the sign on your descendant, you are more likely to be attracted to them.
Taurus in the Zodiac
Taurus is the second zodiac sign. After pioneering Aries gets things started, it is Taurus who turns ideas into reality and who works patiently towards achieving their goals.
Taurus is a fixed sign by modality. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are known for their persistence and follow through. Taurus is one of the most stable zodiac signs. It needs some time to make up its mind, but once it gets started, nothing can stop a Taurus.
As an earth sign by element, Taurus lives in the physical reality and it is focused on our three dimensional existence. It loves everything life has to offer. Taurus is one of the most hedonistic signs.
The planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love. This planet governs the finer things in life, peace, harmony, art, money, and these things are an important part of the meaning of Taurus.
By polarity, Taurus is a passive or negative sign.
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