Life is more fun if you share it with others.
No matter how fun you are or how good your ideas are, if you can’t tell about them anyone, they are pretty pointless. So something needs to be done about it. This is when the third house in astrology comes in.
How do you communicate? What are the ways to connect with the world? Answering these questions, you get to the third house in the natal chart. Imagine it as a nice and strong bridge between you and other people.
The third house in the natal chart is your window on the world. It describes how you communicate with others (heck, it’s also called the House of Communication), your learning style and even whether you enjoy reading.
But as always in astrology…

…there is much more to be discovered, so keep reading!
To give you a basic idea of the third house in astrology, here are some of its key concepts.
Gemini Plus Some Keywords of the Third House in Astrology
Each house is naturally associated with a zodiac sign and its planetary ruler because they work in a similar way. (Planets show WHAT happens, signs describe HOW and houses answer the question WHERE it happens, in which life area.)
Back to our original topic, the third house in astrology is connected with Gemini and Mercury, Gemini’s planetary ruler. What’s the point here? Gemini, Mercury and the third house in the natal chart are all about communication.
To give you a basic idea, here are the keywords of the third house in astrology:
- communication
- learning style
- reading and writing
- early education
- all means of communication: paper, pencil, telephone, you get the idea
- siblings
- relatives, neighborhood and acquaintances
- short trips and errands
- transportation and vehicles: trucks, cars, bicycle, etc.
In case you want to dive deep into the waters of astrology, here is one more piece of information for you. The third house in the natal chart is a cadent house. Cadent houses are the last houses in each quarter, and planets here are somewhat weakened. They express themselves on a mental level rather than in the physical world.
Baby Steps & Nursery Rhymes
Each house is connected to a phase of life in the human existence. The third house in astrology corresponds to the stage of the toddler.
During this period, you start to crawl and end up walking, learn how to speak and give a lot of trouble to your parents. You realize what an exciting place the world is, and want to know as much about as you can. Since the third house is the house of Gemini, this is no surprise, right? Gemini is very curious and enjoys learning about everything.
Children of this age love to discover their environment and experiment. This includes socializing with other kids around them.
Siblings and Relatives
One of these kids is your sibling, who is always around and available. Or your siblings, if you have more of them. Brothers and sisters are tenants of the third house in astrology. But they don’t live there alone. There is quite crowded in there, as you’ll see in a minute.
Aren’t there some more people around you, who are inevitable parts of your childhood? Like your parents, for example? Shouldn’t they be there, too?
Actually, parents are so important that they both have a house of their own—the less dominant parent is represented by the fourth house, the more dominant by the tenth. (If you want to analyze the grandparents in the natal chart, you should look to the first and seventh house. This is called derivative houses and you can get plenty of information with the help of this technique.)
However, there are some more family members in the third house. Aunts, uncles and other distant relatives can be seen through the third house in astrology. Some people who are not family members but still belong to the third house: neighbors and acquaintances who live near to you and you engage in small talk with them.
Third House in Astrology, a Two-Way Street
The main keywords of the third house in astrology are learning and communication, now, let’s focus on the second one.
Gemini, the zodiac sign associated with the third house in astrology is famous for what? It’s outstanding communication skills. It is bubbly, has no problem talking about any, I mean any topic for hours plus it always has a funny remark. Gemini is known as the talker of the Zodiac. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that the third house describes your communication style in the natal chart.
But to be a great communicator and someone people enjoy talking to, you also need to be a great listener.
The third house is about speaking and listening and reading and writing. It’s both about sharing and receiving information. Mercury is the planet of the conscious mind in astrology. It represents your thinking process and reasoning. Knowing this, it makes sense that the third house is also about learning.
However, knowledge is power only if you put it to use.
It’s important to note that the third house is about gathering information, but to actually make something out of it and get the bigger picture, you need the processes of the ninth house. You can also call it abstract thinking. Don’t forget that Gemini is impatient and superficial, so don’t expect it to dwell on a complex topic for long enough to deeply understand it. The ninth house is the opposite house in the natal chart, and it’s learning style is opposite of the third house.
And the Third House Govern Actual Two-Way Streets, Too
Mercury was the messenger of gods in Roman mythology, the equivalent of the Greek Hermes. The house ruled by Mercury in the natural chart is similarly the house of messages and all information exchange.
It also governs all kinds of short trips and errands. Commuting is also part of the third house in the natal chart. Whether you go to work by bus, foot or car, you are immersing yourself in an activity of this house.

Most vehicles belong to the third house in astrology. This includes mostly land vehicles, as boats and ships are ruled by Pisces and the twelfth house. Nevertheless, did you know that even your car can be seen in your birth chart? It’s right there in the third house.
What Do Planets in the Third House Mean?
It’s always fun to check if you have planets in the house you are reading about.
If you’ve got many planets in your third house, its life areas are a major topic in your life. An emphasized third house often indicates a person who is an avid reader if not a writer himself. Take a look at Stephen King’s natal chart:

He’s got THREE planets in the house of reading and writing: the Sun, Venus and Neptune.
Planets in the third house also influence your mental abilities and mind in general. For example, Mercury in the third house feels at home here and usually gives a very smart person. The planet which is the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus in the third house often means that the chart holder is brilliant. For example, Einstein had this placement in his natal chart.
How to Analyze Your Third House in the Natal Chart
The third house in the natal chart tells you a lot about how you operate. To get all this information, here’s what to do.
First, look to the sign on the cusp. This sign tells how you approach the matters of the third house. After you’ve done this, find the ruling planet of this sign in your birth chart. The planetary ruler is super important. Check its sign and house. Is it in a good dignity or is it weakened in the sign where it takes place? Also pay attention to the aspects the ruling planet makes with the rest of the chart.
Read more: the 3rd House in Signs
When you want to know more about third house matters, analyzing Mercury is a must, no matter where it is in your natal chart. Again, check its sign, house and all its aspects.
Where Gemini is located in your chart is where you communicate the best. For example, someone with Gemini on the fourth house cusp finds is a very talkative person at home. If Gemini is on the cusp of the sixth house, you are quite bubbly in the workplace.
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