Jupiter square Pluto in the natal chart indicates a desire for expansion. This manifests on many levels: mentally, financially, socially. It’s an aspect that indicates a force of nature personality.
If you have a Jupiter square Pluto natal aspect, you were born with an extremely strong inner drive to succeed. You always strive for more. On your journey towards turning your dreams into reality, you undergo many transformations. Although sometimes difficult, these transformations have many blessings for you. In your life, you want to be in command and you believe that you can achieve more than the average person would. This aspect suggests that you are extremely ambitious.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. Pluto is the planet of extremes: it multiplies everything it touches by 1000. When these two planets come together, there’s a strong drive for success. While the square is usually a difficult aspect, here, it provides the necessary drive to go after your goals. The square indicates a constant friction and frustration that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
Jupiter square Pluto natal is an extremely powerful aspect in the birth chart. Jupiter shows where and how you seek to expand your life. Pluto shows where you face transformations and where you find your power. Harsh Pluto aspects are often intimidating at first glance but this one tends to be quite positive.
Jupiter Square Pluto Natal
This aspect suggests a strong drive for achieving financial success. Jupiter square Pluto natal can be an indicator of wealth in astrology. Of course, it doesn’t guarantee anything, but you might have more opportunities coming your way than most people. You are able to attract new ideas into your life. A Jupiter square Pluto natal aspect indicates that you always keep looking for more and you tend to be good at making money. Regarding wealth, the difficult Jupiter-Pluto aspects are more favorable, especially the square (which is more dynamic than the opposition) because there’s more natural incentive to take action.
When facing obstacles, you don’t give up. Crises often multiply your energy and motivation and they push you to the next level. When going through a difficult situation, you come out ten times stronger on the other side. This aspect indicates that you are very persistent and when you are fully committed to a goal, you don’t stop at anything. You are probably obsessed with your goals. You have extreme focus.
With a Jupiter square Pluto natal aspect, crises help you to expand. And expansion helps you to transform yourself and evolve to the next level. Your belief system is really important. It is likely to be in constant change and you upgrade it with every new level of consciousness. It’s important to pay attention to your thoughts if you have this aspect.

One of the negative things about the Jupiter square Pluto natal aspect is that you might not take ethical issues into consideration when making a decision. This is very much a “the end justifies the means” type of placement. You only see the goal and don’t care if you cause pain to others in the process. The negative manifestation of this aspect is an extreme hunger for power.
Jupiter square Pluto natal can indicate a tendency for self-righteousness. You are strongly convinced about the truth of your views, sometimes to the level of obsession. In some cases, this aspect manifests as an inability to accept criticism, even if it’s well-justified. You might not be very tolerant towards people who disagree with you. Others often look to you as an authority figure and a leader, so it’s important that you act from integrity.
You need to pay attention to the house placements of Jupiter and Pluto and also to the houses they rule in the natal chart. They show you in which life areas is the aspect expressed.
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