“It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
People have always wanted to know the ultimate reason for their existence. Some people have a crystal clear vision of their purpose from an early age. However, most of us go through a time of soul-searching sooner or later.
Feeling lost about your life purpose is very disheartening and frustrating. Actually, uncertainty about your purpose is a very common way to become interested in astrology! The good news is, the birth chart is a treasure trove if you want to find out more about this topic. Of course, discovering who you are meant to be and what you are meant to do is still a journey, but reflecting on your chart can be really helpful in this process. It’s important to be patient with yourself if it takes longer for you to figure out what you want to do (maybe for some people, searching for your life purpose is also part of your life purpose 🙂 ).
According to astrology, there are many ways of living your purpose. While for most people, they associate life purpose with something you do professionally, the birth chart suggests that you can find meaning in other areas of life as well—it might or might not align with your career. It ranges from recognizing the divine in you and in others to learning self-expression. It is very diverse and highly individual. For some people, it’s about learning to relax, for others, it’s about learning to work harder. To sum it up, there are no cookie-cutter answers here.
When it comes to life purpose in astrology, there are a few things that can serve as a starting point. Your intuition is the most important compass on the journey of aligning yourself with your purpose, but the birth chart can serve as a map. Although the chart as a whole depicts it, life purpose in astrology is explicitly associated with the north node. This point is key. In addition, there are some other factors that also hint at your life purpose in astrology.
If you have been feeling that you are off track, it might be helpful to reflect on your chart as well. You are aligned with your life purpose when you can contribute to other’s lives with joy and ease. We all have something that only we can do. Perhaps you don’t end up making a scientific breakthrough or becoming the richest person in the world, but the effect you have on other people’s lives is immense. Even seemingly small things you do can enormously impact someone’s life.
How to Find Your Life Purpose in Astrology?
Astrology is a very helpful tool for pinpointing your life purpose. The birth chart in itself describes the energies that support you in learning what your soul wants to learn in this lifetime. Every piece of information is meaningful in the horoscope. The planetary energies present at the moment of your birth reveal the set of difficulties and strengths that help you evolve into the person you are meant to be.
To find your life purpose in astrology, you should start with the north node, but the Midheaven and the Sun also depict certain facets of your purpose. Studying these by sign and by house is the first layer of interpretation. You can go deeper by analyzing their aspect and planetary ruler.
Make sure to remember that everything in the birth chart should be interpreted within the context of the whole chart. Beyond their general meaning, the planets may have different levels of importance in a chart depending on what they rule, so it’s important to remember that you need to approach each chart individually. To understand your life purpose in astrology better, combine the meaning of all the elements.

The North Node
As mentioned above, the north node is the primary indicator of life purpose in astrology. The nodes are mathematical points in the sky: the intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic. Even though they don’t exist physically, they convey really important information in the chart.
The north node represents your soul’s mission and your life purpose in astrology. It can be a challenging point in the chart at a young age, when you haven’t learned to integrate it yet. It’s uncharted territory. You might read the description of your north node and think that this is everything but not you. Yet this is exactly what your soul is curious about and wants to experience. The north node is also about moving beyond past patterns, represented by the south node (which is exactly opposite the north node in the natal chart). If you’ve been feeling blocked in some way, taking a look at your north node can help. Usually, when you are aligned with this point, you find that everything starts to work out somehow.
Read more: the North Node in Signs | the North Node in Houses
For example, let’s say your north node is in Virgo in the ninth house. This placement suggests that your soul wants to search for meaning, learn about the laws of the world and the laws of the universe, grow spiritually. With Virgo, you do this methodically, paying attention to the details. Someone with the north node in Scorpio in the ninth house is the most likely to find wisdom after deep, transformative experiences. They want to understand everything, but not in the perfectionistic, detail-oriented way the north node in Virgo person would, they want to make sure that they get to the bottom of the matter so that they gain a deep understanding.
Planets conjunct or aspecting the north node
In addition to your north node’s sign and house, planets closely aspecting the north node are also helpful. The energy of planets conjunct the north node want to be integrated.
The Sun and Your Life Purpose in Astrology
The Sun is so evident in astrology that it often ends up overlooked. Most people find out their Sun sign first. However, there are plenty of things to unpack about this luminary, both in the context of life purpose in astrology and outside of it. Many people might find that they identify more with their ascendant than with their Sun sign. But the Sun is just as important, especially as your journey unfolds. In addition to shaping your sense of self, your Sun sign reveals what qualities you are intended to bring into the world.
For most people, developing the qualities of their Sun takes quite some time. But the Sun is who you are meant to be, the true self (of course, the ascendant etc. are also part of who you are, but the Sun is the center of the personality). The traits of your Sun are the energy which you are meant to radiate, how you are meant to glow. The house of your Sun reveals in which life areas your light is the most visible, where you find that you can be your true self the most.
The Midheaven
The Midheaven is the highest point of the birth chart. It is the cusp of the tenth house in some house systems. It represents your ambition, who and what you are aspiring to become, your legacy. This is what people who don’t know you personally know you for. The MC represents your career and your reputation as well. This point is all about self-actualization.
The traits linked with the Midheaven take quite some time to develop, even longer than is the case for the Sun. The zodiac sign your Midheaven falls in reveals which energies you are meant to disperse in the world. The ruling planet of your Midheaven is also meaningful regarding your life purpose in astrology.
As the Midheaven changes position fast (it shifts into a new zodiac sign every few hours), you need your exact time of birth to be able to use it.
Saturn and Life Purpose in Astrology
The strict teacher of astrology, Saturn also alludes to your life purpose. It depicts the lessons your soul wants to learn in this lifetime. Saturn is about overcoming difficulties. It achieves mastery through patience and persistence. Although in the birth chart, Saturn is often seen as the source of challenges, it is an important indicator of life purpose in astrology.
Your Saturn sign tells which qualities you are asked to integrate. The house position reveals which life areas bring you the most lessons.
Sextiles and Trines
In addition to the planets and points above, harmonious aspects can also be interpreted as hints at your life purpose in astrology. They represent things that are easy and natural for you. These innate talents are given to us so that we can develop them and contribute to the world with them. The sextile is particularly important: this aspect means dormant talents, things you have the potential to get really good at but it takes some effort to develop them.
Jupiter and Your Life Purpose in Astrology
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, good fortune. In the natal chart, Jupiter shows where and how you expand. Just like the harmonious aspects in the previous point, Jupiter also represents ease. In general, Jupiter is a beneficial, helpful influence. Jupiter represents a good foundation for expansion, and from this perspective, it can also be interpreted as a component of your life purpose in astrology. The opposite of Saturn (lessons learned through hard work), Jupiter is about lessons learned through growth and joy.
For example, if you have your Jupiter in Leo in the eleventh house, it suggests that you expand and grow with the help of friend groups and circles of people. You get a lot of support from people and it’s also part of your purpose to give back to the community. Leo indicates that you find your good fortune through self-expression, being joyful, energetic, creative about how you go about things.
Part of Fortune
The part of fortune is another time-sensitive point that can guide you towards your life purpose in astrology. This point shows where you can find joy and fulfillment. It represents activities and energies that put you into a state of flow. In astrology, it is associated with supportive energies, an area where it’s much easier for you to find success.
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