As a point linked with seduction and passion, Lilith can be pretty intriguing in synastry, especially if we are talking about the synastry chart of a romantic couple (or at least two people sexually attracted to each other). This post focuses on the Lilith-Mars synastry connections. The most intense one is, of course, the Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect, but others contain important information as well. These planetary connections almost always indicate a widely passionate, consuming relationship.
Mars and Lilith are both very sexual. Lilith is very yin, Mars is very yang. At the same time, they have a lot in common. Lilith is a more feminine Pluto, which is the higher octave of Mars. They are both about instincts, sex, and rebellion. There’s an important difference, though: Lilith is linked with the unconscious, Mars with the conscious domain. Regardless, Lilith and Mars together are really explosive.
Lilith is a mysterious point in the birth chart. It represents the part of you you’d rather forget about: the rejected, the rebelm the seductress. Lilith does what she wants, but has to pay a high price for it in this society. Lilith represents the dark feminine, representing things women were traditionally shunned for.
For these aspects to really count, the orb shouldn’t be too wide. Ideally, it’s less than maximally 3 degrees.
Lilith Conjunct Mars Synastry
The Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect indicates a volcanic quality to the connection: the people are so attracted to each other on an animalistic, instinctive level that they would go through the wall for each other. A fire roars in you for each other. You find your partner irresistible. The Mars person is particularly attracted to the Lilith person.
The Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect is a very positive conjunction in a sexual relationship. It gives a magical, enthralling dimension to the bound. The chemistry is off the charts.
There’s a lot of energy in this conjunction. You feel more energized when you are together and the relationship makes you excited about being alive. This relationship makes you do things you perhaps wouldn’t do otherwise. As a couple, you might find danger exciting. It’s easy to lose your mind when Lilith-Mars energy is present.
If the conjunction receives hard aspects, there may be power struggles. The same is true if there are other conflicting Pluto aspects in the synastry chart. If you have some unhealed issues, Lilith conjunct Mar synastry can bring them forward. You may perceive the other person as a trigger. Remember, Lilith is a really traumatized point, she may still be in a lot of pain, so there’s a possibility for all of the sad memories to come out and call for healing.
You may be obsessed with a relationship where you have Lilith conjunct Mars in synastry. It can be hard to end things. The sex can be so amazing that you make irrational decisions.

Lilith Square Mars Synastry
With the square, there are always challenges to deal with. Unfortunately, Lilith square Mars in synastry can bring a lot of heartache.
Lilith is already a very wounded point: it represents your traumas, painful memories, rejections you faced and criticism you have received. It really doesn’t take much for Lilith’s wound to start aching again.
Mars is a super aggressive energy. When it touches Lilith in a difficult aspect, Lilith is likely to be strongly irritated. The sexual attraction is still there, but in the long run, it’s questionable if Lilith can live with Mars. The square is a really turbulent aspect (it’s of the nature of Mars-bringing a constant fight and irritation). You can’t keep it swept under the carpet for very long. Sooner or later it will burst out again and again.
If you have a Lilith square Mars synastry aspect, your Lilith and Mars don’t get along well.
Lilith feels the need to rebel and reject Mars. Mars, on the hand, wants to win over Lilith and to dominate her. Her independence annoys him. The square between Lilith and Mars in synastry often suggests power struggles in the relationship.
Although it’s an understatement that the sparks are there, it can also happen that you have very different ideas about sex. This square suggests a more aggressive, perhaps even violent relationship. Unfortunately, Lilith square Mars in synastry can even indicate abuse, so be careful (not always, but it’s good to be aware of this possible tendency). Mind games and insipid manipulation can also occur. Fights are almost guaranteed.
Unless there are other supportive aspects, the Lilith square Mars synastry aspect promises quite a few clashes between you. But as always, the rest of the chart has the final say.
Lilith Opposite Mars Synastry
The opposition is another hard aspect. But, contrary to the square, it’s not dynamic. It is of Saturn’s nature-it’s a tug-of-war between the two planets.
Lilith opposite Mars synastry can feel like there’s a big precipice between you, especially sexually. It’s not rare that the other person can’t satisfy you after a while. You might experiment with different power dynamics.
The relationship can grow pretty toxic with the Lilith opposite Mars synastry aspect too. Unconscious issues triggered, power struggles, fear of loss, it can imply all kinds of challenges. The relationship may bring forward some issues hidden in the unconscious.
Hopefully, there are some softer aspects that mitigate the intensity. If the people have good self-knowledge, they can overcome the hardships this opposition suggests.
Lilith Trine Mars Synastry
Let’s talk about the happier aspects: the trine and the sextile.
If you have the Lilith trine Mars synastry aspect, there is an easy energy flow. Lilith and Mars blend together harmoniously.
The Mars person is a catalyst for the Lilith person to act on their desires.
This trine suggests that you are receptive to each other’s instincts and what you are attracted to sexually is highly compatible. This influence indicates a really good sex life. Is there more to this relationship? It depends on the rest of the chart.
The sextile is similar to the trine. Although this is a less significant aspect in synastry, it’s still a great addition to a couple’s chart. Not as intense as the Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect, though.
As always, it’s important to remember that a single aspect is not a surefire indicator of a relationship’s quality. Harmonious aspects can make up for the worst square too.
If the people in a relationship have a cerain energy natally, it’s easier for them to deal with it, since it’s already familiar to them.
When talking about any aspect in astrology, the sign and house of the planets (or points) are key. Especially with the conjunction, the sign modifies how the Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect works out.
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