When placed in the tenth house, Lilith manifests in a way that is visible to the world. You have a raw, seductive energy that rarely goes unnoticed. Your presence is very much infused with the qualities of Lilith: you have a reputation of being independent, mysterious, seductive, rebellious, self-willed, especially if it is placed close to the Midheaven.
At the same time, Lilith in 10th house can be a quite challenging placement. Here, its rebellious nature affects your career and public reputation. Lilith in 10th house also indicates problems related to one of your parents, usually the father.
Black Moon Lilith reveals where you have issues suppressed into the unconscious that prevent you from living your best life.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Lilith in 10th house!
Black Moon Lilith in 10th House Meaning
This placement indicates that one of your parents (often the father) was unavailable to you. Maybe he was there physically, but he did not give you the love and support you needed. He might have been domineering, cold and overly demanding. Black Moon Lilith in 10th house suggests a desire to accomplish great things in order to prove to this parent that you are worthy of love. Power struggles are also likely in the relationship. In some cases, Lilith in 10th house can indicate a divorce of the parents, or even the loss of a parent.
People with this placement have to learn to accept themselves, no matter what. Lilith here suggests that unless you excel, you don’t feel worthy. On a subconscious level, you can be obsessed with living up to expectations. Lilith in 10th house wants to make a difference.
You are driven and ambitious and you do not want to settle for mediocrity. It is important for you that you make an impact in the world. At the same time, you are self-conscious too, particularly at a young age. Lilith in 10th house can indicate anxiety and fear of failure in the public eye. You can be scared of what others might think about you. As you grow older, you become more self-confident and in many cases, Lilith here desires to take up a public role. It enjoys being in the center of attention.
Power is important to you. Lilith in 10th house works to become an influential person and to be in control.
This placement often manifest in subtle, refined ways, similarly to Pluto. Lilith here suggests that you are charismatic, come across as powerful and attractive, but you are mysterious too. People with this placement know how to influence others and they understand the human psyche very well. This doesn’t mean that they are manipulative, but if they have to, they know how to manipulate others to get what they want.

If there are other indicators in the chart too, Lilith in the tenth house can indicate sex work. This placement can also manifest as affairs everyone knows about and/or with people of power.
The house of Lilith is important, but it is only one piece of the puzzle. The zodiac sign where it is placed tells how it manifests. Aspects to Lilith also modify how it works in your natal chart.
What Does Black Moon Lilith Mean in Astrology?
Black Moon Lilith does not represent a celestial body that exists in reality. This mathematical point corresponds to the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit. Another way to calculate Lilith is using the lunar apogee (in the birth chart, this occupies the same point as the empty focal point). Lilith can be more or less dominant in the chart, depending on its position and aspects.
In the birth chart, Lilith shows where you were shamed, denied, wounded. It can point to unconscious issues that can cause a lot of trouble in the background. This primarily affects the life areas of Lilith’s house, but the life areas of the opposite house can also be impacted. Lilith is the shadow.
Lilith represents the dark, denied feminine that wants to be equal and independent. It is named after a mythological female demon. In Jewish folklore, Lilith was created as the first women before Eve. Originally, Lilith was supposed to be Adam’s wife. However, she didn’t want to be dominated by him, what made Adam furious. As a punishment for her rebellion, Lilith had to leave the Garden of Eden.
Lilith makes a full circle through the Zodiac in 9 years, spending 9 months in each zodiac sign.
The Tenth House
The tenth house is an angular house, and it is considered the second most powerful. In the natural chart, it is linked with Capricorn.
The tenth house takes a lot of time to build up. This house represents your legacy, work in the world, your career and reputation. An occupied tenth house suggests an ambitious, hard-working person.
The cusp of the tenth house is the Midheaven (depending on the house system you use). This angle represents the top of the sky at the moment of your birth, the highest point. It shows your aspirations and direction in life. The area surrounding the Midheaven is particularly powerful, it is one of the Gauquelin areas in the chart.
The most important life area of the tenth house is your profession. As an earth houses, the tenth house has to do with your role in the world, your responsibilities, what you accomplish. It also represents one of the parents, authority figures, your employer, the government.
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