In the natal chart, Lilith represents a problematic point. The house where it is located is a life area where you have to face your traumas and shadow side. It is not easy to integrate Lilith. This is a point we try to avoid on a conscious level, but it keeps working on the unconscious level, often causing a lot of trouble.
When it falls in the eighth house, Black Moon Lilith is placed in the house of sex, transformation, taboos, in the natural house of Scorpio.
Lilith in the eighth house suggests that you are familiar with the darker side of life. If something is superficial and ignores the rawness of reality, you are not interested. You are able to notice things others don’t, and you are fascinated by taboos and the occult. You discover layers of existence most people never have to face.
Lilith in 8th house is a very sensual placement. People with this placement enjoy being seductive (it is a source of power for them), but they often have issues related to intimacy. This placement suggests psychological issues and painful memories that prevent you from letting go and enjoying sex.
Keep reading to learn more about Lilith in 8th house in the natal chart!
Black Moon Lilith in 8th House Meaning

In the birth chart, 8th house placements are never easy. This house is the house of traumatic and near-death experiences, deep transformation, death, regeneration. All of them are very painful. Nobody knows this better than 8th house people.
Lilith in 8th house knows too that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You have a lot of experience with hardships and pain. This placement suggests a very deep interest in psychology, especially in discovering how your own psyche works. People with this placement are almost forced to meet their shadow self. For you, self-awareness equals power.
It is important for you to be in control. You are afraid of being helpless and you want to make sure you are safe. You can feel very vulnerable. There can be some blind spots that you don’t notice in your own personality, which are your weak points too. You can fail to see things objectively. Bad judgement causes Lilith to undergo deep transformation and reevaluate herself and her relationship with the world.
Some people with this placement went through traumatic experiences that made them lose trust in life. They can be suspicious of other people’s intentions. Lilith here wants to understand the situation in-depth before she makes a move. But if you don’t integrate this placement, you can be so emotionally attached to a situations that you don’t see clearly.
Lilith in 8th house can be quiet intense. It suggests that your emotions run deep and you are more sensitive than most people. You feel that you can only recharge if you get rid of all distractions. You love solitude.
Lilith in this house can be obsessed with unearthing secrets. At the same time, Lilith here doesn’t like to expose her secrets to the world. She wants privacy and tries to keep out people who are overly curious. It doesn’t want others to know more than they absolutely have to know. Lilith in 8th house tends to be a loner.
Black Moon Lilith in 8th house can be an indicator of problems with sexuality. You can be restricted from experiencing it fully, or alternatively, you can be involved in many affairs. This placement can suggest that your early perception of sex was that it is violent and humiliating. Your sex life becomes better in the second half of your life. Some people with this position of Lilith can have fetishes.
In a relationship, you are committed, and you expect the same from your partner. You want your souls to merge. Lilith in 8th house people are very caring and devoted towards their loved ones.
With this position of Lilith, make sure your finances are in order. As the 8th house is the house of taxes, loans, other people’s money, the rebellious nature of Lilith here can suggest problems in this life area.
Lilith in 8th house is somewhat similar to having Lilith in Scorpio. The sign of Lilith in your birth chart tells how it manifests. Aspects to Lilith also influence this.
Lilith in Astrology
There are more objects referred to as Lilith. Actually, only Lilith the asteroid is an existing celestial body. Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith are fictional points.
Black Moon Lilith is the the second focal point of the Moon’s elliptical orbit. It can be calculated based on the Moon’s apogee as well (this is the point where the Moon is the farthest from the Earth).
Lilith is a demonic female figure, her name means ‘night’. In Jewish folklore, she was the first woman created. She was the first wife of Adam before Eve. However, when Adam wanted to force her to be below him, she refused to submit and as a consequence of her rebellion, she had to leave the Garden of Eden. This story is a symbol of the damage done to women by patriarchy. Lilith represents the independent woman who is not willing to be the servant of a man.
She is strong and wants to be in control of her life. Black Moon Lilith is a point raw, primal energy. Lilith has to do with sexuality as well.
The negative manifestation of Black Moon Lilith can be quite destructive. It can be a point of self-undoing in the birth chart too. Its desire for rebellion, revenge, jealousy can cause a lot of trouble if it gets out of control. But if you manage to tame this point and accept it, it can be your source of power.
The 8th House in the Birth Chart
The eighth house is the house of mysteries. We don’t encounter the life areas of this house very often, but when we do, they make a mark on us.
In the natural chart, the 8th house is associated with Scorpio (but in your chart, it can begin in any sign). Pluto and Mars are in accidental dignity here. As a water house, the eighth house is mysterious and not easy to understand.
This astrological house is the house of transformation. Its life areas are gateways between different realms. Death, birth, rebirth, near-death experiences all belong here.
The eighth house is the house of sex too. It also governs other people’s money, taxes and banking, investments, inheritance, money you gain through others.
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