Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius lives for freedom. People with this placement are extremely independent and they hate being restricted in any way. However, finding balance between their own views and the expectations of their environment is quite challenging. They often feel like they were a stranger in this world, detached from other people. Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius craves to belong. Yet it is stuck outside in the cold.
In your birth chart, Lilith shows where you meet your shadow self, a part of your personality rejected and repressed into the unconscious. Black Moon Lilith usually shows for what were you shamed or learned that it is something forbidden. Since Lilith’s nature is rather rebellious and chaotic, it can cause quite a lot of problems related to the life areas of its house and related to its sign. However, understanding your Lilith can help you accept yourself and find your personal power. Lilith is not fully understood yet in astrology. However, in some cases it can add valuable information to the chart analysis.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Lilith in Aquarius in the natal chart!
Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius
If you have this placement in your natal chart, you are an extremely individualistic person. You want to maintain your independence at any price, what needless to say, makes relationships hard for you. The element air (Aquarius is an air sign) is impossible to tie down, and those with Aquarius placements need freedom like they need to breathe. Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius indicates that you don’t know how to establish intimate relationships and how to be close to someone. Emotions are on the back burner.
It can feel like your soul is locked up. You don’t really get attached to people. As children, many Lilith in Aquarius people were in some way different, the odd one out who can’t fit in. This placement can even suggest being adopted or having unusual genetic heritage.
As a child, perhaps you learned that trusting others can get you seriously hurt. Perhaps you experienced traumatic betrayal.
Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius suggests that you are fascinated by things outside of your everyday reality. You dislike boredom and desire surprising, new experiences. Alternatively, this placement can manifest as rejecting everything unusual, but more often it suggests that you want to escape the greyness of everyday life.
You prefer risky situations. Lilith in Aquarius is often into unusual stuff when it comes to sexuality.
People with this placement are often promiscuous. They find freedom in sex, but they don’t like to be restricted by a traditional relationship. This placement can indicate commitment issues. The rest of the chart is also important here, but marriage is not something for Lilith in Aquarius. This is not to say that long-term partnerships can’t work out, but your partner has to make you feel free, otherwise you are out before you know it. Generally speaking, this placement indicates shorter but rather electric encounters where you keep your independence.
Lilith in Aquarius indicates that you are a person who lives in their own head (depending on the rest of the horoscope).
You have many good ideas, however, turning them into reality is often met with resistance for some reason. There is a tendency to overestimate your abilities. You can plan too much to get done, but there is not enough time, or it turns out that you need help from others. It is very hard to ask for help with this placement.
Lilith in Aquarius is definitely unusual in many ways, but it is often not easy for you to deal with this. Learning to express your eccentric nature is one of the most important lessons of this placement. You can be afraid of being judged for who you are and repress your authentic self. This is especially the case at a young age. Lilith in Aquarius indicates life phases when you start rebelling against the norms imposed on you. There can be a desire to prove your worth to the world and in particular to your childhood critics.

Keep in mind that the natal chart is extremely complex, and every single detail is important. Your Lilith sign is only one piece of the puzzle. Its house placement and aspects to the rest of the chart are just as significant. And at the end of the day, we all have free will, how a certain placement plays out depends on many things.
Lilith in the Birth Chart
First of all, you have to know that there are more astrological points called Lilith. This article is oriented on Black Moon Lilith, which is calculated based on the lunar apogee. There is another way to define it using the focal points of the Moon’s orbit. Besides Black Moon Lilith, there is an asteroid called Lilith 1181 (this is the only existing celestial body), and another Lilith called Dark Moon Lilith.
In astrology, Lilith represents a mysterious, oppressed, autonomous energy. Since Lilith is linked with the Moon, the planet of the unconscious, is influence is subtle and indirect. Lilith tends to indicate problems and malfunctions related to its sign and house, but it is not easy to understand why you sabotage yourself here.
Lilith represents the dark feminine, but also the archetype of the independent woman who is not controlled by patriarchy.
Lilith is a mythological figure, a female demon in Babylonian and Jewish folklore. She was created as the first woman made of dust just like Adam. Lilith and Adam were supposed to be equals, however, power struggles soon began, and Lilith refused to submit to Adam who was rather domineering (especially sexually). To punish her disobedience, god made Lilith leave the Garden of Eden, and Eve was created of the rib of Adam. Lilith later became a demon.
Aquarius in Astrology
Aquarius is one of the air signs in astrology. The Water Bearer, although carrying water (emotions), is physically separated from it, observing emotions from an intellectual perspective.
Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign. In modern astrology, its ruling planet is Uranus, while traditional astrology uses Saturn as its planetary ruler. This sign is linked with the eleventh house of hopes and wishes in the natural chart.
As a fixed sign by modality, Aquarius is determined and dislikes changes. The Water Bearer is a masculine sign by polarity.
Aquarius is brilliant, original, creative, intellectual, scientific, cool, detached, quirky. It is the sign of innovations, progression, new ideas, and it is strongly future-oriented.
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