If you have your Lilith in Leo, this article is for you. Your Lilith sign reveals where you have unconscious problems blocking you and causing trouble in your life. It is a very raw, primal point. When you learn how to integrate Lilith, it helps you step into your own power, but to make peace of it, you have to face your shadow side. It shows where you hold yourself back.
Black Moon Lilith in Leo suggests that you have to deal with the topics of life energy, creativity, self-expression. You probably had painful experiences with these things. You can feel that it is not safe to enjoy yourself. People with this placement crave attention, but at the same time, they are also afraid of it. They tend to have a VERY strong ego. Lilith here can bring the worst out of Leo.
Lilith in Leo indicates a need to come to terms with who you are. Some people with this placement lack self-confidence, while others overcompensate it and behave arrogantly and selfishly. Lilith is hard to integrate because of her rebellious nature.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Black Moon Lilith in Leo!
Black Moon Lilith in Leo
People with this placement have a strong drive to accomplish great things. They believe that being a high achiever is the only way to get love and admiration. Sometimes Lilith here is an indicator of emotionally unavailable parents who were not able to give unconditional love, especially the father. Lilith in Leo can suggest that the father was very domineering, dictatorial, even abusive. Love had to be earned, if there was any at all.
This Lilith sign in the birth chart suggests that you tend to underestimate yourself. Self-confidence doesn’t come naturally to you. As a children, many people with this placement are very insecure and shy.
Lilith in Leo people have a strange relationship with attention. They want it, but they are afraid of it too. Admiration is a wound-healing balm, or at least it soothes the pain. In some cases, this placement can indicate that your need for attention was rejected and you were shamed for it.
If you have your Black Moon Lilith in Leo, your self-confidence and sense of self is wounded. This placement suggests a strong ego, even to the extent of arrogance. You are deeply insecure, but you can be afraid to admit to it even to yourself. Sometimes the world doesn’t notice this. You are known as gregarious, optimistic, fun to be around. People with this placement tend to be very outgoing. They can even dislike being alone.
Lilith in Leo is flamboyant and it is addicted to risk. It enjoys drama, and it can stir up the waters every now and then just so things don’t get boring. It wants to be in the center of attention at any price. You want others to adore you, and they indeed often find you irresistible. You expect to be treated as a royalty. And you are treated as such.
People with this placement are often very popular, especially with the other sex. They are extremely charismatic, people are attracted to them for some reason. This personal magnetism is usually accompanied by an innate sense of elegance. Black Moon Lilith in Leo suggests a glamorous person. An example of this placement is the chart of Marilyn Monroe, she had her Lilith in Leo in the first house.
Lilith in Leo in the natal chart can suggest imbalance between masculine and feminine energy (regardless of your gender, these energies are present in all of us). Especially your relationship with masculine energy can be wounded (Leo is a very masculine sign).
Lilith here can be obsessed with status. There can be a fear of being worthless if you are not adored. To Lilith here, being forgotten equals being dead.

Your Lilith sign is important, but to analyze it in context, you need to take into account its house placement and aspects too.
Meaning of Lilith
Lilith is a relatively new segment of astrology, so keep in mind that its meaning is not fully understood yet. However, there are some associations linked with it based on the mythological background. In the birth chart, it is less important than the planets, but in some cases, Lilith adds insight to the chart analysis.
There is an asteroid Lilith 1181, but this article is focused on Black Moon Lilith, which is a fictional point. Black Moon Lilith is defined as the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit (in the first focal point is the Earth). It can also be calculated based on the lunar apogee, which is the part of the Moon’s orbit that is the most distant from our planet.
Lilith is a female demonic figure. According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was created as the first wife of Adam, his equal partner. However, Adam wanted to be the more dominant in the relationship (especially sexually), and their relationship was the scene of power struggles. Lilith didn’t want to be dominated, what enraged Adam, and god out of vengeance expelled Lilith from the Garden of Eden. Later Eve was created from the rib of Adam, supposed to be the obedient wife.
In astrology, Lilith is a shadow figure. It represents parts of you that is hidden and repressed in the unconscious. It is the dark side of the Moon, invisible but present. Lilith speaks about repressed emotions generally labelled as negative such as jealousy, revenge, spite, grief. It also has to do with female sexuality and the independence of women.
In the horoscope, Lilith shows what was denied, shamed, tried to get rid of. If uncontrolled, Lilith can indicate challenges in the life areas related to its house in the birth chart. It takes approximately 9 years (8 years and 10 months) for Lilith to make a full circle through the Zodiac.
Leo in Astrology
The Lion is the royal of the Zodiac. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the source of life and energy. It is the most energetic, joyous, passionate sign.
This sign can be described as glamorous, creative, optimistic, proud, enthusiastic. It’s negative side is being selfish, arrogant, egocentric, vain, domineering, bossy.
Leo is one of the fire signs by element. Fire signs are optimistic, motivated, fierce, courageous. Fire is an expansive element, and so fire signs are growth-oriented too.
Leo is a fixed sign by modality. Fixed signs are determined, persistent, and they don’t like changes.
Leo is linked with the fifth house in the natural chart.
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