In this article, you can learn about the meaning of Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. There is something dreamy and ethereal to these people. They often feel that they are not made for this world. Spirituality and finding meaning in life fascinates them. They are either absorbed in this topic, or there is a tendency to repress your interest in spirituality and desire to connect with the divine.
Lilith manifests through the extremes. It is usually a delicate and complex point in the natal chart. In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is associated with rebellion, the fight for independence, revenge, pain, trauma, betrayal, evil wishes, karmic challenges. The positive side of Lilith is finding your own power, standing up for yourself and saying no, authentic living, sex.
Keep reading to learn more about Black Moon Lilith in Pisces!
Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the Birth Chart
Pisces is all about other dimensions. It is the opposite sign of Virgo, the sign of reality and duties. Lilith in Pisces indicates an imbalance between the world of dreams and the everyday world. People with this placement are either overly realistic, or they for some reason don’t seem to able to pull their weight when it comes to dealing with reality. This Lilith sign tends to get lost in fantasy.
Escapism is a quite common issue with Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. Addictions are a typical coping mechanism, no matter if it is alcohol, drugs, sex, or maladaptive daydreaming.
The positive side of Lilith in Pisces is enhanced sensitivity, creativity, vivid imagination. However, if you overdo these, it can cause many troubles. Dubious plans and questionable philosophies are all something you have to watch out for if you have this placement in your natal chart.
People with this placement tend to be rather introspective. They are often fascinated by psychology, mythology, archetypes. They want to understand themselves and other people on a very deep level. As they grow older and integrate this placement properly, Black Moon Lilith in Pisces people can become very wise.
Alternatively, Lilith in Pisces can also reject everything related to spirituality and things beyond physical reality. They can even fear them, and they hold on to what they can see and touch. In general, Lilith here is prone to anxiety and various fears that can even be crippling. This placement can also manifest as not being aware of your emotions, especially the negative ones.
Psychotherapy can do wonders for Lilith in Pisces. If you integrate this placement properly, you are able to tap into your creativity and hold the vision. This is a very good placement for art, photography, acting, writing, storytelling. Finding a healthy outlet makes dealing with Lilith much easier.
Black Moon Lilith in Pisces suggests that your intuition is very strong, especially if the element water is emphasized in your chart. However, sometimes you can mistake anxiety, worry or external influences such as the psychological pressure of other people for intuition. It is the best to be careful with psychedelic experiences if you have your Lilith in Pisces.
Water placements in the natal chart signal extreme sensitivity. Black Moon Lilith in Pisces is no exception. It suggests that you have weak boundaries. You are way more receptive to influences around you than most people. Unless the rest of the chart suggests more assertiveness, you are prone to self-sacrifice. Lilith in Pisces suggests that you have a hard time setting boundaries and saying no.
This placement can even indicate relationships with people who need help or who take advantage of you. You can have illusions about others and their intentions. Many people who have Lilith in Pisces have painful experiences with putting their trust in wrong people.
Lilith here indicates that you are highly empathetic. You dream about a pure world, and want to make it a better place. One of the pitfalls of this placement is being detached from the darker side of your personality. You can repress and reject unpleasant emotions such as jealousy or vindictiveness. However, this placement can play out as noticing your shadow side in other people. Lilith in Pisces sometimes considers itself the victim of others and gives away all its power.

Your Lilith sign tells how you deal with your shadow side. Besides the sign, there are other parameters you have to consider, such as the house of your Black Moon Lilith and its aspects (the conjunctions are the most intense).
Read more: Black Moon Lilith in Houses
Lilith in the Horoscope
What do you need to know about Black Moon Lilith?
First of all, Black Moon Lilith is not an existing celestial body. It is a mathematical point that is calculated using the Moon’s orbit. You can define Black Moon Lilith as the lunar apogee (the point of the lunar orbit at the greatest distance from the Earth), or as the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit. There is an asteroid called Lilith 1181 (which is an existing celestial body), and a hypothetical planet Dark Moon Lilith.
Lilith is a mythological female figure, associated with the dark feminine and female sexuality in astrology. Its name has Babylonian origin meaning night. Lilith was the first woman according to Jewish folklore. She was made of dust just like Adam, meant to be his equal. However, their union soon became full of power struggles, as Adam wanted to be the more dominant sexually and in the relationship. Lilith rebelled against him, what both Adam and god found unacceptable, and Lilith had to leave the Garden of Eden. Later she became a demonic figure according to mythology.
In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is still being studied, but there are some general associations of it based on the mythological background. It is less important in the chart than the planets, but in some cases, Lilith can be surprisingly telling in a chart analysis.
This point is associated with the dark side of a person that is not easy to face. It can manifest through jealousy, selfishness, manipulation, vindictiveness, rebellion, fights, grief, trauma. Linked with the Moon, the effect of Black Moon Lilith tends to stay in the background and manifest in subtle way, it is hard to catch. Once you make peace with your Black Moon Lilith, it helps you see yourself clearly and step into your power.
The Zodiac Sign Pisces
Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. It is in many ways special, not only connected with the physical world, but also with other dimensions. In the natural chart, the sign of the Fish is connected with the twelfth house.
As a water sign, it is no surprise that Pisces is mystical and intuitive. This sign is dreamy, creative, compassionate, emotional. Pisces is mutable by modality. It is linked with changes and endings.
Pisces is associated with spirituality, compassion, art, music, imagination, dreams. It is a very complex sign. Sometimes even Pisces doesn’t understand itself.
This zodiac sign is one of those that have two rulers. Before the discovery of Neptune (and in traditional astrology and some astrological techniques up to this day) it is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and faith. Since the discovery of Neptune, this planet is also used as the ruler of Pisces.
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