If you want to read about the meaning of Lilith in Sagittarius, you have come to the right place. If you have this Lilith sign, you have to find your own truth.
People with this placement are adventurous but they feel restricted. They often come from a background where they were taught a certain set of rules to be right and everything else to be wrong. There is a strong desire to carve out your own path. You tend to go to the extremes with this placement.
In the natal chart, Black Moon Lilith is usually less important than the planets, but it can add some interesting details depending on its position. It is linked with the hidden side of a person. Lilith tends to be a problematic point in the birth chart. It manifests in various ways and it is fundamentally double-natured. Some people repress it and reject it, others overcompensate it. In general, you experience the extremes of your Lilith sign, and it is not easy to use this sign positively. However, integrating your Black Moon Lilith can help you understand yourself on a much deeper level and find your personal power.
Keep reading to learn more about Lilith in Sagittarius!
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius falls in the sign of adventure, expansion, the search for truth. People with this placement have a strong desire to understand themselves on a very deep level, or alternatively if they try to avoid self-reflection, life forces them to be more introspective. Lilith in Sagittarius wants to be extraordinary. It considers life an opportunity to expand and get to the top.
Some people with this placement grew up in a religious environment, or come from an otherwise very opinionated family. One of your parents could have been very domineering and had a strong idea about who you should be (if Lilith is close to the Midheaven this is usually more expressed). This placement can also indicate that your parents had completely different views. Perhaps they were from different cultures, differently socialized, or they had a different socioeconomic background. Tension between their personal philosophies was very likely with Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius.
With this placement, you can’t stand it when someone holds you back. As children, Lilith in Sagittarius people were often denied freedom, and as adults they are focused on being free. There can be a fear of settling down. You don’t want to be chained. In a committed relationship, you need the freedom to be your authentic self. If you feel restricted, you are out in no time.
What is right and what is wrong is a question Lilith in Sagittarius doesn’t know what to do with. Your faith is often the subject of constant changes. You find that cookie-cutter beliefs don’t resonate with you, but you are insecure about your opinion. There can be a tendency to let others dictate who you are and what you should think. Lilith’s dual nature can manifest as unconsciously asking for permission to enjoy things, or alternatively, rejecting what you are told and doing the exact opposite for the sake of rebellion. There is little freedom and mental adulthood, especially when young.
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius suggests that you have to find your own personal truth and embrace it. People with this placement can be afraid of thinking or being different. Lilith here can indicate transgenerational trauma related to being different from some way or having different ideas. Being involved with cults is also a possibility.
Lilith in Sagittarius can indicate foreigners who embody what this point is about. You are hungry for travel, new experiences and usually get along well with people abroad, but Lilith’s nature suggests complications here (depending on the rest of the chart). It is the best to be careful when it comes to foreign cultures and travel. Your desire for freedom and sex is more expressed when abroad, you are ready to take more risks.
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius indicates that you are curious and open-minded when it comes to sexuality, but you can feel restricted from exploring yourself in this life area, especially when young.Your early ideas of sex were heavily influenced by the philosophy of your environment. You have a strong sex drive and tend to be promiscous. Lilith here suggests that commitment is restrictive to you, you prefer to enjoy the moment and immediately move on to the next person. Lilith in Sagittarius likes to experiment. Some people with this placement are bisexual or gay. Lilith here can also indicate that you were shamed for having sexual desires.
This placement is a frequent indicator of hardships in communication. Lilith in Sagittarius suggests that you can be too direct in your delivery, forgetting that not everyone has the same principles as you do. If Mercury receives challenging aspects, this is even more emphasized. Diplomacy is something you have to work on with this Lilith sign.

Finally, the sign of your Lilith is not enough to understand it fully. You also have to consider its house and aspects. Its house placement tells in which life area you experience its effect, while aspects color how it plays out in your chart.
What Does Black Moon Lilith Mean in Astrology?
Lilith is a mythological female demon. She embodies the dark feminine that is oppressed by patriarchy and who rebels against it. There are more than one Liliths in astrology, however, only the asteroid Lilith is an existing celestial body. This article is focused on Black Moon Lilith, which is defined either as the lunar apogee or the Moon’s orbit’s second focal point (in the first focal point is the Earth).
In astrology, Lilith is somewhat similar to Pluto. They both deal with trauma, pain, the unconscious. Lilith is a relatively new astrological concept, and this also means that we don’t fully understand it yet. However,there are some general associations of Lilith based on the mythological figure.
According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first woman created, not Eve. She was supposed to be the equal partner of Adam, and she was made of dirt just like him. However, Adam wanted her to submit to him (especially sexually), but Lilith refused to do so. Both Adam and god were furious and Lilith had to leave the Garden of Eden. Later Eve was created, who represented the obedient, submissive wife (linked with the Moon in astrology). Lilith became a demon and lived in a desert with other demons.
In the natal chart, the position of Lilith shows where you have some baggage to work through. How Lilith manifests ranges from completely rejecting it to becoming obsessed with it. Lilith is about the limits and different ends of a spectrum.
It takes about 9 years for Black Moon Lilith to transit the Zodiac, spending approximately 9 months in each sign.
What Do You Have to Know About Sagittarius?
Sagittarius is Latin for archer. The Sun transits it between 23rd November to 21st December (approximately, the exact time depends on the year). This zodiac sign is about looking into the distance and seeing the big picture. It is outgoing, adventurous, freedom-loving, idealistic, and philosophical. It is linked with optimism, faith, a good sense of humor.
Sagittarius is a fire sign by element. The element fire is inspiring, driven, spontaneous, and has a lot of energy. By modality, this sign belongs to the group of mutable signs (the other three mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces). Mutable signs are adaptable, versatile, and they like changes. Follow through is not their strongest trait.
Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign. It is connected with the ninth house of the higher mind in the natural chart. The ruling planet of the Archer is Jupiter, the planet of expansion.
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