Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio is a special placement, as Lilith’s energy is very similar to the core themes of the Scorpion. Both deal with pain, grief, trauma, seduction, taboos, the unconscious. This is a very intense and transformative Lilith sign.
Power takes up a central role in your life with your Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio. You want to be in control of your life, and when this is not the case, you are overwhelmed. Lilith here suggests that you are familiar with the emotions labeled as negative, such as jealousy, rage, vindictiveness, but you often try to repress them. There is a lot of tension in your mind, but it is hidden from the external world.
If you have this Lilith sign in your birth chart, you likely grew up surrounded by secrets. It can also indicate transgenerational trauma. There are many things you are asked to work through with your Lilith in Scorpio. You likely experience events that force you to reevaluate your life and yourself.
Keep reading to learn more about Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio in the natal chart!
Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio
Lilith in Scorpio forces you to face your shadow. Secrets come to light sooner or later. You can’t hide from your problems for long. However, you tend to try it, especially when younger. This placement can help you find your power, but the road is not easy.
In the natal chart, this placement suggests that control is one of your strongest motivations. You are afraid of helplessness. Being at the mercy of someone else is one of your worst nightmares. Lilith here can be obsessed with safety. Because of this, you tend to hold on to things that don’t serve you anymore.
Lilith in Scorpio can indicate that you are afraid of your primal, raw self ( and this energy in people in general). You can repress this part of you, or alternatively, be a daredevil. If overcompensated, Lilith here is energized by danger.
Sometimes this placement indicates near-death experiences (but the rest of the chart is very important when it comes to this topic. There must be multiple indicators). Other sudden events that transform you on a deep level are also possible. The house position of Lilith also determines in which life area it manifests. But experiences that force you to change your way of thinking and being are likely.
This placement of Lilith is very much interested in transformation, but it is also afraid of it. You are always changing.
If Scorpio is your Lilith sign, you easily notice what doesn’t work well and what should be better. There can be a tendency to try to change others but resist change yourself. If immature, people who have this placement are domineering and push their ideas onto others. This placement suggests that from time to time you go through an existential crisis. One of the most important lessons here is that change doesn’t mean that you are threatened.
Scorpio has a dark side. Lilith here can try to use others to get what it wants. You are subtle and refined. You have an innate talent for psychology. Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio is receptive to the behavior of others, intuitively knowing what to say (or not to say) in a situation. It is good at manipulation. Alternatively, this placement can suggest relationships with manipulative people.
Your mind is quite intense. When you are interested in someone, you easily become obsessed with them. However if they don’t give you what you want, you can just as passionately hate them. Your relationships can be destructive.
People with Lilith in Scorpio can be subconsciously drawn to people who hurt them (alternatively they can be unconsciously looking for victims).
Control is often a major theme in your relationships. Lilith here suggests power imbalances. This can be of any nature, often material. Financial control is frequent with this placement.
Trust is a very important theme of this placement. Lilith here can be an indicator of trust issues and betrayal. Sometimes of traumatic experiences related to sex too.
This placement is extremely seductive. In general sex is very important to you. You are either obsessed with it or reject it, there is no balance. Sometimes Lilith here indicates that you perceive sex as shameful and humiliating. A natal Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio can suggest an interest in sadomasochism, role play, or other power imbalances in sex.
According to Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio, love hurts. There is a tendency to live in toxic relationships, often following the unconscious patterns of the ancestors. Lilith here is very intense. When it is interested in someone, it is quite possessive and jealous. It wants to consume the other person. It is very hard to let go with this placement. You can be stuck in relationships that have run their course, yet you still hold on to each other.
People with this placement think a lot about less often discussed topics such as death or the occult. Taboos fascinate them. They are instinctively aware of the dark side of life. Sooner or later they start searching for the answers to the great mysteries of existence.

Besides the zodiac sign, the house and aspects of your Lilith should also be analyzed. Everything is important in the horoscope and placements only make sense in context.
Lilith Meaning in Astrology
What does Black Moon Lilith represent in astrology?
It is important that BML is a mathematical point, not an actual celestial body. It is calculated as the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit, alternatively calculated based on the lunar apogee (the point of the Moon’s orbit at the greatest distance from the Earth).
However, Black Moon Lilith is not the only Lilith in astrology. There is another Lilith called Dark Moon Lilith, which is a hypothetical planet, and the asteroid Lilith 1181, which is the only existing celestial body.
Lilith is a mythological demonic woman. She was created before Eve to be the equal of Adam. When she didn’t want to submit to him, Lilith had leave the Garden of Eden. Later she lived with demons in a desert, become a demon herself too.
Lilith is a relatively new part of astrology, and it is not fully understood yet. In general, it is linked with rebellion, chaos, shame, rejection, power issues, betrayal. The positive manifestation of Lilith is integrity, independence, the strong woman who is not controlled by patriarchy.
Scorpio in Astrology
Scorpio is one of the most popular Zodiac signs-people either like it or they try to avoid it. As the sign connected with mysteries, taboos, it is not hard to see why Scorpio is so fascinating yet intimidating.
This zodiac sign is associated with the great mysteries of life, intensity, transformation, regeneration, sex, the occult. As a fixed sign, Scorpio is persistent and determined.
By element, it is one of the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). This element is associated with emotions, intuition, the unconscious. Scorpio is a feminine/negative sign by polarity.
Scorpio is deep and intense. It is penetrating, secretive, obsessive, passionate, mysterious, resourceful, resilient.
This zodiac sign is ruled by Pluto. Before the discovery of Pluto, it was ruled by Mars. It is linked with the eighth house in the natural chart.
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