In this article, you can learn about the meaning of Black Moon Lilith in Taurus.
Lilith in Taurus is very sensual. People with this placement love the finer things in life, but they often can’t enjoy them in a healthy way. Self-indulgence can be coping mechanism, and they don’t know when to stop.
Lilith in Taurus people can be overly possessive, fearing loss and discomfort, or alternatively, they can reject the material side of life. This placement of Black Moon Lilith suggests that you don’t feel safe in the world. Finding security is one your greatest motivations. Existential fears are common with this placement.
Black Moon Lilith is a mathematical point. In the horoscope, the position of Lilith tells where you have to face your fears, trauma, rejection, shame. It is often a point of hardship, and it forces you to deal with your shadow self. She knows no mercy. However, if you learn the lessons of Lilith, you become stronger and find your own power.
Lilith’s nature is hard if not impossible to control. Her rebellious energy can have a destructive impact on the matters of the house where it is placed. The sign of Lilith describes how she manifests. Lilith often expresses herself through extremes. It is hard to maintain healthy balance here.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Lilith in Taurus!
Black Moon Lilith in Taurus
Lilith here is under the influence of Venus. This placement makes you sensual, feminine, creative, however, these traits can be repressed into the unconscious. Taurus is an earth sign, which means that it focuses on the material world and gaining resources in it. Lilith here is a very physical placement too, affecting your relationship with the material world in the first place, your self-esteem, and your need for stability. You have to learn that you are enough and you are talented enough to support yourself.
Lilith in Taurus indicates that your sense of security is violated. You can feel that it is not safe to have fun, be yourself, or to be happy about the beauty of life. Some people with this placement grew up in an environment where material pleasures were denied or shamed. You learned early to reject pleasure, or you can feel guilt about it. A good way to deal with Lilith here is to treat yourself every now and then to something that you can enjoy with your five senses.
Lilith here struggles with having enough. Loss is one her major fears. It is hard to let go with this placement, both people and things. There can be an unconscious fear of poverty. Some people with this placement feel that they are only acceptable if they are content with having very little. They can strongly reject the idea of wealth and affluence. Unconsciously, money is often a burning question for you.
With your natal Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, you were shamed for wanting money and resources, craving the pleasures of the material world. It can also indicate that you don’t feel worthy of good things. At the same time, you want them deeply. Sometimes people with this placement make bad money decisions (but overall they are good with managing their money).
Lilith in Taurus is super possessive. When she feels that someone threatens her, her brain goes into panic mode. People with this placement can feel that if they share what they have, others will take everything from them. Black Moon Lilith here lacks faith in the material world, and it can be obsessed with hoarding resources. You hold on to things.
You either live frugally or love to spend, there are no it-between with Lilith in Taurus in the natal chart. Learning that you can rely on your providing ability and that you are supported is one of the most important lessons of Lilith in Taurus. It can be also helpful to donate if you can, and share your resources.
This placement can indicate overeating or other issues with food. Food can be a secret craving and your relationship with has its ups and downs. Lilith here can binge as a coping mechanism. It can also happen that you find safety in food, or gain weight as a way to protect yourself from being hurt by others. You are also possessive about food. People had better stay away from it.
Intimacy is very important to you. You are seductive and sensual, people with this placement in the natal chart are often extremely attractive to the other sex. Lilith in Taurus people love sex, and they are often promiscuous, and they like adventures. They can be quite possessive of their partner.
Finances can be a major theme in your relationships.

Lilith in Taurus is in some way similar to Lilith in 2nd house.
Meaning of Lilith in the Natal Chart
What does Black Moon Lilith represent in astrology?
First of all, you have to know that there are more Liliths in astrology, and only the asteroid 1181 Lilith is an existing celestial object. The other Liliths are fictional points, including Black Moon Lilith.
The Moon’s orbit is approximately of elliptical shape. Black Moon Lilith is calculated as the second focal point of the Moon’s orbit. Alternatively, it can also be defined using the lunar apogee (this is the point where the Moon’s orbit is the furthest away from our planet).
Lilith‘s astrological meaning is the best understood through her mythological background. This point is associated with the wild feminine.
The word Lilith is of Sumeria origin, and it means night demon. According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, and the first woman created (before Eve).
Lilith represents the qualities of women they couldn’t express and foster under the pressure of patriarchy. Lilith can be interpreted as the shadow side of Eve, the ideal women according to patriarchy who is an obedient wife and prioritizes others to herself. Lilith is the exact opposite: she is her own number one priority, and she hates to be controlled.
It takes 8 years and 10 months for Black Moon Lilith to transit the Zodiac, spending approximately 9 months in each of the twelve signs.
Taurus in Astrology
The Bull is the second sign of the Zodiac, following Aries. Taurus season ranges from 20th April to 20th May.
Taurus is the fixed earth sign. It is feminine by polarity. Fixed signs are oriented on permanence and stability, and they dislike changes. Earth signs are linked with the physical world, they are practical and realistic.
The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, the planet of love and beauty. In the natural chart, this sign is linked with the second house of values.
Taurus is very sensual, artistic, dependable. Material security is very important to those born with an emphasis on the Bull in the horoscope. Creating stability is one of their strongest drives.
Taurus is peaceful, steadfast, loyal, craves consistency. The negative traits of Taurus are stubbornness, possessiveness, and the unwillingness to compromise.
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