In this article, you can learn about Lilith in Virgo. People with this placement tend to have a logical rather than emotional attitude to life, even cynical. They feel misunderstood. Lilith here suggests that you are very sensitive. It is not easy to express yourself in a healthy way with this placement. You have high expectations, both for yourself and the world around you.
You want to be perfect and have a strong drive to live up to other people’s expectations. People who have this Lilith sign were usually shamed as children if they did something that was not aligned with the expectations of their environment. This placement can suggest strict parents.
Lilith tends to bring out the worst of the sign where it is placed. It can cause a lot of problems, the sign describes of what nature. It can express itself either by overcompensating this sign or rejecting it altogether.
Keep reading to learn more about Lilith in Virgo in the natal chart!
Black Moon Lilith in Virgo
Virgo is the sign of order, while Lilith is a point of chaos. This placement is colored by an inner search for clarity, rest, reliability. However, the rebellious nature of Lilith doesn’t tolerate being controlled, forced to stick to routines, and it can rebel against planning and logic too.
Virgo placements in the birth chart indicate a strong intellect. (Lilith here can indicate being bullied in childhood for your mental abilities.) If you have this placement, you don’t take things at face value. You are critical and questioning, and you have strong opinions.
Lilith here tends to see the world in extremes, it takes quite a lot of time for you to learn that things are not black and white. Lilith in Virgo often goes through things that completely change its way of thinking. However, it dislikes changes in general, especially if they are out of Lilith’s control.
Morals is something you wonder a lot about. Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is obsessed with what is good and what is wrong. It is extremely critical and analyzes everyone it meets if they meet its standards. There is a tendency to judge people and see their worst side.
You judge yourself too. Lilith in Virgo indicates that you underestimate yourself and lack faith in your abilities.
Lilith here suggests that you come from a family that accepted only one way of living as good. Sometimes the family was atheistic, rejecting everything related to spirituality, or alternatively it could be that spirituality had a central role. There is no balance, when Lilith is involved.
This placement suggests that it you have to learn to be present in the moment. It is not easy to relax and enjoy being alive for Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. You are easily overwhelmed with thoughts and anxiety. You are good at working but play is needed too from time to time. Lilith here gets a lot of satisfaction from achievements. You want to be the best at everything you do.
Conforming is a very important question for Lilith in Virgo. If you have this Lilith sign, you have a strong sense of self, you know your needs and your boundaries. For Black Moon Lilith, saying yes can be harder than saying no. People with this placement can refuse being of service to others. It is important for them that they see the purpose of a task, otherwise they are likely to rebel. They always prioritize their own needs.
Depending on the house position, Lilith has to do with relationships as well. Lilith in this sign is an ice queen. When it comes to love, you see it as something that should be practical and economical. Love is math to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Emotions are not the most important factor. It is hard to seduce you. Lilith in Virgo doesn’t fall for tricks. You are very critical of others too. You tend to notice the flaws of people, sometimes keeping these thoughts to yourself, but sometimes openly criticizing others.
Lilith in Virgo can indicate problems with your sexuality. Perhaps you repress it, or you were taught that it is shameful, or even traumatic experiences are possible with this placement. Lilith here is not passionate and instinctive at all.
Lilith in Virgo can indicate a tendency for depression. Taking care of your mental health is important with this placement (but also of your general health). You can get stuck in your own head. It is very hard for people with this Lilith sign to ask for help. You don’t like to let others see your vulnerable side.

Lilith in Astrology
Lilith is a female demon in mythology. In astrology, it is linked with fear, shame, anger, rejection, vengeance. It is in some way similar to Pluto, but it has strong feminine quality. Lilith represents the dark feminine, oppressed by patriarchy.
In Jewish mythology, Lilith was the first woman, created to be the equal partner of Adam. However, Adam wanted to be the dominant person in their relationship (in particular sexually). Lilith didn’t want to submit to him, but god punished her by making her leave the Garden of Eden. Later she went to a desert where she became a demon.
There are more Liliths in astrology: Black Moon Lilith (this article is focused on this one), Dark Moon Lilith (Waldemath), the asteroid Lilith 1181. However, only the asteroid is a celestial body that exists in reality.
Black Moon Lilith is a mathematical point, based on the Moon’s elliptical orbit. There are two definitions, one is based on the lunar apogee (the point of the lunar orbit where the Moon is the furthest away from our planet), the other uses the Moon’s orbit’s focal points. In the first focal point is the Earth, and the second one is Black Moon Lilith.
To make a full circle through the Zodiac, this point needs approximately 8 years and 10 months. It stays in the same sign for 9 months.
Virgo in the Zodiac
Virgo is a mental sign, ruled by nocturnal Mercury. It is the sixth sign of the Zodiac, linked with the sixth house of service in the natural chart. This sign is focused on work, helping others (in a practical, tangible way), routines, making sure everything is as it should be.
Virgo is analytical, intellectual, systematical, precise, careful, objective, reliable. It is detail-oriented and strives to do a great job. The negative side of this sign is anxiety, worrying, perfectionism, being overly critical. In astrology, Virgo is linked with health, medicine, mathematics, science.
Virgo belongs to the group of earth signs. The element earth is associated with the physical reality, and earth signs are oriented on surviving in the physical world, work, resources, structures.
By modality, Virgo is one of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Mutable signs are adaptable, versatile, like changes. It is a feminine sign by polarity.
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