In this article, you can learn about the Mars conjunct north node synastry aspect. When someone’s north node touches your Mars, or vice versa, you can expect heated emotions and a strong attraction, physical in the first place.
Planets conjunct the north node or forming an aspect to the nodal axis are very important in the synastry chart. These planets reveal information about the nature of the relationship: what is the dominant color what you can expect.
Mars conjunct north node in natal astrology is a favorable aspect. The person has a lot of drive and stamina to accomplish their goals. This aspect suggests that you are very resilient.
Keep reading to learn more about the Mars conjunct north node synastry and natal aspects in astrology!
Mars Conjunct North Node Synastry
What to expect when you see the Mars conjunct north node synastry aspect in your chart?
This aspect suggests that the Mars person’s drive reminds the north node person of their purpose. They push the north node person towards their mission in life, showing important life lessons to learn.
Someone’s planet conjunct your north node is often a sign of very strong attraction, especially with such a sexual planet as Mars.
However, north node aspects in synastry can be tricky. As the north node is something new, something that requires effort to learn, the north node person is prone to opting out of the relationship. The planet person―in this case, the Mars person―triggers growth and reminds the north node person of what they would need to truly live their purpose. The north node person is usually fascinated by this idea in the beginning, but their excitement might go away when they realize that this requires effort and work.
The north node is a very challenging part of the chart, and it is an attractive option to fall back on your south node, things you already know and do well.

Of course, you should not analyze aspects on their own, but as a part of the bigger picture. No aspect can make or break the relationship.
Mars Conjunct North Node Natal
What does the Mars conjunct north node natal aspect reveal about your personality?
Planets conjunct the north node in the natal chart are in a special position. The north node represents something new to you, something you have not mastered yet. You are learning your north node in this lifetime. Planets conjunct this lunar node suggest that the quality of this planet is unknown to you, too.
The Mars conjunct north node natal aspect indicates that you have a strong drive, but it often takes time to consciously use your Mars to achieve your goals. In the beginning of your life, you might feel that Mars controls you instead of you controlling it. With this aspect, it is important to develop your willpower.
As you grow older and mature, you feel the beneficial effect of Mars more and more. This placement suggests very strong determination. You manage to solve problems and keep going even in situations when most people would have given up. You are able to fight for what you want with great intensity. It is important for you to set clear goals. Once you see where you want to go, you work for it with passion and nothing can stop you. If you have found your sense of purpose, you become able to use the Martian energy of the Mars conjunct north node natal aspect in a constructive way.
Mars conjunct the north node in the birth chart suggests a tendency to suppress aggression, passion, all things related to Mars.
The negative side of the Mars conjunct north node natal aspect is a tendency for self-destruction. If you don’t learn to channelize this very fierce and explosive energy, it can seriously hurt you in the long run.
In the natal chart, the north node represents things that are unfamiliar to you, and they are usually not integrated into your personality. With Mars conjunct the north node in the natal chart, you need to learn how to deal with aggression and all the things Mars governs in astrology.
This aspect can indicate that until you learn to recognize aggression in yourself, it can appear from external sources in your life. Sometimes you face violence and violent situations or people with Mars conjunct the north node. There is a tendency to attract people who embody what is seemingly missing from your personality. They can bring the warrior out of you.
Dealing with aggression in a healthy way is a very important life lesson with the Mars conjunct north node natal aspect. People with this aspect often have issues with uncontrolled anger. You are a fierce person with this placement. You have strong emotions, and it can happen that your temper takes over the control, leading to actions you later wish you didn’t do.
The sign where the Mars conjunct north node natal takes place is very important. It shows both how you pursue what you want and how you assert yourself. It also shows traits you have to develop in order to grow. Of course, it can happen that you have an out of sign conjunction (for example, Mars in Libra conjunct the north node in Virgo), in this case, things become more complicated, as there is no common ground.
Mars Conjunct North Node Transit
What to expect during transiting Mars conjunct your natal north node?
This is a relatively frequent transit, appearing every two years. During Mars conjunct north node transit, you have a clear sense of purpose, and you find the strength in yourself to pursue it.
The Mars conjunct north node transit can be a period when you meet a person who strongly embodies the traits of Mars. They have a strong will, behave in an assertive and direct way, and they might even be belligerent. Alternatively, it can also happen that you display the traits of Mars more strongly.
Physical exercise can be a healthy way to channelize the energy of Mars. During Mars conjunct north node transit, you often have increased energy levels, but you also become irritated or frustrated more easily. Watch out for being impatient. Taking up a martial art or exercising regularly can be a great way to make the most out of the Mars conjunct north node transit.
Mars in Astrology
If you want to learn more about the astrological meaning of this planet, check out this article about the meaning of Mars in astrology.
What do you have to know about Mars in a nutshell?
Visible to the naked eye, Mars has been known to humans since the earliest days. It got its name after the Roman god of war, the equivalent of the Greek Ares. Mars is mainly associated with aggression, war, fighting, survival instincts, self-defense, libido.
Mars is the most masculine planet in astrology. It is the polar opposite of Venus: Venus is all about grace and tact, while Mars has to do with brute force and it is impatient to get what it wants. Mars has a very raw, fiery, fierce energy. This planet is quick to act, sometimes using muscle instead of brain. An unbalanced Mars can indicate violent tendencies and a short temper, what can lead to destruction and violence.
A well-integrated Mars in the natal chart, however, suggests that you are brave, active, full of energy, and you use your ambition and drive to accomplish your goals. Mars also helps you stand up for yourself and its function is to keep you alive in a dangerous situation.
In astrology, some of the things Mars is associated with include:
- war
- fighting
- the survival instinct
- libido
- surgery
- injuries
- sharp objects, knives, weapon
The North Node in Astrology
The north node and the south node are not existing celestial bodies. These are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic. However, this doesn’t mean that the lunar nodes are less important than the planets: in the natal chart, they have a very important role. The lunar nodes show what your soul’s mission is in this lifetime.
The north node reveals information about the life lessons your soul wants to learn. This point represents something new to you, and as such, it is outside of your comfort zone. It requires effort. But the good thing is, if you align your life with your north node, it feels very good. You feel happy and fulfilled, as you intuitively know that this is what you are supposed to do. In the natal chart, the north node shows where you can grow the most.
The other lunar node, the south node shows a completely different aspect of you: the south node is your past, where your soul is coming from. This point shows the things you already do very well. The house of the south node tells in which life areas you feel confident, while its sign shows traits you have mastered. However, there is no room for growth here. That’s what the north node is for!
Understanding the nodal axis in your natal chart can help you understand your motivations better. Finding your purpose is a common reason that makes people study astrology, and the lunar nodes can answer this question the best.
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