Do you have your Mars square Neptune in your birth chart? In this post, we’ll take a look at the impact of this aspect.
Aspects between Mars and Neptune are among the more challenging ones. Mars and Neptune are two planets of diametrically opposite nature. Because they bring so many different strengths to the table, their harmonious union works spectacularly. The actions of Mars support Neptune’s vision. However, if they don’t manage to get along, this is one of those relationships that turn into a mess in no time.
The square is a link between two planets built on friction. There’s a lot of energy and a lot of tension here. Squares indicate dynamic inner conflicts. Mars feels slowed down and held back by Neptune. Neptune’s influence makes feel Mars powerless. It disperses the energy of Mars instead of helping it to focus.
A Mars square Neptune natal aspect suggests that sometimes you take more interest in fantasy worlds than in reality. This can be very positive if you manage to channel your creativity into art, music, or other ventures that utilize Neptune’s powerful imagination. Your ambitions are primarily oriented on other things than worldly success in the conventional sense.
The main thing you have to watch out for if you have this aspect is self-deception and passivity. This aspect suggests that your actions are not in sync with your vision and you get lost on the way. It’s good if you can balance difficult Mars-Neptune aspects with some grounding activities. If you have this placement in your chart, you may be too hard on yourself sometimes and give up before you even get started. (This is not an easy aspect, so give yourself some credit for handling it 🙂).
It’s always important to consider the whole chart, but here, it is important in particular. Neptune’s effect is very ambiguous. It can be a blessing or a curse. Other aspects can mitigate the Mars square Neptune or add fuel to the fire. For example, a strong Saturn or Capricorn is very helpful—it adds persistence and focus to the chart. The house placement of the planets and their aspects, the Mars sign all matter.
In the birth chart, Mars square Neptune implies that you absorb the energy around you. This aspect can make your boundaries feel porous. You may struggle with taking initiative and if you don’t learn to control this energy, you may end up helplessly going with the flow all the time. It’s really important to learn to guard your energy if you have this square in your birth chart and to choose the environment you put yourself in carefully. Mars square Neptune natal suggests that it’s difficult for you to have laser focus.
On the positive, there’s something very charismatic about these people. Others see you as genuine and interesting. However, sometimes you may find that people see you as a projection of theirs, not who you really are as a person.

What Does Mars Square Neptune Mean in the Natal Chart?
First of all, this aspect indicates a potential for many difficult situations, but how likely they really are depends on the rest of the chart. If the square is particularly tight, below a 3-degree of orb, you probably feel its challenges more intensely. Although this is a challenging aspect, don’t forget that free will exists and you can overcome any aspect.
Neptune’s influence over Mars suggests that your emotions control your actions to a great extent. Unless there are some other aspects and placements that strengthen your Mars and Saturn, it is hard for you to be persistent and resilient regardless of your current emotional state. Sometimes you may act melodramatically.
Generally, Mars in a challenging aspect to Neptune suggests a weakened willpower. Perhaps you lose your motivation quickly and struggle to finish what you have started, you don’t see the point in getting it done, and you get discouraged really fast. Depending on the rest of the chart, your energy levels may be constantly lower than you would like. An unconscious fear of failure is very common. You may feel that you are a victim of outer circumstances and life’s against you. People with this aspect often feel that they are not in control.
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
Alice Walker
This aspect blurs your vision for your goals. Mars wants to go forward, but Neptune’s fog makes it difficult to see if you are on the right track or if you are getting lost.
People with this placement often have very good, very creative ideas but they struggle with realizing them. Neptune confuses Mars regarding what action should he take. People with difficult aspects between these two planets may be prone to idealizing reality.
You may struggle with facing the facts. It’s common to overlook feedback. With Mars square Neptune in your birth chart, make sure you are honest with yourself even when you don’t like the truth. This aspect suggests that you dislike criticism and often reject it. It makes you feel defeated and makes you question your abilities.
Perhaps this is the reason why the Mars square Neptune natal aspect is associated with escapist tendencies. When the real world gets too harsh, you recoil into the fantasy world of Neptune. Mars square Neptune in the birth chart can indicate a tendency for addictions if there are other indicators as well.
This aspect calls for caution regarding drugs. Since Neptune rules drugs (both legal and illegal), with the unfavorable influence of Mars here it can suggest that things get out of hand. It can also signify other substance abuse, such as alcohol etc. Neptune represents addictions in astrology.
The nervous system is often one of the weak points. People with a natal Mars square Neptune aspect tend to be sensitive and it’s easy for them to overstimulate themselves and get overwhelmed. Challenging Mars-Neptune aspects can indicate psychosomatic diseases (but it depends on the rest of the chart).
Since in a female chart, Mars is associated with the animus and the ideal partner, Mars square Neptune in the birth chart can suggest a tendency to overlook a potential partner’s flaws that could later cause trouble. You are very romantic but you are prone to idealizing your love interest.
Sometimes this aspect suggests a weakened ability to stand up for yourself. You often shy away from conflict, even when it’s necessary to protect your boundaries. You probably dislike direct confrontation. People with this aspect are more likely to take a passive-aggressive approach or to get back at you in an insidious way. Learning to protect your boundaries in a healthy way is important here.
This aspect can also indicate that you assert your will in a manipulative way. Others may feel that you have deceived them, even if that was not your intention. Your actions might confuse others (sometimes even yourself).
Another very negative manifestation of a Mars square Neptune natal aspect is engaging in illegal activity, swindlery, lies, secrets. Mars in aspect to Neptune can manifest as deceitful actions. But for these, there should be several indicators in the chart.
After all the negativity, let’s talk about the good things about Mars square Neptune in the birth chart.
Mars-Neptune aspects are excellent regarding creativity, even the difficult aspects. They are in particular linked with a talent for dance, especially ballet. These aspects are also indicators of musicality. If you have this aspect in your birth chart, it is very good for you to have a creative outlet where you can utilize your Neptune in a healthy way. Mars square Neptune natal is a highly artistic aspect. It is also excellent for acting. You can find an emphasized Neptune in the charts of many movie starts.
Mars in an aspect to Neptune suggests that you are a very sensual person. This aspect suggests that you are talented in bed. You have strong physical desires but sometimes they confuse you. People with Mars-Neptune aspects are very seductive.
This aspect can indicate an interest in the mystical and/or the occult. You may resort to spirituality, especially at an older age.
Mars in Astrology
Mars is one of the inner planets. In astrology, it represents drive, willpower, action, motivation, competition, energy, sexuality. Martian energy is pure yang energy. This planet is associated with men and masculinity.
In the Zodiac, Mars rules Aries and it’s the co-ruler of Scorpio. Mars is in accidental dignity in the first house.
People with a strong Mars are very active, often athletic, and thrive in leadership roles. At the same time, they tend to be impatient, irritable, aggressive. Martian energy is activated when you stand up for yourself, take action to achieve a goal, fight for a cause, or just go for a run. In its negative expression, Mars is belligerent and violent. In its positive expression, Mars is vital to make it out there.
Neptune in Astrology
Neptune is one of the outer planets. Because of its long orbital period, it only changes signs every 14 years and whole generations have the same Neptune sign – hence it is also referred to as a generational planet. (This also means that in your birth chart, the house placement of Neptune is more important than the sign.) Neptune is the ruler of Pisces.
Neptunian energy is the most transcendental in astrology. This planet is associated with dreams, the (collective) unconscious, creativity, inspiration. It is a very magical, enchanting energy. Neptune is how you connect to the divine. Its lower octave manifests through confusion, illusions, misunderstandings, escapism, addictions. This is a tricky planet. A negative Neptune can make you disoriented and lost, while a positive Neptune gifts you creativity, compassion, charisma.
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