In this article, you can learn about Mercury conjunct the ascendant in synastry and in the birth chart.
Mercury is the planet of thinking and communication.
When it is in contact with the ascendant in the birth chart, you can expect a bubbly, witty person, eager to connect with others. In synastry, Mercury in contact with the ascendant suggests that you are free to share ideas with each other. Communication functions well in this relationship.
This aspect is wonderful for mental connection. Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry indicates a friendly, intellectual relationship in the first place.
This aspect is not necessarily an indicator of romantic attraction. However, it can be a great addition to a romantic relationship is there are other, more sexual indicators in the chart. Mercury conjunct the ascendant is more of a teacher-student relationship, perfect for brainstorming and good conversations.
The Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect suggests witty, outgoing, communicative person. At the same time, you can be overly focused on yourself, and you sometimes talk too much. Developing self-awareness is helpful with this aspect in the birth chart.
Keep reading to learn more about the Mercury conjunct ascendant natal and synastry aspects in astrology!
Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Synastry
What happens when Mercury and the ascendant are in aspect to each other in synastry?
This is a favorable aspect. Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry promotes understanding in the relationship. It makes communication between you easy. You intuitively understand each other.
Do you know that feeling when you can put into words what your partner is thinking about?
This is exactly what the Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is about.
The Mercury person ‘gets’ the persona of the ascendant person. The Mercury person actually finds the ascendant person quite attractive: they like the way the ascendant person carries themselves, communicates, interacts with others. The Mercury person finds the personality of the ascendant person very interesting.
The ascendant person, on the other hand, finds the Mercury person very smart and enjoys their sense of humor. They understand the thinking process of the Mercury person. When you meet, you start to be an important influence in each other’s lives. The reasoning ability of the Mercury person affects the persona and sense of identity of the ascendant person.
Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry suggests that the personality of the ascendant person is highly compatible with the mind of the Mercury person. This is a great aspect for an intellectual relationship.
You also learn a lot from each other with this aspect in your synastry chart. Mercury is very curious. It always wants to absorb information. Mercury in aspect to the ascendant in synastry is frequent in relationships that have a student-teacher dimension.
With the Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, you enjoy talking to each other and you get along well.
This aspect is not romantic on its own. You have great conversations with each other, but you are friends with this aspect rather than potential partners. If this aspect is present in the synastry chart of a romantic couple, it definitely helps the relationship. The Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry aspect is wonderful for communication, which is essential in a relationship.
Misunderstandings can cause a lot of trouble. Luckily, with Mercury conjunct the ascendant in synastry, misunderstandings are not likely to happen. Even if they do, you can easily sort them out. Communication usually functions well in this relationship.
The sign where the conjunction takes place reveals more information about this. For example, with Mercury conjunct ascendant in Aries you can expect a more fiery discussion than if they are placed in critical, analytical Virgo, or in harmony-seeking Libra.
With the Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, they are usually in the same sign. This is a common ground, which is great because the rising sign and the Mercury sign are both significant. They are an important part of your personality.
Planets conjunct the ascendant in synastry indicate strong attraction, especially if the planet falls into the first house of the ascendant person. In this case, the planet person influences how the ascendant person thinks of themselves and their self-image.
Mercury conjunct ascendant in the first house suggests intellectual attraction, rather than attraction on a physical or emotional level.
Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Natal Aspect
Planets conjunct the ascendant have an extreme influence in the birth chart. If the planet is in the first house, this becomes even more emphasized.
The Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect can be both a blessing and a curse. The sign where the conjunction takes place gives more insight about how this aspect is likely to play out. For example, Mercury conjunct the ascendant in Pisces (a more dreamy placement with a tendency to drift) is completely different than in assertive and bold Aries.
In the natal chart, Mercury conjunct the ascendant suggests a talkative person. At the same time, you are often occupied with yourself the most. It is easy to dominate in a conversation, what can make your partner feel bad.
Mercury conjunct ascendant natal indicates that you are intelligent and have an interesting personality. Being smart is a part of your identity. It is also something others notice about you among the first things when they meet you. People with this placement have great memory, especially if Mercury forms a harmonious aspect to their Moon.
This aspect suggests that you have lots of hobbies and interests. Mercury is very curious, and when it is on the ascendant, being curious is an important part of your identity and of who you are. You love learning.
You are interested in various topics. Mercury conjunct the ascendant indicates that you know a little about everything. You also love sharing these tidbits with people around you, what makes you a fascinating conversationalist.
With the Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect, you usually have a way with words (in a similar way a Gemini does). You can have literary talent, and you often hit the nail on the head in a conversation. You express your thoughts with ease.
Mercury conjunct the ascendant in the natal chart is very communicative. You easily form relationships. This aspect suggests excellent social skills.
You also enjoy connecting with others, both in writing and in person. Mercury here suggests that you are great at networking.
At the same time, there is a tendency to be too focused in yourself. Mercury on the ascendant, especially in the first house, sometimes fails to see other people. You don’t notice the needs of other people, which is one of the weaknesses of the Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect.
You talk too much (and talk too much about yourself). This can make your partner feel uncomfortable in a conversation, as they might have little space to express their thoughts or share their point of view.
Others can become bored if you talk too much about yourself. Mercury here tends to not notice this, but it is important to keep in mind. Others can feel drained in your company if you talk too much. It is hard for you to know when to stop.
There is another important weakness of this aspect. With Mercury conjunct the ascendant in the birth chart, you can reveal things you don’t really want to.
Sometimes you speak before you think. It is useful to watch out for this tendency, as it can hurt you in some cases.
Mercury is also the planet of thieves in astrology. If afflicted, the Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect can indicate a tendency for swindles or deception. You can use lying or play tricks to get what you want, or you can deceive others to reach your goals.
Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Appearance
With Mercury on the ascendant, sometimes you come across as a Gemini or Virgo rising.
As the ascendant has to do with the physical body, Mercury conjunct ascendant affects your appearance. Depending on the sign, Mercury suggests a short, quick, aerial appearance. You are youthful and appear to be younger than your age when older.
If Mercury and the ascendant take place in a sign that is more prone to gaining weight, such as Cancer, Mercury conjunct the ascendant can indicate a chubby person.
There is a difference between Mercury conjunct ascendant natal with Mercury in the first house and Mercury in the twelfth house.
The twelfth house is the domain of the unconscious, and Mercury here is in some way hidden from you. Mercury in the first house, on the other hand, makes your communicative side very visible. You can learn more about Mercury in the first house here and about Mercury in the twelfth house here.

Mercury in Astrology
In a nutshell, Mercury is the planet of communication and thinking.
As one of the visible planets, the planet located the closest to the Sun, Mercury has been known to humans since the earliest days.
Mercury is the ruling planet of two zodiac signs: Gemini and Virgo. When placed in the third house or in the sixth house, it is in accidental dignity, as these are the natural houses of Gemini and Virgo.
Mercury is associated with the conscious mind in astrology. This planet shows your thinking process, your reasoning ability, logical and analytical thinking. Mercury also has to do with connecting with other people. A well-aspected Mercury in the birth chart suggests a person who can communicate with ease and who has great social skills. Mercury is also the planet of humor in astrology.
In the natal chart, Mercury is one of the most important planets, used both in traditional and in modern astrology.
The sign of Mercury describes how you communicate and how your mind works. The house of Mercury shows the life areas where this planet comes to expression in your life.
The negative side of Mercury includes swindles, thievery, lies. In Greek mythology, Hermes, the Greek equivalent of the Roman Mercury was also the patron of thieves.
If you want to learn more about Mercury, check out this article about the meaning of Mercury in astrology.
The Ascendant in Astrology
The ascendant―also called the rising sign―is the zodiac sign that came up on the eastern horizon (as seen from the place where you were born, at the moment of your birth). To calculate your ascendant, you have to know your exact birth data, which should be as accurate as possible.
The ascendant is frequently described as the mask you wear in the world. You hide your real self (represented by the Sun in the natal chart) behind the ascendant. When others meet you for the first time, they meet the ascendant.
As an angle, the ascendant is extremely important in the birth chart. It is highly personal and unique to you. The point opposite the ascendant is the descendant.
The ascendant is all about you: your physical body, personality, first impression you make, your attitude to new beginnings are all described by the first house and the ascendant in astrology.
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