This Mercury sign indicates an open, friendly, strong-willed personality.
If you have this placement, your brain is on fire. A natal Mercury in Aries is an indicator of intense intellectual ability. You think quickly and you have a powerful mind. You prefer to think in your own way. There is a lot of energy to this placement, but it is not always easy to channel it constructively. You might lack focus.
If your Mercury sign is Aries, you are focused on solutions rather than on problems. You are encouraging of others too, rooting for them and believing in them. As a cardinal sign, Aries likes to start many things, however, it gets bored quickly. In some cases, Mercury in Aries might indicate even ADHD (if there are other challenging factors). Developing patience and delayed gratification goes a long way with this placement.
Mercury signs tell us how someone expresses themselves, how they process information, what their thought process is like. This planetary energy has to do with communication, decision making, reasoning ability. Mercury is a very important planet in the horoscope. It can be transiting Aries when the Sun is in Pisces, Aries, or Taurus.
Mercury in Aries in the Natal Chart
What does it mean to have this placement in your horoscope?
Mercury in Aries is in a fire sign. Fire is the element of inspiration, energy, creativity. Mercury’s energy is airy, quick, versatile planetary energy, and it harmonizes to a certain extent with the traits of Aries (fire and air signs are in sextile to each other).
If you have this placement, pay attention to your Mars in your birth chart too, as Aries is ruled by Mars. This makes it the dispositor of Mercury in Aries. A strong Mars strengthens your Mercury as well. However, if Mars is in a disadvantageous position by sign or house, or if it receives hard aspects, your Mercury in Aries might malfunction from time to time. For example, if you can’t express anger in a healthy way (Mars), it might overflow into your communication and ruin your relationships.
Here, the planet of the intellect and communication expresses its energy through the qualities of Aries. As with each placement, this comes with various strengths and weaknesses.
Aries being the cardinal fire sign, it is no surprise that people with this placement are initiative, dominant, combative. They have many ideas (sometimes even too many). When they face a problem, they tend to overcome it really effectively. They process information in a split second and have reactions as quick as lightning. Their movements are quick too. They might use a lot of hand gestures.
People with this placement usually speak very quickly, but it might be hard for others to follow them because they come across as scattered. Learning to organize your thoughts goes a long way. You might say things you don’t mean.
This Mercury sign implies that you don’t beat around the bush. In the natal chart, this placement suggests that there is some innocent charm to you. You are enthusiastic, love to take action, and you sometimes take action before thinking things through. You might blurt out secrets easily and express yourself impulsively.
Depending on the rest of the chart, you might be impatient and easily irritated. You might be annoyed with people who are not able to keep up with your pace. If you feel threatened, you tend to become verbally aggressive. Actually, other people might perceive you as aggressive or angry even when you are totally calm.
If Mercury was transiting Aries at the moment of your birth, you don’t like empty words. You like simple but effective communication: let’s get to the point without wasting time. You express yourself in a very direct, even blunt way. This placement implies that you are a very honest person, telling it the way it is. Your priority is to get your point across with your words.
You might not pay too much attention to how your delivery is received though, and you might lack tact (if there are no other factors in your horoscope that balance this out). You are assertive, concise, straightforward. You might be even perceived as aggressive. You like to discuss what needs to be done quickly, and you might find it painful to wait until it’s your turn to speak. Mercury in Aries likes debating, especially if there is a chance to win.
If you express the negative side of this placement, you might be looking for trouble. The belligerent nature of Aries might imply conflicts with authority figures. You might not be able to recognize the moment when you should just shut up. You can also overreact if you perceive something as an attack on you. Arguments are usually attractive to this Mercury sign.
Mercury in Aries is very quick. When an idea enters their mind, they don’t fuss over the details, don’t overthink, they immediately move on to execution. This is often a great strength of this placement, but sometimes it causes trouble too. If there are no other placements to balance this out, you might pay too little attention to the details, and we all know where the devil lies. This placement suggests that you easily get bored in the process, and it might lack follow through. Mercury in Aries is excellent at starting things, not so much at finishing them.
People with this placement tend to be quite smart, especially street-smart. However, they might struggle at school. An Aries Mercury usually doesn’t like studying for the sake of studying.
At an early age, they might struggle in an academic setting, but later in life they might fall in love with learning. As children, Mercury in Aries people are often hard to control. They have a lot of energy, and they might be very stubborn. A lot of physical activity helps them release their excess energy. It is useful to teach them positive ways to handle frustration.
When something interests you, you take a deep dive into it and exert tremendous mental effort. However, if you have to deal with something you are not particularly drawn to, it can feel really frustrating and you might rebel against it. Rules are not your friends. You are rather independent. You want to do things you want to do, and you dislike it when something is imposed on you.
Self-control might not be one of your greatest strengths. You can be too impulsive, especially if this placement is accompanied by other hard aspects to Mars or Uranus. Paying more attention to details and making good plans can be helpful here.
Mercury in Aries is independent, pioneering, competitive, and these traits are usually useful in the fields of business, strategy, managerial positions. Mercury in Aries might also be a good placement for engineering. If you believe in something, you might be a very good salesman. Generally speaking, people with this placement tend to be good with money.

This placement can manifest in a various ways. How it affects your chart depends on the other factors in your horoscope. For example, an Aries Mercury in 8th house becomes way more mysterious. Planets aspecting Mercury reveal more information about it. Let’s say you have your Mercury conjunct Venus-you are probably more tactful and eloquent than a Mercury without any Venusian influence would be.
If you want to learn more about Mercury through the houses, find your placement here.
Aries in Astrology
The Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, on 21st March. This sign marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.
Aries is independent, outgoing, energetic, pioneering, ambitious, enthusiastic, optimistic, straightforward, brave. It is an action taker and a born leader. Aries makes a way when it doesn’t find one. This zodiac sign is driven by the desire to win and be the first.
The negative traits of this sign are selfishness, impatience, thoughtless action.The Ram is the cardinal fire sign of the Zodiac, a masculine sign by polarity. Its ruling planet is fiery Mars. In the natural chart, Aries is connected with the first house of self and beginnings.
What Does Mercury Mean in the Birth Chart?
Mercury, the planet the closest to the Sun, is one of the personal planets. It carries a lot of weight in the birth chart, because it shows how you connect with the world. It is the bridge between you and other people..
In the horoscope, Mercury represents your thought process, how you communicate and explain your thoughts to others, your logical and analytical thinking. Mercury also has to do with your sense of humor.Some other things ruled by this planet are youth, children, movement, hands, manual dexterity, skills, learning, education, reading, writing, media, errands, trade. Mercury also represents the archetype of the trickster.
Mercury is the planetary ruler of the signs Gemini and Virgo (diurnal Mercury rules Gemini, nocturnal Mercury rules Virgo). It is in accidental dignity in the third house and in the sixth house.
Mercury’s position in the birth chart is really important. As a quick-moving planet, its degree and sign is very personal.Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun (as seen from the Earth).
Aries Mercury Famous People
Some famous people who have this placement in their birth charts:
- Albert Einstein
- Mark Zuckerberg
- James Franco
- David Gilmour
- Victoria Beckham
- Quentin Tarantino
- Eric Clapton
- Stromae
- Diana Ross
- Oscar Schindler
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