Moon conjunct Pluto is one of the most intense planetary conjunctions. Any aspect between this luminary and Pluto adds a layer of extreme emotional intensity to the chart. Your inner life is turbulent and you experience great depths. Your reactions are strong but you try to keep them to yourself.Controlling your emotions is something you really want to do but it is almost impossible.
This conjunction indicates an extremely powerful intuition. Honoring your intuition and needs is very important if you were born under this conjunction. Overextending yourself or forcing yourself to stay in a situation that is harming you can make your mental health suffer. Working your way through your emotional burden and living an authentic life, a life that is true to you is essential with a Moon conjunct Pluto natal conjunction.
The Moon is a central piece of the astrological puzzle. It refers to your inner world, a part of you you don’t show to the world yet it drives your actions and determines how you feel in life. An afflicted Moon is one of the saddest things that can be found in a chart. Pluto represents the abyss of the subconscious, where hidden fears and obsessions reside. This planet has a negative reputation because of its ruthless ways of operating, oriented on stripping away everything that has run its course to make place for a new, more evolved reality. Pluto is the phoenix of astrology.
In this post, you can read about what happens when these two planets come together and form a Moon conjunct Pluto natal aspect. If you want to find out how this conjunction works in synastry, ie. when someone else’s Moon is conjunct your Pluto or vice versa in a relationship, here you go.
Moon Conjunct Pluto Natal
People with a Moon conjunct Pluto natal placement are very sensitive. REALLY sensitive. Even an otherwise not too emotional Moon sign becomes extremely receptive to all the influence around you. You pick up on every shift of energy around you.
The good thing about this is that you are able to sense things 99% of people glance over. You notice the slightest changes in people’s moods around you which can help you navigate the world better. At the same time, if you see this conjunction in someone’s chart, you can immediately know that they are prone to anxiety. People with this placement are often overachievers. Many of them worry that they are not good enough but they try to hide this. On the negative side, Moon conjunct Pluto natal can be an indicator of mental health issues (but you need some other indicators for that, too, one clue is not enough). This aspect can indicate drastic mood swings, experiencing the deepest depths and the highest highs.
Your intuition is very strong if you have Moon conjunct Pluto natal aspect, to the extent that you might find it intimidating sometimes. This conjunction indicates a sixth sense.
Moon conjunct Pluto natal very often suggests trust issues. You have your guard up and it takes a lot of time for someone to gain your trust. You may be suspicious of people and question their motives. You often try to hide your emotions and you can be quite secretive.
In the natal chart, Moon-Pluto aspects indicate that to get to the next level, a certain type of emotional alchemy is needed, based on deep self-reflection and a relentless courage to go close to your emotions, even when it’s difficult and intimidating. You have in yourself what it takes to heal yourself, but the process can be quite painful from time to time. (This ability to do emotional healing work can benefit you in professions such as psychology as well)
Moon conjunct Pluto natal in the chart is often a sign of a challenging relationship with your mother or the primary female caregiver figure. Emotional power plays can be common with this placement. It suggests that you probably perceived them as intimidating and sometimes even tyrannical. On the other hand, you really wanted to be truly accepted by them and this could put anxiety-evoking pressure on you to live up to the highest standards. There might be a tendency to value the opinion of others more than your own regarding yourself.
Going back to childhood, people with this placement were often disregarded as children. Many of them are detached from their emotional needs. This placement suggests fears of not being good enough as a child. Sometimes, there could be even some traumatizing experiences, especially related to home life and family (but the house of the conjunction has a say in this question as well). It seems to be common among people with hard Moon-Pluto natal aspects to have a difficult birth, sometimes even near-death experiences were included.

The Moon in Astrology
The Moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. In the birth chart, it represents your emotional nature and your inner self. This is the part of you you don’t share with anyone except people closest to you. The Moon is also associated with intuition and subconscious patterns. This luminary represents your needs and how you nurture yourself. The Moon has very strong feminine/yin energy and it is associated with women and children, and the figure of the mother in particular (both your mother and you as a mother).
The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer. It is exalted in Taurus, in fall in Scorpio and in detriment in Capricorn. The Moon changes signs every 2.5 days and it is the fastest moving celestial body in the birth chart. This makes everything about it significant: its sign, house, aspects.
Pluto in Astrology
Pluto is the last planet in astrology. It was discovered last in 1930 and it is located the furthest away from the Sun, which also means that its orbital period is extremely long compared to human lifetime, 240 years. This makes it a generational planet, because its movement through the zodiac signs is reflected in societal changes affecting whole generations instead of being visible on an individual level.
Pluto is the planet of extremes in astrology. Whatever it touches, it multiplies by 1000. Pluto has a brutal way of operating which often makes it a difficult planet to work with, however, it has a positive side as well. The positive influence of Pluto is regeneration, complete renewal, deep insights, healing. The negative side of Pluto is associated with extreme destruction, suffering, and abuse of power.
Pluto pushes you outside of your comfort zone, inducing a cycle of growth, however, this can happen in a painful way.
Pluto rules the zodiac sign Scorpio (which was previously ruled by Mars).
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