Dominant planets are a lot of fun to look into. In this article, you can learn about the Moon as your dominant planet in the birth chart. (Of course, the Sun and the Moon are not planets. However, they are referred to as planets for the sake of simplicity and tradition.)
A Moon dominant planet in astrology suggests that you are intuitive and emotional. You might find that things fluctuate in your life, and your energy ebbs and flows. The Moon’s traits are strongly reflected in your personality. This celestial body is soft, reflective, artistic, caring in astrology. With the Moon strong in your chart, you share a lot of traits with the stereotypical Cancer.
But you don’t have to be a Cancer Sun, Moon, or Cancer rising to be a Moon dominant person. Often, your dominant planet is a subtle influence hidden in the background, and finding them can explain a lot of things about your natal chart. If the Moon aspects several planets, it infuses the chart with its energy.
The Moon is one of the most important features of a natal chart. With the Sun and the ascendant, it describes a core part of who you are. When it is your dominant planet, it becomes even more important in the horoscope!
If you want to learn what the Moon stands for in astrology, make sure to read this article about the meaning of the Moon in astrology.
Keep reading to find out more about the Moon as your dominant planet in astrology!
Moon Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart
There are ten planets in the natal chart. However, some of these planets stand out more than others. They are placed in a special part of the chart wheel, or they are in contact with a great number of other planets. These are your dominant planets.
Often, you can find these planets just by taking a look at the natal chart!
How to find your dominant planets and how to find out if the Moon is one of them in your natal chart?
If a planet is placed around one of the angles of the birth chart (particularly the ascendant and the Midheaven), it is in one of the Gauquelin sectors. Planets in the Gauquelin sector are very powerful. Planets conjunct the Midheaven become elevated. The Moon conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven stands out in your natal chart.
Another way a planet can stand out if it has a lot of aspects. When two planets are in contact, there is a harmonious or challenging relationship between them. Their energies blend together. If a planet aspects several planets, it infuses the natal chart with its specific energy. The Moon in aspect with a lot of planets becomes very strong. Aspects to the angles are also significant.
The Moon’s importance in astrology cannot be overestimated: it represent the unconscious part of the personality, the submerged part of the iceberg. It has to do with your emotional nature, instincts, deep needs and urges. It is very often the unconscious motives behind why you do things the way you do.
A well-aspected Moon suggests a stable personality in most cases who has the inner resources to cope with the challenges. A weak Moon, on the other hand, can cause you a lot of suffering and insecurity.
Some indicators that you might have a Moon dominant planet in the birth chart include the following.
Here, the most important sign is Cancer and the most important house is the fourth house. These are the sign ruled by the Moon and the house of its accidental dignity in the chart wheel.
You can read about the Moon in signs here and about the Moon in houses here.
Moon Dominant Chart in Astrology
The more you can spot of the following indicators in your natal chart, the stronger the Moon’s influence:
- The Sun or Moon in Cancer
- Cancer rising: in addition to having one of the most important placements in Cancer, being a Cancer rising means that the Moon is your chart ruler
- Moon conjunct the ascendant
- Moon conjunct the Midheaven
- Moon conjunct the Sun
- Moon in aspect to the Sun, Moon, ASC, MC
- Moon in aspect to several planets
- Several planets in Cancer
- Several planets in the fourth house
If your chart is a Moon dominant birth chart, you have to pay special attention to the position of the Moon and Cancer. In the chart wheel, the house of the Moon shows which activities make you feel safe and where you seek comfort. The sign of the Moon describes your emotional nature.
You can also use a dominant planet calculator to find out if you have a Moon dominant planet in astrology.
Moon Dominant Personality
Here comes the fun part: what does a Moon dominant planet in the birth chart reveal about your personality?
If you have an emphasized Moon in your horoscope, you probably have a powerful intuition. You sometimes just know things without knowing how and why.
Moon dominant people appreciate emotions more than logic, or at least they are more familiar with them. To them, things make sense when they speak to them on a deeper level, not only on the intellectual plane. The Moon dominant personality is emotional, intuitive, reflective.
The Moon is the polar opposite of the Sun, which represents the active, masculine principle. The Moon, on the other hand, is the passive principle.
If you have a Moon dominant planet, water is likely the most frequent element in your chart. Water is mysterious and ethereal. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are passive and receptive. They rarely take action hastily. They prefer to wait to see how things unfold, carefully assess the circumstances, and then if their intuition supports it, they make the final decision. The potential downside of this is just drifting through life with little control.
Moon dominant people are rarely enthusiastic leaders, unless they fight for something that they find really important. In this case, they display excellent leadership skills.
Moon dominants and people with an emphasized Cancer are very protective. If someone wants to hurt a person you love, you turn into a force of nature.
But generally speaking, a Moon dominant chart suggests a soft, emotional person. With a strong Moon, you are more interested in the subjective side of life, focusing on experiences that help you gain an instinctive understanding of the world.
Most Moon dominant personalities are very feminine, regardless of gender. They tend to get along with women well.
In astrology, the Moon is associated with nourishing. Moon dominants have an innate talent for noticing the needs of others. However, this can be a double-edged sword. They sometimes fail to communicate their own needs, and expect people around them to notice it the same way they do.
The Moon and Relationships
With the Moon strong in your birth chart, relationships are very important to you.
Emotional safety is essential for you in a relationship. The Moon is all about security and safety in astrology. You want someone who makes you feel taken care of heard, and loved. Being reliable is key for you in a person.
When you find the right people., you are incredibly loyal. Cancer is one of the most loyal signs in astrology, they sometimes become even clingy. The same is true of Lunarians. Moon dominants are affectionate and dependable in the circle of their loved ones.
Moon dominants usually have a great memory. They remember every tiny detail, particularly if the Moon forms a harmonious aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine) to Mercury. Because they remember everything so well and have a strong emotional reaction to everything, they can’t get over things easily.
Some Moon dominants are shy when young. They are very sensitive and their environment easily overwhelms them. With the Moon strong in your natal chart, you might have social anxiety.
Moon Dominant Appearance
For the Moon to influence what you look like, i has to be placed close or in aspect to the ascendant or in the first house. Planets in this house conjunct the ascendant have the strongest influence over your physical appearance, most astrologers allow an orb of 8-10 degrees here. The first house and the ascendant show your physical body and personal style in the birth chart. It is important that there few people influenced by a single planet, most often, there are several planet that describes someone’s look.
The Moon dominant appearance is feminine, usually short or of average height. People with a strong Moon are often good-looking.
People with a Moon dominant appearance often have a round face and full lips.
When it comes to clothing, Moon dominants often prefer a romantic, feminine style. They usually have a good taste and they enjoy grooming, cosmetics, make-up. The Moon dominant appearance often prefers low-key colors and a simple look.
A strong Moon suggests that you are emotionally attached to your stuff. You have a hard time throwing them away, and you can be a hoarder.

The Weaknesses of the Moon
There is no planet good or bad on its won, they all have both a positive and a negative manifestation in astrology.
The Moon can be wonderful if you learn how to use it properly. However, without other planets, for example, without a nice Sun in the natal chart, the Moon cannot operate at its best. As with each planet, there are some negative traits that a Moon dominant personality can display strongly.
In astrology, the Moon is associated with fluctuations and periodicity. The Moon is an ever-changing celestial body. This fluctuation is often present in a Moon dominant personality. Cancers are often said to be moody, and this is also true of Moon dominants.
Moon dominant people have very strong intuition. They are extremely sensitive to their environment, and they notice the tiny clues few people do.
However, if people with a Moon dominant planet in the natal chart lack assertiveness, they expect others to understand them, too, without them saying anything. This expectation of others reading your mind can cause you a lot of trouble in your interpersonal relationships. Learning to communicate in an assertive and direct way can be helpful here.
The negative manifestation of a chart strong in water can be the martyr syndrome. There is a tendency to give too much, in a selfish way. An afflicted Moon can indicate that the person is prone to instilling guilt in others.
Sometimes Moon dominants become overwhelmed with emotions and they don’t care about what would be the rational decision to make.
Another Moon dominant weakness can be insecurity. Because you are so soft and emotional, you are vulnerable to the criticism of others. They can easily hurt your feelings, and until you grow a shell around your heart, this ca be very painful. As you grow older, this usually gets better and you build up self-confidence.
Moon Dominant Careers
Career is one of the hardest topics to answer in the natal chart. There are several factors here that you have to take into consideration: the tenth house is the most important, but the second and the sixth houses also have a say. When it comes to the tenth house, you have to analyze the sign on its cusp (also called the Midheaven in astrology), the position of its ruler, eventual planets in the tenth house, to name a few things.
However, there are some careers associated with the Moon in astrology.
The Moon is all about emotions, taking care, nurturing. Moon dominant careers are mostly based on themes.
The Moon is often prominent in people who work with children. In astrology, the Moon rules children, women, pregnancy. Working with small children in some way belongs to the Moon.
Taking care of others is another things associated with the Moon. Nursing, cooking, hospitality are all connected with this luminary.
The Moon is one of the planets associated with art in astrology. A prominent Moon is often found in the charts of artists, singers, musicians, actors, poets, writers. For example, Lana Del Rey has the Moon in the tenth house using the Whole Signs house system (she also has the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Cancer). Moon dominants do well in any field where there is a lot of creativty needed.
Meaning of the Moon in Astrology
Known to humans since the earliest days, the Moon has been adored and worshiped in almost every culture.
In astrology, the Moon is one of the most important planets. The luminaries represent core parts of your personality, the Sun the inner self and the Moon the emotional nature. The Moon signs are less know to the general public, but just as important than the Sun signs.
The Moon governs your emotions. It is your heart, it is your irrational side, the right brain. The Moon in the natal chart describes your instincts, deep urges, your needs. This luminary shows how you want to be loved and what makes you feel safe. It tells how you nurture others and what makes you feel taken care of. Understanding the Moon in a natal chart helps a lot with understanding the deep motives of the chart holder.
The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer in astrology. It is in accidental dignity in the fourth house, the house of home and family. These things are strongly connected with the Moon in astrology.
In astrology, the Moon rules:
- emotions
- intuition
- instincts
- basic urges
- memory
- the subconscious
- the mother
- you as a wife or your partner as a wife
- children, pregnancy
- privacy
- home and family
The Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant are the big three of the natal chart. If you know someone’s Sun, Moon, and rising sign, you can get a generalized image of their personality, even if you don’t know all the details. The Sun is the inner self, the ascendant is the mask you wear in the world, and the Moon is your emotions.
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