In this article, you can learn about the Moon in Capricorn. Your moon sign describes your emotional nature in astrology, and this makes it super important. The position of your Moon in your birth chart reveals how you process your emotions, how you react to what happens to you and around you, and how you want to be nurtured. It is the sensitive, soft part of your personality (your soul).
The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn. This means that it cannot operate as well here as in some other signs. People with a Capricorn moon are often insecure and they are prone to depression. This placement indicates a reliable, serious person who is committed to their goals. You are a stoic. You prefer logic to emotions, and to tell the truth, you often do not understand why are other people so emotional.
As an earth sign, Capricorn is oriented on results and on the physical world. The Moon her suggests a maximalist and workaholic person. You are very hard on yourself, and your standards are super high.
Understanding someone’s lunar sign is a glance into the depths of their soul. It can help you know someone on a much deeper level. Many people can relate to their moon sign more than to their Sun sign.
Keep reading to find out more about the Moon in Capricorn in the birth chart!
Moon in Capricorn Characteristics

The Moon in Capricorn is often accused of being emotionally cold. This is not true. People with this placement have deep emotions, but they are often blocked from expressing them. They can come across a cold, but under the icy surface, their emotions can be pretty intense.
The Moon here is restricted from utilizing its resources fully as it is in detriment in Capricorn. When in this zodiac sign, it is in the realm of Saturn. Does the Moon feel good under the influence of icy, unemotional, and impersonal Saturn? It does not. Capricorn is one of the more challenging lunar signs in astrology.
People with this placement often resist their emotions. They feel that they need to be perfect all the time (this tends to come from their family and upbringing). But humans are not robots and a Capricorn moon sometimes doesn’t know how to deal with this. One of the most important lessons of this placement is to learn how to give yourself the support you need and love yourself the right way.
These people reveal their inner self only to people who are really close to them. They won’t let just everyone in and they choose carefully who they will open up to. A Capricorn moon prefers to deal with emotions on their own, and when they express their feelings, they don’t do it in a theatrical, dramatic way a fire moon would, nor do they want to speak about them all the time. People with this placement are super private.
However, they can be too hard on themselves and they forget that sharing what bothers them with the right person can be helpful. There is a tendency to bottle up emotions, especially the negative ones.
You feel that you have to be perfect. You are very judgemental of yourself, in a similar way as a Virgo moon. You have high standards for yourself, and you can be cruel to yourself if you do not meet them. Perhaps you did everything right except one little thing, but this imperfect detail will haunt you and hinder your sense of competence. A Capricorn moon is its own worst critic. You are very hard on yourself. Make sure you don’t push yourself into depression and don’t expect something that is simply unrealistic to achieve.
Achievements are very important for your emotional well-being. A Capricorn moon is often truly exceptional at what they do. You want to give the best, and you always push yourself to accomplish greater and greater things. The downside of this is that you don’t take breaks even when you should. Make sure you avoid burning out. This lunar sign tends to be a workaholic.
The Moon in Capricorn often indicates issues with your inner sense of security. You have low self-confidence, especially when young. Many people with this placement are afraid of being abandoned and they feel that they are worthless. Often, people with this placement have an insecure attachment style which seriously affects their relationships.
A Capricorn moon suggests a lack of security in childhood. Emotions were likely frowned upon and you didn’t learn healthy coping mechanisms and outlets. This placement often indicates that you didn’t get all the nurturing you needed as a child. In some cases, your access to your parents were restricted, or there were some other influences that scared you and taught you that the world is not a supportive safe place and you can only count on yourself. You are resilient and self-reliant. Many moon in Capricorn people had to face adversities early on in life. Some people with this placement are fro ma poor family or they lacked basic resources in childhood. They had to work hard from a young age and learned the value of hard work early on.
Often, this fuels their desire for accomplishments. People with this placement have an emotional need for success and they are usually ambitious. They can feel that they are only worthy of love if they are successful. They have an inner drive to accomplish great things. An afflicted moon in Capricorn can suffer from delusion of grandeur and they are frustrated if they can’t realize their ambitions. But in general, people with this placement tend to be successful later in life. They work really hard and they are extremely persistent.
A Capricorn moon is often clueless how to process emotions and especially how to express them or share them with others. Because of this, they can seek emotional comfort in the wrong place, for example in the workplace overworking themselves. The house position of the Moon tells in which life area you want security the most.
People with this lunar sign are often interested in the past and they tend to have a traditional world view. Many of them like history.
It is important to note that the house position and the aspects of your Moon modify the cookbook description of the Capricorn Moon. You have to look at your birth chart as a whole. The house of the Moon tells in which life area you seek security and in general where the energy of this luminary is expressed. Aspects from other planets modify how your Moon plays out.
If you want to read about the meaning of the Moon through the houses, read more here.
Moon in Capricorn in Love
The Moon and Venus are the most important planets regarding someone’s love style. How is the Capricorn moon in love?
This lunar sign does not fall in love in the traditional sense of the word—or at least not head over heels. It also dislikes to show affection in a corny way. Capricorn moons love in a shy, practical way. They won’t repeat to you how much they love you, but you will for sure feel it. They like to do acts of service for their loved ones, take care of them, be there for them and offer practical support. Just make sure you don’t take the love of a moon in Capricorn for granted.
You can also know that this moon sign loves you when they take time out of their busy schedule to spend it with you.
The Moon is also an important planet from the perspective of your family love. In the natal chart, it represents your mother (or if she wasn’t available for some reason, the person who took up the role of the primary caregiver). The Moon in Capricorn indicates that you perceived this person as serious and emotionally unavailable. In some cases, this placement indicates that the mother had a hard life.
In children, the Moon sign is more expressed than the Sun sign. Moon in Capricorn children are serious and shy. They are often insecure and anxious, they need more time to adapt to the world than most kids. They have more responsibilities than the most children and they are familiar with scarcity. This placement can indicate a challenging childhood.
Moon in Capricorn Woman
What is the moon in Capricorn woman like?
This placement in a woman’s chart suggests that she does not share her inner self with everyone. She is reserved and in a relationship, she wants security and commitment. The Moon in Capricorn woman only shows her vulnerable side to people who are really close to her.
Women with this lunar sign prefer traditional relationships. However, she can feel that the people she meets are not up to her standard and can be reluctant to stay in a relationship that cannot give her what she wants. It is essential for her that his partner reciprocates her efforts.
What Is the Moon in Capricorn Man Attracted to?
The Moon in Capricorn man feels emotionally safe with a woman whose energy resembles the energy of earth signs. His ideal wife is down to earth, realistic, lives in the present. The Moon in Capricorn man is often attracted to women who are ambitious. When in a relationship, he likes to spoil his significant other with thoughtful gifts. He is a good listener and tries to help you make your life easier.
The Moon in Capricorn man is not the life of the party. He is reserved and practical. He is often attracted to women who are successful in their profession or business. In some cases, he can be attracted to older women.
Moon in Capricorn Compatibility
As an earth sign, the best lunar signs for Moon in Capricorn compatibility are other earth signs and water signs. Air signs and fire signs usually work in different ways and these differences can lead to conflicts in the relationships (this is not to say that they can’t work out—they can, but they require conscious effort. It is important to emphasize that you have to assess the potential of the whole chart rather than separate aspects).
A Capricorn moon is usually attracted to water signs. They can balance each other out and help each other learn and grow.
The best lunar signs for Moon in Capricorn compatibility:
- moon in Taurus
- moon in Virgo
- moon in Cancer
- moon in Scorpio
- moon in Pisces
Capricorn in Astrology
Capricorn is one of those signs in astrology that don’t leave you indifferent. Some people love it some people can’t stand it. Nevertheless, every sign has both a dark side and a light side.
Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign in astrology. It is the cardinal earth sign of the Zodiac. Being a cardinal sign, Capricorn is initiative and likes to make a difference. By element, it belongs to the group of earth signs with Taurus and Virgo. Earth signs are realistic, practical, effective.
Capricorn can be described as the manager of the Zodiac. This sign is all about structure, hierarchy, organization. Capricorn is the sign of long-term goals and careful planning. This sign is ruled by Saturn,the planet of time and karma. Saturn has a cold, unemotional, merit-oriented influence in astrology. It is the planet of delays and restrictions, and you are likely to face blockages in the life area belonging to the house where your natal Saturn is placed.
The Moon in the Natal Chart
One of the first things that should be paid attention to in the birth chart is your Moon. Every detail about this luminary is important: its position by houses, the sign it is placed in, its aspects, the planet that rules the sign of your Moon. This luminary describes your emotional nature in astrology.
Some people find that they can related to their Moon sign more than to their Sun sign. Your lunar sign is something you don’t show to everyone. We show it only to people who are really close to us: family members, close friends. The Moon is your private self, hidden from the world.
The Moon governs your feelings, intuition, memory, your personal unconscious, instincts, habits, mood. It also describes your need for nurturing and security. The Moon influences your love style. tells what makes you feel loved and how you express your love and how you nurture. An afflicted Moon in the natal chart points to insecurity.
The Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer. It is in detriment in Capricorn and in fall in Scorpio. The sign of its exaltation is Taurus. The Moon is in accidental dignity in the fourth house.
Moon in Capricorn Celebrities
Here are some famous people with this placement. Moon in Capricorn celebrities:
- Freddy Mercury
- George Clooney
- Melania Trump
- Sarah Jessica Parker
- Amy Winehouse
- Abraham Lincoln
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