Do you have your natal Mars in the sixth house? If yes, this article is all about you!
Mars in 6th house in your birth chart suggests that you are restless, resilient, dynamic, hard-working, and you love action. You love when you accomplish something and when you feel that you are of help to others. Idleness drives you crazy. You can be a daredevil and don’t shy away from dangerous tasks.
People who have this placement in their birth charts work hard, they are competitive in the workplace and sometimes this can fuel arguments with their coworkers. Mars brings tons of energy to the sixth house and it is key to use this energy well. Mars in 6th house people tend to have an active lifestyle. They resent sitting still. If you have this placement, your everydays need to be busy and action-packed. You perform well under pressure and often end up in dangerous/intense jobs where immediate reaction is essential.
Mars is a fiery and impulsive planet. On the other hand, Mars represents the drive and energy necessary to achieve your goals. If you have your Mars in the sixth house of your natal chart, this energy manifests in the life areas of daily rouintes, work and health.
Keep reading to learn more about interpreting this placement in astrology!

Meaning of Mars in Astrology
If you already know what Mars and the sixth house mean in astrology, feel free to skip to the meaning of a natal Mars in the sixth house! However, if you need a reminder, here’s what represents in astrology.
In the natal chart, Mars shows where you invest your energy. In the life areas of the house where Mars is you have an inner drive to succeed.
The planet Mars is a force of nature in astrology. It possesses enormous destructive power, but if you manage to harness it, its drive helps you accomplish your goals and get what you want. Mars is dangerous yet essential at the same time. Without Mars, you couldn’t survive.
Named after the Roman god of war, Mars rules war, strife, quarrels, weapons, metals, physical strength, sport, sex, libido, and energy. Mars is impatient and impulsive. It lacks the grace and tact of Venus, its polar opposite. Mars is the most masculine planet.
Every zodiac sign has a ruling planet. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries in astrology. Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars used to rule Scorpio, too.
If you want to learn more about Mars in astrology, here’s an in-depth article about the meaning of Mars.
The Sixth House in the Natal Chart
The sixth house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Virgo. The life areas that belong to the sixth house are work and health, daily routines, and service.
An emphasized sixth house (with several planets there) suggests that your work and career are important to you. With a natal Mars in 6th house, you may have workaholic tendencies and you put a lot of effort into doing your best in the workplace. You are highly motivated and can be competitive.
However, it’s important to emphasize that the sixth house is your job. Career is represented by the tenth house. The sixth house is about how you make a living and what pays the bills. It also refers to your work environment and colleagues or your employees/people who report to you.
The sixth house is also the house of health in astrology. Planets here and the sign on the cusp are used in medical astrology to find what diseases can you develop in life.
Daily routines are part of the sixth house, too. This house describes your lifestyle, generally speaking. What you do every day, how you take care of your health, etc.
Natal Mars in the Sixth House
If you have your natal Mars in the sixth house, it is in the natural house of Virgo. Generally speaking, the sixth house is considered a negative house in astrology, it’s one of the dark houses. If this multiplied by the somewhat negative reputation of Mars scares you, it may make you feel at ease to know that Mars in 6th house is not as bad of a placement as it sounds. The 6th house is actually the house of Mars’s joy —the planet finds plenty of things to do here.
As always in astrology, the sign and aspects of a planet are influential as well. Mars in 6th house is not exception. If your Mars is exalted in Capricorn or in the sign of its rulership in Aries, it is stronger and works better in your life than if it was in Libra.
What’s tricky about Mars in 6th house is that the 6th house is about service and being useful to others —not what comes to your mind first when you think about Mars, and for a reason.
However, Mars in the sixth house comes with many strengths. People with this placement tend to perform well in difficult situations. They find strength and clarity in the moments of crisis and find a way to solve the problem, even when others lost hope.
People with a natal Mars in 6th house often work under harsh or stressful circumstances, for example, critical care or jobs in construction (but to get a better idea about someone’s career, you need to look to other placements too. You can read more about this here). If you have this placement, you need challenges in your job, otherwise you get depressed. You hate feeling useless. Physical jobs may also appeal to you. If Saturn is involved, you may be drawn to the military as well. People who have a natal Mars in 6th house that gets support from Saturn or is placed in Capricorn are extremely capable.
Mars in 6th house is excellent for all sports, especially if the 5th house is involved too. Many people with this placement have exercise as a regular part of their lives. It’s important to use your energy well so that it doesn’t end up as a destructive quality in your life.
Mars in the Sixth House and Work
The sixth house is the house of work and service.
The house of Mars shows where you spend the most of your energy. If you have Mars in the sixth house, this is your work life. Mars in 6th house people are extremely hard workers, and it upsets them when they think that their coworkers don’t work as hard as they do. For example, procrastination drives Mars in the sixth house crazy. They get a lot done each day. Accomplishments give them a sense of pride and self-confidence.
If Mars is afflicted or the chart generally suggests an impulsive person, Mars in 6th house can imply issues with authority figures, especially if you feel in some way restricted or humiliated. You may have clashes with your coworkers as well. In the natal chart, Mars shows where you tend to create conflicts and tension. The key is to direct your energy toward a common goal.
Mars brings here a desire for independence and/or autonomy. People who have this placement often want to work on their own. You are more of a leader than a follower.
If you are an employer, you should carefully examine the character of the people you want to hire. If you are an employee, you and your boss are probably not always at the same wavelength, to put it mildly. You are often very competitive in the workplace.
Another way how Mars can manifest in the sixth house is by a job that reflects Martian energies, e.g. the military. Choosing a profession where you can fight for someone or a cause can be a good decision with this placement, too. This way, you can constructively use your Mars in 6th house.
Mars in the Astrological House of Health
Mars in the sixth house is an interesting placement. This planet is traditionally considered to be a malefic, causing fire, scars, cuts, injuries. Here, this planet is placed in the house of health. Generally speaking, Mars in 6th house suggests high energy levels and an active lifestyle.
If Mars is afflicted in your birth chart, you can be prone to injuries. Make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
In the natal chart, the house of Mars shows in which life area you put a lot of effort. In this case, it’s work and service. Mars in the sixth house people tend to work too hard, even when they feel that they should slow down.
This can hurt your health in the long run, so keep in mind that relaxing is just as important from time to time.
The sixth house is the house of pets. Mars here can mean that you have conflicts with animals, they might even hurt you. Be careful around pets.
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