In astrology, Plutonian relationships are often discussed, but what about Neptunian relationships? Plutonian relationships are described as extremely intense, transformative relationships that are deeply passionate but often end up in suffering and pain. Neptunian relationships, however, tend to begin subtly. Neptune in general is considered to be a less ‘negative’ planet but Neptunian relationships can be just as dangerous if not more.
At first, they might appear to be a fairytale, but with Neptune, you can never go where things are going. Neptunian relationships can seem too good to be true: there’s something out of this world about these connections. However, the issue with Neptune in astrology is that it lacks a solid foundation. What you see is usually not what you get. Unrealistic expectations and idealization of the situation are very common.
In astrology, Neptune is the planet of compassion, dreams, fantasies, imagination. The negative side of this planet is lies, illusions, deception. When Neptune heavily influences the synastry and/or composite chart, all these themes can color the relationship. To sum it up, Neptune calls for applying extreme caution. It’s important to mention, however, that the natal charts of both people should be considered too; it works differently based on the energies you possess natally.
Keep reading to learn more about Neptunian relationships in astrology!
How to Know if Your Relationship is Affected by Neptune?
You might be in a Neptunian relationship if:
- Neptune is strong in synastry
- Neptune conjunct, opposite, square one of the other person’s personal planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the first two and Venus in particular)
- Neptune on the other person’s angles (especially the AC-DC axis)
- Neptune is strong in the composite chart
Neptune becomes particularly important if its aspects are among the most exact in the synastry or composite chart.
If you have Neptune emphasized in your birth chart, especially in the context of relationships, you may experience Neptun-themed relationships more often.
Neptunian relationships can also come into your life if you move to an area that’s near your Neptune line, according to Astrocartography.
Neptunian Relationships – When There’s a Strong Neptune in Synastry or Composite
Neptune is the planet of beautiful promises, but whether they will materialize is a whole other topic. Sometimes the Neptunian ideal can only live in the realm of Neptunian fantasies, not in reality. Neptunian relationships can begin as love at first sight. There’s a tendency to put the other person on the pedestal, usually, it’s the Neptune person who does this with the other person. When meeting the other person, often, there’s an instant connection. It feels enchanting and magical to be together. It can feel like finally finding your ideal relationship (not necessarily romantic, it can be any type of relationship).
But in a Neptunian relationship, your perception of the other person is often not based on reality. Not necessarily outright lies, but rather a failure to perceive each other’s key characteristics accurately. It’s like seeing a coin standing on its edge and mistaking it for a line. From that perspective, you’re not wrong, but it’s still far from what a coin truly is.
With Neptune heavily involved in the energy pattern of a relationship, it can also happen that the charm that captures you is not sustainable in the long run. Often, the image you have of the other person is based on your fantasy and wishes, not on who they are. There’s a tendency to idealize the other person only to be bitterly disappointed when it turns out they are a human being, made of bone and flesh with their own insecurities and issues. It’s extremely common to misjudge each other. Misunderstandings and miscommunication are also likely at some point.
A tiny bit of Neptune’s energy can make the relationship more otherworldly and romantic, and that’s not a bad thing. However, if the negative side of Neptune comes to expression, the control slips out of your hand so insidiously that you only realize it much later, when the damage is already done.

In a Neptunian relationship, the other person often acts as a mirror. If you can use the relationship for bettering yourself, they show you the issues that hold you back from evolving into your best version. The connection can also have a healing effect, both by providing you with something you haven’t experienced before or through a healing journey afterward. Often, there’s a part of you that experiences unconditional acceptance by the other person.
However, the negative side of Neptune can take on darker tones. The worst-case scenario is being seriously deceived. In these types of relationships, there’s a tendency to idealize the other person and forgive them more than you would normally do, which can sometimes lead to serious misjudgments.
Neptunian relationships (in an isolated version that’s free from other planetary influences-this is not always the case) don’t hurt you the way a Plutonian relationship could, brutally and forcefully. They are more about getting your hopes up and then the result is disenchantment when things turn out to be something completely different. It can also happen that the Neptune person just disappears at some point. This planet is also associated with scams and deception, so it’s a really good idea to be careful, especially if any kind of material things are involved. In business transactions, you have to be extremely on the watch.
Can a Neptunian Relationship Work?
We live in a world of endless possibilities where everything is possible. If BOTH people are self-aware, honest with themselves, and communicate openly, it can. But it depends on the level of awareness of both people and it’s easy for things to go sideways.
The best way to deal with Neptunian relationships is to use merciless realism as your anchor. Be 100% honest with yourself and focus on reality as it is, not as you would like it to be. No rounding up. Try to stay in the present moment and don’t let your daydreams cloud your vision.
Neptune in Astrology
Neptune’s realm is the place where the magical things live. The positive side of Neptune consists of dreams, music, acting, creativity and imagination, spirituality, divine love, empathy, union with all beings around you. The negative side of this planet manifests in confusion, lack of focus, deception. It’s the planet of fata morgana and fog. The highest octave of Neptune is spiritual enlightenment and being a visionary. The low levels of Neptune are associated with scams, gullibility, manipulation.
Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces.
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