Even though it is not an existing celestial body, the north node is a crucial part of the horoscope. This point reveals what is your karmic task in this lifetime, popularly referred to as your life purpose. This is something many people struggle with, so it can be helpful to take a closer look at your north node in the birth chart.
In this article, you can learn about the north node in Aquarius. What are the most important life lessons you have to learn with this position?
The north node in Aquarius suggests that you have to learn to share and give. Equality will be a major focus in life. In the future, you can grow by understanding other people better and relating to them. You usually dislike the idea of being one in many and belonging to a community. You have a strong reluctance towards groups. The north node in Aquarius and south node in Leo is often accompanied by a sense of superiority that can block you in this lifetime from achieving your full potential because it isolates you from society.
People with this placement were often adored in the past, and they lived like a royalty. This can give them a false sense of security, what can easily become a trap in this lifetime. Now, they have to find out how they can contribute with their talents to their community instead of being put on a pedestal for them.
The lunar nodes are exciting to talk about, because they reveal the motivation of the soul to be born in this incarnation. They show what strengths and talents you gained in the past, and what will be the major focus in this lifetime. It is important to understand your lunar nodes, because in most cases, your life becomes more harmonious once you start to act out your north node more and master the lessons your soul wants to learn in this incarnation.
The north node in Aquarius is somewhat similar to the north node in eleventh house. This position automatically means that your south node is in Leo.
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in Aquarius in astrology!
Aquarius North Node Life Lessons
What are the key lessons your soul wants to learn in this lifetime?
With your natal Aquarius north node, focusing on the following areas helps you grow spiritually:
- make friends and be active in groups
- be open-minded and objective
- humanitarian work
- equality and seeing the human, regardless of their social status
- selflessness

North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo
You can understand your north node the best within the context of your south node. The south node is your past, and the north node is the (supposed) future.
People with the south node in Leo are used to being in the center of attention. They frequently received royal treatment and they were cherished for who they are. This sometimes includes high social status. They are used to standing out and admiration, what is often very important for their well-being. People who have the south node in Leo often have a royal appearance, and there is some air of luxury around them.
The karmic strengths of the south node in Leo include creativity, generosity, playfulness, warmth. These people often have a strong will, what helps them achieve their goals, but it can also make it hard for them to cooperate and make them stubborn.
Often we display the lower octave of the sign of the south node. When someone acts out the negative traits of Leo, they can be self-centered, snobbish and arrogant. There can be a tendency to look down on those who are different than you in some way. You find it hard to belong to and share with people who are strangers to you. In this lifetime with an Aquarius north node, you have to learn to acknowledge the human being in everyone, regardless of their background.
Your greatest happiness comes when you focus on the universal values. It usually takes a lot of time to work through the negative traits of your south node, and relationships can be often hard for you. You prefer to socialize only with people you consider adequate to be in your company. However, the north node in Aquarius suggests that your most fulfilling relationships are likely to involve people who are of a much different background. Maybe they are not attractive to you at first glance, but they can teach you important things both about life and yourself.
Leo and Aquarius are both about individuality, but in a different way. Leo wants to shine on the central stage, while Aquarius sees individuality and uniqueness as something that makes a community more colorful. With the north node in Aquarius, you have to transit from the first point of view to the second. This is not easy and it takes time, but your warmth and creativity can be a true gift to your communities once you learn to integrate the lunar nodes.
An Aquarius north node in the natal chart indicates that you need a lot of attention. You crave to be adored and praised, what often fuels your self-confidence. This is one of the biggest vulnerabilities of the north node in Aquarius. When feeling hurt or threatened, there is a strong pull to fall back on your south node in Leo. When this happens, you tend to take up a boastful, arrogant attitude. This can make it hard for you to make friends and connect with others.
Sometimes you display arrogant and bossy behavior. Authority issues can be frequent with the north node in Aquarius. You are used to it that people fulfill your wishes, but in the future, you can get what you want through collaboration, not giving orders. You can be a great leader once you learn to integrate both nodes.
The south node in Leo points to a huge ego. These people consider themselves very important, which they for sure are, but others are also important. There can be a tendency to be overly dominant in a relationship, what is often challenging for your partner. It often happens that you spend a period of your life alone, which is a valuable time for growth and self-improvement.
The north node in Aquarius indicates that you have to learn to share attention and accept that you can’t always win. Sometimes when you feel that you can’t win, they don’t even participate. It is important that this path can be lonely in the long run, and with the north node in Aquarius, the point is to share the fun with others.
North Node in Aquarius
In astrology, the Sun is associated with the heart and Aquarius with the brain. These two often mix and blend in you, and you sometimes follow your heart when you should follow your brain and vice versa. Still, the north node in Aquarius suggests that in this lifetime, you should lean on your brain. There is a tendency to take unnecessary risks.
With the north node in Aquarius and south node in Leo, you are often afraid to break the rules. You try to be very conventional, but with the north node in Aquarius, you need a lot of freedom to experiment with self-expression. You need a lot of space in your relationships when you grow older. In the first part of your life, you usually have many love affairs.
Depending on the condition of the Midheaven in the birth chart, people with this placement often have a unique path in life. At some point, they take the road less taken. But at the same time, it is important not to rebel for the sake of rebellion, the negative expression of Aquarius.
The north node in Aquarius suggests that you can learn a lot about yourself by connecting with others. You have to be open-minded and enjoy the differences between people. This can help you grow tremendously. If your Sun is weak or the chart as a whole indicates weak self-confidence, there can be a tendency to seek external validation. This can hurt the balance of your relationships.
An activity many people with the north node in Aquarius can benefit from is volunteering. Usually as you grow older, you become interested in helping others and contributing to your community. Humanitarian causes also appeal to you later in life. There is often a desire to make the world a better place once you integrate your north node in Aquarius.
For people with an Aquarius north node, it can be beneficial to study in astrology (which is ruled by Aquarius).
Besides the sign, the house of the north node is extremely important. The house reveals in which life area you can grow the most. Planets aspecting the north node also reveal important information about how the life lessons your soul wants to learn in this incarnation.
Read this: the north node in houses
The Moon’s Nodes in the Birth Chart
The Moon’s nodes, the north node and the south node are very important in astrology, no matter that they are fictional points, not celestial objects. They are also called Rahu (the north node) and Ketu (the south node).
These points are particularly important in karmic astrology. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you can also use the nodes as the past and future in this life.
The south node is the point of the past. The sign of the south node tells which quality in very familiar to you. You spent a lot of time in the energy of this sign, and it is something you have mastered. You still display it very strongly in the first part of your life. The house of the south node refers to the life area which was a major focus in the past, and you usually excel here. You can also think of the south node as your comfort zone. Needless to say, it is very comfortable, but you cannot grow here.
The area where you can learn and grow is represented by the north node. Its sign (in this case, the north node in Aquarius) tells which traits you have to develop in order to navigate life successfully and with ease. The house of the north node tells which life area can help you grow the most (for example, the north node in the seventh house suggests that interpersonal relationships help you learn important life lessons).
The fact that the north node is something new to you also means that it is challenging. For most people, the north node is usually a pain point in their first decades. It takes time to learn to work with your north node.
The lunar nodes are calculated as the intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic. Their orbital period is approximately 18,6 years, and they are always retrograde. The Moon’s nodes change signs approximately every 18 months. They are always directly opposite each other.
Besides in natal astrology, the Moon’s nodes are also important in synastry and in predictive astrology.
Aquarius in the Zodiac
Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the Zodiac. In the natural chart, it is connected with the eleventh house.
What are the most important traits of Aquarius in astrology?
As an air sign (along with Gemini and Libra), Aquarius is intellectual, detached, focused on connecting with others. It is often associated with brilliance, originality, unconventional ideas, social reforms, humanitarian ideals. Aquarius is just different. It is always the odd-one-out.
In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (discovered in 1781). Before the discovery of Uranus, it was ruled by Saturn, and traditional astrologers still consider Saturn the ruling planet of Aquarius.
Some of the things associated with Aquarius: science, electricity, computers, the internet, astrology, future, social justice, equality, freedom. This sign is innovative and progressive. It is the scientific curiosity and creativity that leads to new inventions and technological advancement.
Important placements in Aquarius indicate a unique, intelligent, independent person.
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