What does the north node in Pisces reveal about your karmic tasks and spiritual growth?
This placement of the nodal axis suggests a very grounded, realistic person. You are so focused on the physical realm that your relationship with the divine is missing. This is one of the most challenging positions. The main focus with a Pisces north node is the path towards enlightenment. You can experience rebirth if you are willing to give up your old patterns.
The north node in Pisces suggests that you have to illuminate your self-destructive tendencies and learn to accept yourself fully. This placement indicates that in this lifetime, you are more absorbed in studying the divine than in the physical reality. You are very analytical and want to find pattern in everything. However, there are some things that cannot be understood by the rational mind, and if you approach them only with the left hemisphere of your brain, you jeopardize not understanding them at all.
The north node in Pisces automatically means that you have your south node in Virgo. This position is somewhat similar to the north node in twelfth house.
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in Pisces in astrology!
Pisces North Node Life Lessons
What are the most important life lessons you have to learn with a natal Pisces north node?
By focusing on the following life areas, you can achieve tremendous spiritual growth:
- practice compassion and empathy (both towards yourself and others)
- embrace spirituality
- listen to your intuition
- healing through unconditional acceptance
- shift your focus from tangible reality to the domain of the soul

North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
To understand your north node in Pisces better, it is helpful to first reflect on the south node in Virgo.
This placement of the nodal axis often suggests that you were hard-working early on in life and had many responsibilities. Some people with this placement had to live up to expectations as children and they didn’t have the opportunity to explore their imagination and listen to fairy tales.
The south node in Virgo often points to a perfectionist, critical attitude. With this placement, you are rarely satisfied with yourself, and you always push yourself. You are a critic by nature. You usually lack compassion in the first part of your life: you feel that if you are not perfect, you are not worthy of love and acceptance.
The south node in Virgo is a perfect placement for workaholics. You feel that something is at odds if you are not busy for a moment. You have strong work ethics, but you sometimes overwork yourself and don’t stop even when you should take a break. You want to be productive and efficient all the time.
The north node in Pisces suggests that you need to tune into something else than the mundane everyday reality. You can actually get done more if you sometimes take a step back and recharge with this placement. There can be a tendency for health issues to appear when you disregard your boundaries. People with this placement often take good care of their physical body, but they don’t consume enough of what feeds their soul.
With a Virgo south node in your natal chart, you are strongly attached to the physical world. You know how to navigate this domain, and in this lifetime, you are supposed to discover the domain invisible to the eye. You value facts. You are highly analytical and prefer logical thinking. to imagination
The south node in Virgo suggests that you are used to order. You want structure and rhythm in your life. Actually, it is very hard for you to imagine thriving in a world of chaos and spontaneity. Your life is based on routines. There is a desire to act according to the rules, and you are sometimes afraid of getting lost if you spontaneously change the plan. Sometimes the north node in Pisces is accompanied by a fear of getting lost.
There is a strong opposition between the mystical realm of Pisces and the realistic, fact-based world of Virgo. While you have plenty of experience with the latter, in the future it is likely you can benefit more from the energy of Pisces.
The north node in Pisces suggests that in the past, you overlooked your intuition and listened to your rational side and applied logic. In some cases, this is perfectly fine, but there is more to life than logic. This placement suggests that you will likely encounter people and events who will open your eyes to this.
The north node here indicates that you have to strengthen your intuition. In this lifetime, you often become more successful if you trust your gut feelings. Your intuition and subconscious can become a powerful ally if you let it. With a north node in Pisces, unlocking the wisdom in your subconscious is one of the key life lessons. Your soul wants you to learn to trust yourself.
The north node in Pisces indicates that you can benefit from psychotherapy, learning about psychology and spirituality, meditation, art, listening to music, developing your imagination. These activities can help you maintain a better relationship with yourself.
If you live the lower octave of the north node in Pisces, you can be self-destructive and get stuck in patterns that hurt you. While getting ‘lost’ sometimes is beneficial, your break is not supposed to last forever. With the north node in Pisces, you can also struggle with setting healthy boundaries and directly expressing your needs.
North Node in Pisces
With the north node in Pisces, you are often overly critical of yourself and of others. The south node in Virgo indicates that you want to do stellar job every time. You also expect the same from others, and you often get upset if they fail to live up to your standards.
The north node in Pisces indicates that your soul wants to tap into the endless sea of unconditional love. You have to forgive yourself and forgive others.
Spiritual work often becomes a major focus. The Virgo south node suggests that in the past, you were strongly rooted in reality and took everything at face value. You have developed strong patterns. These may serve you or they may not. In fact, many people with this placement feel stifled and restricted by them.
The Pisces north node suggests that you have to dissolve everything that doesn’t serve you anymore in the ocean of the unconscious. Replace the finite with the infinite and learn that there is more than what meets the eye. You can tap into the wisdom of the unconscious and heal yourself. You can also contribute to healing the world through healing yourself.
The house where the Pisces north node is located is also important. For example, the north node in Pisces in 5th house manifests in a completely different way than a north node in Pisces in 10th house. In the first case, the person can utilize their creativity and imagination in the life areas of creativity and fun, while with the Pisces north node in 10th house, they need to let go of their inner critic and they can be known out there as someone with great vision and understanding.
Planets forming aspects to the nodal axis are also to essential to analyze.
Read this: The North Node in Houses
The North Node in Astrology
What is the north node in astrology and why is it so important?
There are two lunar nodes in astrology, the north node and the south node, the intersection between the ecliptic and the Moon’s orbit. The nodes are fictional points, not celestial bodies, but they are an extremely important in astrology.
The Moon’s nodes have to do with the spiritual journey of the soul, its past and future, the lessons it has learned and it is yet to learn. These points are especially important in karmic astrology (if reincarnation is something you don’t believe in, you can also treat the nodes as your past and future in this lifetime).
Let’s start with the north node. The north node reveals so much about your soul and its journey towards growth! This node represents the traits you want to develop in this lifetime. It shows where you can grow the most. However, this process is not easy at all. In the birth chart, the position of the north node often suggests challenges and struggles in the first part of your life (it usually gets better after the age of 30).
The south node, on the other hand, represents your past. If you believe in reincarnation, you can interpret the south node as your previous lives, but also your personal past in this life. The south node shows your karmic strengths. You usually excel at the things your south node represents, as you have a lot of experience with it. You are very comfortable here, but this doesn’t help you grow. This is why in this lifetime, you are supposed to focus on your north node (even though there is a strong pull to fall back on the south node).
The lunar nodes spend in each sign approximately 18 months. Their orbital period is 18,6 years. They are directly opposite each other and they are always retrograde.
In the birth chart, you can learn a lot about your karmic tasks by understanding your north node and south node. The lunar nodes’ house and sign are both very important (the house is more personal, but the sign is also telling). Make sure to take into consideration any aspects from the rest of the chart. Planets conjunct or squaring the nodes are significant.
Pisces in the Zodiac
As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is in many ways special. It belongs to a different realm above our everyday physical existence. There is a strong duality in Pisces that is not easy to deal with. Its symbol in astrology represents to fish who are bound together but swim in the opposite direction.
In the natural chart, Pisces is connected with the twelfth house (it is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac). Its ruling planet is Neptune. Previously Pisces was ruled by Jupiter, and in traditional astrology, Jupiter is still the planetary ruler of Pisces.
Pisces is associated with sensitivity, intuition, dreams, sleeping, imagination, fantasy, creativity, divine inspiration, spirituality, unconditional love. The negative side of Pisces includes getting lost, escapism, addictions, illusion, maladaptive daydreaming.
Pisces is also connected with the sea, fish, maritime matters, liquids, petrol, drugs, alcohol.
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