If you have your natal Part of Fortune in Aquarius, you have come to the right place. This article is a guide to finding your path towards prosperity, success, abundance with this placement. The Part of Fortune is your pot of gold in your natal chart, and the sign where it is placed tells how you can find it.
Aquarius is a sign that is just different. With your Part of Fortune here, it is something unconventional that makes you successful and fulfilled. You often leave the traditional path. Aquarius is all about discovering the new and unconventional, and with your Part of Fortune in Aquarius, you often find that this attracts good fortune to you.
The Part of Fortune does not correspond to any celestial body. It is a mathematical point which is based on degree of the ascendant, the Sun, and the Moon. These three are key to understanding your natal chart. The Part of Fortune is a special point where these three energies blend together. The sign and degree where your Part of Fortune is placed is a very sensitive point in your birth chart. It tells how you can create abundance in your life and what approach works for you the best.
Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in Aquarius in astrology!

Part of Fortune in Aquarius
The Part of Fortune in Aquarius is a fascinating placement in the natal chart. You are in tune with the trends and you are often very intelligent. You have a unique way of seeing things. This placement suggests an out of the box thinker.
With the Part of Fortune in Aquarius, you often find that your approach to problem solving works better for you than blindly taking over the solutions of others. You need to discover new ways of doing things. People with this placement are often drawn to everything new and unique.
The Part of Fortune in Aquarius suggests that your greatest joy comes from acquiring knowledge and helping others with it. You are receptive to the divine spark an brilliant ideas with the Part of Fortune here. Often, you see things from a different perspective and offer a unique solution.
A natal Part of Fortune in Aquarius can indicate that like-minded people will be of help on your journey. Your groups and network can set you up for success with this placement. You also find joy in helping others. People with this placement sometimes enjoy volunteering or working for their community in some other way. The more you give the more you get.
The Part of Fortune in Aquarius can suggest a talent for all things technical. This can be a great placement for working with computers, engineering (especially electrical), science, but it is also wonderful for studying astrology. Some people with their Part of Fortune in Aquarius find their luck in a new and less known field.
To learn more about your Part of Fortune in Aquarius, you have to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. The sign where the Part of Fortune is placed tells how you can activate this easy flow of energy. In which life are you can find is described by the house where it is located in your natal chart.
If you want to learn about this topic, read this: the Part of Fortune in houses
Besides the house and the sign, planets forming an aspect to your Part of Fortune also add details to the picture (the conjunction is the most powerful aspect―the energy of the planets and points completely merge). These planets can reveal valuable information about how you can get to this point of harmony.
Natal planets are important, however, transiting planets or progressed planets can also be significant. When they are touching your Part of Fortune in Aquarius, there is an increased probability of important events happening. As you can see, it is inevitable to read everything in context!
The Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart
The Part of Fortune is one of the Arabic parts, the most popular and most often used. Arabic parts are a very old astrological technique, and they are calculated based on the position of various features of the natal chart.
To calculate your Part of Fortune, you have to know your ascendant and the position of your Sun and Moon in your natal chart. This also means that it is necessary to know your exact birth time (the ascendant changes approximately every four minutes one degree). Arabic parts are time-dependent.
The Part of Fortune is calculated as the ascendant + Moon – Sun in a day char, and as the ascendant + Sun – Moon in a night chart. (How to know if your chart is a day chart or a night chart? In a day chart, the Sun is above the horizon, in houses 7-12, while in a night chart, it is below the horizon, in houses 1-6.)
If you have been wondering how to get lucky, you have to look to your Part of Fortune. It is somewhat similar to Jupiter, but it is an internal influence, it attracts luck by radiating with joy and well-being, while Jupiter is out of your control. The luck of Jupiter is something that just happens, the luck of the Part of Fortune is raising your vibration and receiving blessings as an answer to your own joy.
The Part of Fortune is associated with worldly success, well-being in every sense of the word (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, material), happiness, a sense of purpose, joy, abundance, prosperity.
Aquarius in Astrology
Aquarius is the sign of originality, brilliance, innovations, social justice, freedom, equality. This sign is in many ways unique. It is the rebel of the Zodiac, all the time looking for new ideas and new ways to do something. Aquarius is everything but conventional.
The planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, but before the discovery of Uranus, it was ruled by Saturn. Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign, connected with the eleventh house in the natural chart.
If you have several planets or other important placements in this sign, chances are you have a strong desire for freedom and you want to carve out a unique lifestyle. In some way, you are different than most people around you. Your unique point of view can be a great addition to your community, just make sure you don’t break the rules for the sake of breaking the rules.
In astrology, Aquarius is the sign of technology, science, the internet, computers, but also the sign of creativity and intelligence. Aquarius is all about sharing the knowledge with those thirsty of it. It governs social ideals and humanitarian efforts too―freedom and equality are what Aquarius wants the most.
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